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Amber Boehnlein, FNAL DO Computing Model Amber Boehnlein.

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1 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL DO Computing Model Amber Boehnlein

2 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL A different talk  The talk I’m about to give, I would will be short because I hope it will spur discussion. I wish, in fact that I could have been at Latech, to see the azaleas blooming and to have long discussions about these topics at leisure.

3 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL Recent SAM progress  JIM in use by Joel for production level requests  Functionality includes merging  'infrastructure efficiency' is nearly 100%. Fabulous progress towards milestone Thanks Joel very much for his cooperation and help!  SAM is in the process of testing the new dbserver with other servers upgraded to be compatible with it, and has successfully run projects in development.  The one-step SAM installation procedure which was developed with CDF effort and has been working for some time at CDF was debugged for a D0 installation last week by Adam Lyon and Art Kreymer. It is very close to being ready for general use, and we recommend that anyone installing or considering a station install wait till we have this declared ready for use, which should be just a couple of weeks.  SAMGrid will spend the week of April 12 - 16 on documentation issues. Working groups will tackle user documentation, station admin documentation, and shifter documentation as well as other areas.

4 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL DO Computing Model  After many years of the work, the D0 computing model is substantially complete.  The model is the most complete and successful model currently existing  What does “successful imply”?  Operationally stable with no known scaling issues  Development coming to an end—features are either present or have been cut  Sufficient hooks are present to monitor and control resource consumption.  Operational model in place (SAM shifters)  What does “successful” not imply  Infinite resources. A successful model makes best use of the resources it has  Infinite development. Sometimes it’s time to cut bait.  Infinite involvement. The Computing Division is moving on, and more will fall to the experiment

5 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL What’s Next  Substantially done is not done  Tuning use of SAM-cache and replacing D0mino  Database and database server issues  Last major effort will be to get reprocessing effort using final tools  Runjob development (with CMS and CDF)  D0tools retooling  Introduction of JIM component of SAM in general use for “projection activities.  Major problems remain on the application side  Proposed cardfile database to at least track the GIGO problem with simulation  There is no long term analysis mode  Experiment proposed “production activities without understanding what production means  Most of these could be soldiered on with indefinitely, at the cost of poorly using hardware resources. That’s a shame, but the horse can only be lead to water  Of course, the experiment would be nuts to move away from a successful model—but that might not stop them.

6 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL What’s next  Grid workshop in London  Reprocessing issues are the focus  Other more general grid issues as well—but these are agendas in which DO is a pawn and a bargining chip.  What changes occur within D0 are going to depend as much on how much accommodation D0 has to make to maintain expert leave support as on what D0 “needs”.  D0 really, really needs stability and work on algorithm development

7 Amber Boehnlein, FNAL Question to DOSAR  What is the balance between D0 and SAR??  It’s very tempting for many groups to want a slice of the grid pie— but the “snake oil” days are over.  Establishing credentials means working with existing groups.  Homegrown might still fly on D0, but not in the grid community. As products transition to “real”, there is an increased value assigned to cost/benefit and operational models and stabilities.  D0SAR is major contributor to D0  UTA is major contributor of MC—and don’t underestimate the importance of that. It might not be “sexy”, but it puts dinner on the table.  D0SAR is contributing people to general efforts—Joel, D0 shifters.  D0SAR could contribute in other ways to D0  Take on a task that furthers the analysis model/model –Edmroot or other format issues –Code distribution –Contribution to runjob –Contribution to simulation cardfile database Such projects could give D0SAR analysis and computing credentials of LHC

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