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Chemistry Packages at CHPC

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1 Chemistry Packages at CHPC
Anita M. Orendt Center for High Performance Computing Fall 2012

2 Purpose of Presentation
Identify the computational chemistry software and related tools currently available at CHPC Present brief overview of these packages Present how to access packages on CHPC Next presentation – Gaussian09 & GaussView 18 October 2012

3 Brief Overview CHPC Resources
Computational Clusters – sanddunearch, updraft and ember Home directory – NFS mounted on all clusters /uufs/<uNID> generally not backed up (there are exceptions) Scratch systems /scratch/serial – all clusters – 15 TB NFS /scratch/general – updraft only – 3.5TB NFS /scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen – updraft and ember – 55TB /scratch/local on compute nodes (60GB sda, 200GB updraft, 400GB ember) Applications /uufs/arches/sys/pkg /uufs/ /uufs/cluster.arches/sys/pkg where cluster = sanddunearch, updraft or ember

4 256 nodes/2048 cores Infiniband and GigE 85 nodes general usage
4/15/2017 Sanddunearch 156 nodes/624 cores Infiniband and GigE Updraft 256 nodes/2048 cores Infiniband and GigE 85 nodes general usage Owner nodes Switch Ember about 382 nodes/4584 cores Infiniband and GigE 67 nodes general usage Turret Arch Telluride 12 GPU nodes (6 CHPC) Meteorology /scratch/ibrix/chpc_gen ember, updraft IBRIX Administrative Nodes scratch systems serial – all clusters general – updraft NFS NFS Home Directories 4

5 Getting Started at CHPC
Account application – an online process Username is your unid with password administrated by campus Interactive nodes two CHPC owned nodes per cluster ( with round-robin access to divide load CHPC environment scripts – in account when created Getting started guide Problem reporting system or to

6 Interactive Node Usage
Interactive nodes for prepping/testing of input files, analyzing results, compilations, debugging, data transfer, etc no running of jobs 15 min MAX cpu no jobs of any time length that negatively impact ability of other users to get work done (e.g., heavy cpu, memory usage and/or i/o)

7 Batch System All use of compute nodes go through a batch system using Torque (PBS) and Maui (Moab) for scheduling #PBS -S /bin/csh #PBS – A account #PBS –l walltime=24:00:00,nodes=2:ppn=8 qsub –I to get interactive use of a compute node (-X if X11 forwarding needed) Walltime limits 72 hours on sanddunearch 24 hours on updraft 72 hours on ember (long qos by request)

8 Allocation Procedure Allocation process now within jira
Allocations on a calendar quarter basis Next requests due about Dec 1 for Jan-Mar 2013 Can request for up to 4 quarters at a time Allocations for different clusters are kept separate Sanddunearch is no longer being allocated – all freecycle One allocation per research group; accessible by all members of group

9 Out of Allocation Options
If your group did not request any allocation – can get a quick allocation (limited to 5000 units) on one of the clusters Can run in freecycle mode on sanddunearch; once job starts it will run until done or walltime requested is reached Can run on smithp-guest on smithp nodes ember or freecycle on CHPC nodes on either ember or updraft (jobs are preemptable)

10 Security Policies (1) No clear text passwords - use ssh and scp
Do not share your account under any circumstances Don’t leave your terminal unattended while logged into your account Do not introduce classified or sensitive work onto CHPC systems Use a good password and protect it – see for tips on good passwords

11 Security Policies (2) Do not try to break passwords, tamper with files, look into anyone else’s directory, etc. – your privileges do not extend beyond your own directory Do not distribute or copy privileged data or software Report suspicions to CHPC Please see for more details

12 Access to Interactive Nodes
From Windows machine: Need ssh client PuTTY: Xshell 4: For Xwindowing – need tool to display graphical interfaces such as Gaussview, ECCE, AutoDockTools Xming (use Mesa version) -

13 Default login scripts CHPC maintains default login scripts that will set up necessary environment for batch commands and many of the programs to work Located in your home directory as .tcshrc or .bashrc Can comment out setups for packages not used Default ones provided have chemistry package setups commented out – need to remove # at start of line Can customize by creating .aliases file that is sourced at end of the CHPC script – do not customize .tcshrc/.bashrc file as you will need to occasionally get a new version

