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Anglo Saxon Social Organization By: Amber Simons and Nick Carr Boswell 2 September, 2009.

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1 Anglo Saxon Social Organization By: Amber Simons and Nick Carr Boswell 2 September, 2009

2 Overview Community in England Rural Basic unit of land was the hide- enough land to support one family All classes of society lived on the land

3 Royal-King and Princes, had special privileges and responsibilities including military services and command in the field. Hereditary

4 Eoldermen (Alderman)- Ruling nobility. King’s “viceroy,” responsible for administration and justice, and leading the forces to the fields. Not hereditary.

5 Degn (thane)- Formed the backbone of the Anglo-Saxon Army. Had to answer to the king, or they could lose their life or land. Would accompany the king everywhere. Made 1200 shillings

6 Ceorls (freemen)- Farmers and independent landed householders who formed the mainstay of the Saxon kingdom. Free in the eyes of the community. Allowed to bear arms. Made 200 shillings.

7 Three main classes: geneateas, paid rent to their overlord, kotsetla, paid no rent but had to perform duties for their overlord, and the gebur, totally dependant on their lord.

8 Deow- Slaves or bondsmen, had many rights, allowed to own property and could earn money on their spare time, could buy their own freedom

9 Works Cited

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