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STIMULATE Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries:an Active Training Environment BIBLIOGRAPHIC EXCHANGE FORMATS.

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1 STIMULATE Scientific and Technological Information Management in Universities and Libraries:an Active Training Environment BIBLIOGRAPHIC EXCHANGE FORMATS Alan Hopkinson Middlesex University UK

2 BIBLIOGRAPHIC EXCHANGE FORMATS Alan Hopkinson Middlesex University UK

3 Introduction n MARC [UNIMARC, MARC21], CCF n Do we still need MARC? u Introduction to MARC u MARC: advantages and disadvantages u Competition?

4 Exchange or Communication Formats n Format: a carrier for data between two systems e.g. two library automation systems webserver and personal computer n Format is the set of rules governing the data structure and content?

5 Exchange and Communication Formats n Format governs structure and content n use ISO 2709: format for bibliographic information interchange on magnetic tape n use 3-digit tags for content, described in appropriate MARC, UNIMARC or CCF manual

6 MARC n MARC, UNIMARC and CCF formats which have the common record structure based on the ISO 2709 format u 3-digit tags u subfields $a, $b, $4 u indicators of 2 characters

7 MARC n Developed 1967 (joint British Library Library of Congress project) n LC MARC (1967) n UK MARC (1968) n Various national formats

8 MARC : record structure n Record structure for exchanging bibliographic records on magnetic tape n Today we use disk but retain much of the record structure

9 UNIMARC n Need for international ‘switching’ format n UNIMARC, produced by IFLA, 1977 u 2nd ed., 1980, UNIMARC handbook, 1983, UNIMARC manual,

10 UNIMARC: users n Used by national libraries for international exchange n Used by certain countries for excahneg between national library and others

11 CCF n International Symposium on Bibliographic Exchange Formats, Taormina, 1978 n UNIMARC, secondary service’s formats, ISO n UNESCO Ad hoc Group on a Common Communication Format

12 CCF n CCF published in 1984 n CCF (Factual) in 1992 n CCF (Bibliographic) in 1992 n CCF/F Implementation Notes 1994 n CCF/B Implementation Notes 1994

13 CCF: users n Used by S&T sector n Used commonly in India n Used by UN agencies

14 MARC Harmoni{s|z}ation n In music ‘harmony’= ‘a simultaneous and successive combination of accordant sounds’, i.e. ‘to bring into agreement’ NOT ‘to make uniform’ n “MARC harmonisation has raised many complex issues convcerning the requirements of user groups” R.W. Hill, Setting the record straight

15 MARC21 n Formerly called US MARC n Marketed as international n Universality of UNIMARC not satisfactory n National Library of Canada adopted n British Library to abandon UK MARC

16 MARC 21advantages n Uses the ISO 2709 record structure: systems designers have a fixed structure to deal with n Huge number of records available n Format not proprietary n Allows variable length and repeatable fields and subfields

17 MARC record 007680000000001930004500008003900000019001500039019001300 054090000800067245017400075260003600249300003000285500007 600315650002500391650002700416650002400443700003000467700 002700497949005000524880831s1974 ur a jW 0000 f eng00^a505001173610^a8818005900 ^nTAL30^aTales of the Amber Sea^bfairy tales of the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania ^ecompiled and retold in English by Irina Zheleznova^e illustrated by Anatoly Bilyukin00^aMoscowbRaduga Publishers c197400 ^a259 p.bcol. ill.c22 cm.00^aEnglish language ed. originally published by Progress Publishers, 1974.00^aFairy taleszEstonia00^aFairy talesz Lithuania00^aFairy taleszLatvia11^aZheleznovahIrina L'vovna11 ^aBilyukinhAnatolyyill ^b71964487cFOLKlIHmORD p0s398.209474 TALzi 007680000000001930004500008003900000019001500039019001300 054090000800067245017400075260003600249300003000285500007 600315650002500391650002700416650002400443700003000467700 002700497949005000524880831s1974 ur a jW 0000 f eng00^a505001173610^a8818005900 ^nTAL30^aTales of the Amber Sea^bfairy tales of the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania ^ecompiled and retold in English by Irina Zheleznova^e illustrated by Anatoly Bilyukin00^aMoscowbRaduga Publishers c197400 ^a259 p.bcol. ill.c22 cm.00^aEnglish language ed. originally published by Progress Publishers, 1974.00^aFairy taleszEstonia00^aFairy talesz Lithuania00^aFairy taleszLatvia11^aZheleznovahIrina L'vovna11 ^aBilyukinhAnatolyyill ^b71964487cFOLKlIHmORD p0s398.209474 TALzi

18 MARC disadvantages n Record structure is difficult for a human to ‘read’ n Record structure is difficult to program n requires difficult control characters n Large files (say over 20 Mb) are difficult to manipulate n MARC does not facilitate links

19 MARC - is it a standard? n Record structure only is an ISO standard n National libraries diverged in MARC format u UK MARC 513 Summary note u US MARC 520 Summary etc. u UK MARC $aShakespeare$hWilliam u US MARC $aShakespeare, William u UNIMARC $aShakespeare$bWilliam u UNIMARC $aShakespeare,$bWilliam

20 MARC21: users n US and Canadian Libraries n Australia, Spain, etc n Users of library systems which support no other format

21 Competition for MARC n HTML n XML n ONIX n Dublin Core (equivalent to Cataloguing Rules)

22 HTML example <html><body> Title Tales of the Amber Sea, fairy tales of the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, compiled and retold in English by Irina Zheleznova, illustrated by Anatoly Bilyukin Title Tales of the Amber Sea, fairy tales of the peoples of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, compiled and retold in English by Irina Zheleznova, illustrated by Anatoly Bilyukin Imprint/Date Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1974 Imprint/Date Moscow : Raduga Publishers, 1974 Extent 259 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm. Extent 259 p. : col. ill. ; 22 cm.

23 Control No. 5050011736; 88180059 Control No. 5050011736; 88180059 Notes English language ed. originally published by Progress Publishers, 1974. Notes English language ed. originally published by Progress Publishers, 1974. Subjects Fairy tales. Estonia; Fairy tales. Lithuania; Fairy tales. Latvia Subjects Fairy tales. Estonia; Fairy tales. Lithuania; Fairy tales. Latvia Other authors Zheleznova, Irina L'vovna; Bilyukin, Anatoly. ill Other authors Zheleznova, Irina L'vovna; Bilyukin, Anatoly. ill Class no. TAL Class no. TAL

24 Copies Ivy House, Shelved at: 398.209474 TAL (Folktales Collection) Copies Ivy House, Shelved at: 398.209474 TAL (Folktales Collection) </table></body></html>

25 XML: ONIX B2B Soluciones Horacio Gonzalez (5411) 4590-2394 EDItEUR David Martin +44 (0)20 8843 8607 1 200007311330 Ernesto Sábato Sábato, Ernesto 149 25 863A Narrativa argentina 01 Seix Barral Planeta AR 200005 2000

26 Dublin Core n Dublin Core is an identification for machine-readable data u The title page u The index u The CIP (Cataloguing in Publication)

27 Not the Dublin Core n Dublin Core is NOT The bibliographic record: hence it is not easy to convert it to MARC21, UNIMARC or CCF any more than a title page in a book can be converted without intellectual effort into a standard format

28 Conclusion n Bibliographic exchange formats have led to some fossilisation of bibliographic systems or a stable environment

29 Conclusion n Exchange formats: *promote building of catalogues *serve a different purpose from the more recently-developed kinds of metadata

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