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Early Sunday Morning The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows

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1 Early Sunday Morning The Pearl Harbor Diary of Amber Billows
Presentation By. Sarah, Jayme, Keeley Author: Amber Billows

2 Place and Time The main settings are in Oahu, Hawaii and Washington DC. The time was in the from the month of October to the month of December (Christmas Day). The season was mostly fall and some of winter.

3 Amber Billows Amber has curly, shoulder length and pushed back brown hair. She also has green eyes that shine. Her face is a type of pale color. She has a button like nose. She is helpful to others, brave, kind to others, sometimes scared, giving, curious, serious, caring and successful.

4 Historical Events No one knew why Japan was bombing them.
Many people were hurt and killed that day. Japan had bombed Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) out of no where. Out of nowhere everyone heard big noises and saw balls of fire flying. This event lasted a couple days long. Due Monday

5 Cause and Effect Japan bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7th.
Hawaii and Japan did not sign anything to have peace. Many were killed or injured badly. Some had survived like Amber Billows and her family. The Japanese decided to bomb Hawaii because they had no peace contract and had some rights to bomb them.

6 Sarah’s Emotional Response
I think it was my level of book .It was really interesting book. I felt it was really detailed it explained the words really well.It was sad in some parts. When a mans feet were in the air it made me feel sad for him. I think it was scary too when the planes were flying over bombing and there was body parts all over the beach. I liked it most of the way but some parts were confusing so I felt like it was not the easiest book that I have ever read before but I still kind of liked it. Now I am really glade that didn't happen to me. I now that they went threw a hard time.There was a lot of people in the hospital and amber billows helped her mom with all of the people. They came home every day with blood on them. That made me fell bade for the people.

7 Keeley’s Emotional Response
When the people were bombing Pearl Harbor it made me feel sad because their body parts were all over and that must have been painful. When her mom was in the nurses office people came in every minute and she was getting blood all over her coat that she had to wear. The book was also interesting because it had a lot of facts on Pearl Harbor in it. It also has pictures and they were interesting.

8 Jayme’s Emotional Response
I think that this story of Pearl Harbor was happy, sad and interesting in different parts. The happy part(s) was when Amber Billows figured out that everyone in her family was okay and was not injured in any way. The sad part(s) was when Amber was helping her mom in hospital and all of her family in their mom and dads room when all they could hear at night is explosions and the Japanese Planes flying. the shelter area with all of the injured and dying people. At that point I was feeling really bad for those people. The interesting part(s) was when amber and her brother Andy were hiding under the tipped over coach and where covered with blankets and pillows. I was really proud of Amber because she was really brave when she was home with only her brother when the Japanese were bombing them and all the could hear was big noises and Japanese Planes flying. Now I feel lucky that I didn’t have to live through that time and go through all that Amber Billows went through on those days with her brother Andy at home, her mom at the hospital and her whole family in her mom and dads room at night when all that you could hear is the big noises of explosions and the Japanese Planes flying over their heads. They had gone through a lot and some sacrifices that some people would not have gone through. Like when she left the house with her mom to go to the hospital and help the people who are injured. That is how I feel about the book.

9 Ending Credits Front Page Picture from
Setting Page Picture from Historical events Page Picture of tank and planes from Cause And effect Page Picture of Uss Arizona from Facts from Early Sunday Morning: A Pearl Harbor diary of Amber Billows Sarah’s Page Picture of a bomb from Jayme’s Page Picture of Planes from Keeley’s Page Picture of Plane from

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