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This gives hospital staff important information about YOU Please take it with you if you have to go into hospital Ask the hospital staff to keep it with.

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Presentation on theme: "This gives hospital staff important information about YOU Please take it with you if you have to go into hospital Ask the hospital staff to keep it with."— Presentation transcript:

1 This gives hospital staff important information about YOU Please take it with you if you have to go into hospital Ask the hospital staff to keep it with your nursing notes Make sure that all the nurses who look after you read it ALL NURSES and MEDICAL STAFF MUST READ The Policy on Supporting People with Learning Disabilities in Lancashire Teaching Hospital Settings HOSPITAL INFORMATION for people with learning disabilities Date completed: ………………………………. Completed by: …………………………….……………………….. Relationship/Designation: ……………………………………….. RED AMBER GREEN

2 RED ALERT - Things you must know about me My name:…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Telephone number:…………………………………………. Date of Birth:……………………….. NHS number:…….…………………… My religion:…………………………………………………………………… Name of Doctor: Dr……………………………… Practice:…………………………….. Contact number:…………………………………………… If you need to contact someone who knows me really well please contact: Name: …………………………………………….. Relationship: ………………………………… Contact Number: ……………………………………………… Heart (heart problems): Breathing (respiratory problems): Choking: Allergies: Current Medication: Brief Medical History: Level of communication/ comprehension: Medical Interventions – how to take my blood, give injections, medication, BP etc.

3 Pain How you know I am in pain AMBER - Things that are really important to me Communication/Information Sharing How to communicate with me, how to help me understand things Seeing/Hearing How to communicate with me, how to help me understand things Eating (swallowing) Food cut up, choking, help with feeding Level of Support Who needs to stay and how often Drinking (swallowing) Small amounts, choking Moving around Posture in bed Walking aids Going to the Toilet Continence aids, help to get to the toilet Taking Medication Crushed tablets, injections, syrup Sleeping sleep pattern/routine Keeping safe Bed rails, sitting, controlling behaviour, absconding Personal care Dressing, washing, dentures, glasses, hearing aid etc. Not feeling myself If I am bored, upset, worried, lonely or need some attention

4 GREEN - Things I would like to happen Likes and Dislikes THINGS I LIKE Please do this: THINGS I DO NOT LIKE Don’t do this: Think about - what upsets you, what makes you happy, things you like to do; i.e. watch TV, reading, listening to music. How you want people to talk to you (don’t shout). Food likes and dislikes. Physical touch, restraint, special needs, routines and things that keep you safe Developed by Preston Primary Care NHS Trust, adapted from the original produced by Gloucestershire Partnerships NHS Trust

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