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Etc Objective:There is effective monitoring, evaluating, reviewing and supporting classroom practice resulting in improvement. Action stepsTimelines and.

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Presentation on theme: "Etc Objective:There is effective monitoring, evaluating, reviewing and supporting classroom practice resulting in improvement. Action stepsTimelines and."— Presentation transcript:

1 etc Objective:There is effective monitoring, evaluating, reviewing and supporting classroom practice resulting in improvement. Action stepsTimelines and QAEvidence of impact Standards Teaching: 80% of teaching is good and 40% outstanding. Monitoring & Evaluation Correlate the data from Appraisal observations and day to day experiences of students and determine the causes of any variation. Eradicate the gap between judgements made on Appraisal visits and drop in’s. Lead a cultural change in relation to classroom observation. Promote and secure a widespread belief amongst staff that it is supportive and developmental whilst being essential to raising standards. Remove the fear of failure whilst strengthening accountability for quality of teaching. Ist Term By June 2013 Initiate with position paper published by October 2012 February 2013 Classroom observation records from Appraisal and from drop in’s. Changes in Appraisal practice by Appraisers. Change in Appraisal policy to accommodate drop in Appraisal evidence. Position paper on Classroom Observation. Feedback from Teachers and reports from reviewers on the delivery of classroom observation to the new specifications. Report from VP on effectiveness of Appraisal Classroom Observations. Demonstrates the principles and practice of outstanding teaching and learning and improving standards in teaching and learning. Ensures a culture and ethos of challenge and support where all students can achieve success and become engaged in their own learning. RED No evidence as at 1/10/12 AMBER Some evidence at 5.11.12 AMBER Insufficient evidence at 31.1.13 RED No evidence as at 1/10/12 further communication and modelling needed RED No evidence as at 1/11/12 RED No evidence as at 10/01/13

2 etc Objective: All pupils will achieve their agreed individual targets this year. Action steps Timelines and QAEvidence of impact Mid year Monitoring & Evaluation Standards Student Learning: Level 4 at Year 6: English greater than 85%, Maths 85% & Science 85% English Eliminate underperformance. Review systems for assessing progress and achievement. Undertake regular analysis by instituting an accountability process. Implement and review systems that place writing at the heart of effective teaching across the curriculum. Promote reactive interventions when barriers are identified or insufficient progress being made. Secure student competence and confidence in key areas of numerical fluency. Ensure adequate challenge is sustained to achieve Maths targets. By January 2013 By November 2012 By October 2012 October 2012 First Assessment half term, thereafter half termly January 2013 Ongoing KS2 results Report of review Protocols and reports Review report Reports to Board, YLPA and DFE Strategy document Assessment Data Data analysis of 5 checkpoints of data collection Assessment data Tracker Demonstrating and articulating high expectations and setting stretching targets for the whole school community. Collects and uses data to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the school. AMBER insufficient evidence 15.10.12 GREEN Clear evidence at 30.1.13 AMBER insufficient evidence at 1/1/12 further monitoring and pupil feedback agreed AMBER insufficient evidence 30.1.13 Leadership

3 etc Objective:There is a clear direction for the School, staff, students and community that lead to continuous improvement and promote a high quality of integrated care and education. Action steps Timelines and QAEvidence of impact Mid year Monitoring & Evaluation Standards Leadership: Providing effective organisation and management of the School and improving organisational structures and functions based on rigorous self-evaluation. Design, develop and deliver a staffing structure that meets the needs of the priorities of the School Improvement Plan, that is cost effective and that secures continuously improved outcomes for all students. Design by October 2012 Consult by November 2012 Implement by March 2013 Report to GB meetings Approval by GB New Structure in operation Providing effective leadership of the School and ensuring continuous improvement of the organisational structure and functions. AMBER insufficient evidence 15.10.12 GREEN Revised structure completed and consulted upon at 30.1.13 Leadership

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