14 Location of Installations
Have a three layer system for installations: /uufs/ Accessible on all clusters and CHPC supported linux desktops /uufs/arches/sys/pkg Accessible on all clusters, but not desktops /uufs/cluster.arches/sys/pkg Single cluster access For builds of packages customized to some feature (usually for the MPI) of the given cluster 10/21/ Slide 13

15 Software - General Information
Available on CHPC web pages/wiki Can get to from → Software documentation → More (for complete list) Available for most packages Has information on licensing restrictions, example batch scripts, where to get more information on a specific package Also has useful information on running of jobs (scaling, issues, etc) for some applications

16 Types of Chemistry Packages
Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics Electronic Structure Calculations Plane Wave Pseudopotential based packages – allows for periodic boundary conditions Support Packages Integrated Modeling Platforms

17 Molecular Mechanics/Dynamics
Amber Gromacs NAMD LAMMPS Charmm (licensed by research group) Note – Gaussian and NWChem also have MM capabilities

18 Quantum (Mainly) Packages
Gaussian03/09 NWChem GAMESS Molpro – serial only Dalton – serial only Orca Psi SIESTA – licensed by individual research group but can add others to license at no charge CFOUR

19 Plane Wave Pseudopotential (good for periodic systems)
Quantum Espresso CPMD VASP – licensed by group BigDFT (wavelet basis set)

20 Integrated Molecular Platforms
Schrodinger – owned by individual groups

21 Support Packages Gaussview Molden VMD NBOView Babel (Openbabel) Dock
AutoDock (and Autodock Vina) Cambridge Structural Database ECCE Special case – installed on Talk to me first if you want to use

22 GaussView Molecular builder and viewer for Gaussian input/output files
CHPC provides campus license for linux version For Gaussian03 – standard is version 4 For Gaussian09 – standard is version 5 Chemistry Department has campus license for GV5 for windows; can buy into license Access with gv & – provided you have uncommented the Gaussian setup from the standard .tcshrc DO NOT submit jobs from within GaussView – instead create and save input file and use batch system

23 NBOView Package to view NBO orbitals Works only with G03 (not G09)
For information see How to use at CHPC: Add to your path: /uufs/ nboview

24 Molden Another program for viewing molecular/electronic structures; version 4.7 Works with Gamess, Gaussian, Molpro Supports plots of electronic density, MOs, etc More information at How to use at CHPC: Make sure your path includes /uufs/ molden &

25 VMD Visualization, mainly for MM/MD latest version (1.9.1) installed
Reads a number of different file formats Information at Can install on own desktop (windows/mac/linux versions available) /uufs/ (can uncomment setup in .tcshrc then vmd) Can use for 3D viewing on CHPC’s vis wall

26 ECCE Extensible Computational Chemistry Environment
Package developed at EMSL at PNNL See for info Set of modules to manage computational chemistry computer jobs (Gaussian, NWChem) from start (including building system) to finish (analyzing output) all from your desktop system Installed on User accounts need setup – see me if interested as carbon is not always kept running

27 OpenBabel Tool to interconvert structure files between a number of formats used in molecular modeling See for more information To run: source /uufs/ (or uncomment in your .tcshrc) babel -i < input-type > < infile > -o < output-type > < outfile > babel –H to see format for usage, options, and input/output file-types

28 Dock/AutoDock Programs to look at binding of a small molecule within the active site of a receptor, usually a macromolecule Dock version 6.5 installed get info at: source /uufs/ dock6.mpi to start (needs arguments) Autodock version 4.2 info available at source /uufs/ autodock4 (with proper arguments) or autogrid4 autodocktools, a GUI interface, installed – start with adt & Autodock Vina – multicore performance and enhanced accuracy – start with vina &

29 Cambridge Structural Database
Moved from library to CHPC summer 2006 – additions to the database are made every 3-4 months; package updated annually for information Need CHPC account to use From PC need Xterm/Xwindowing software (Putty/XMing work well) to start session on any of the interactive nodes source (or uncomment line in .tchsrc) /uufs/ cq & <- to start conquest (search engine) mercury & <- to start crystal structure viewer The first time you use it on a given computer you will be asked to confirm licensing need to provide site/license codes (840/7E92A7)

30 Amber Molecular mechanics/dynamics package Current version is Amber 12 (Amber 11 still active) Basic information on getting started: For more information see The Amber Mail Reflector Archive and mailing list is very useful! Different parallel builds available for each cluster to make use of the different interconnects Have GPU version – initial tests show impressive performance gains

31 -- All have builds optimized for individual clusters --
Other MM/MD packages -- All have builds optimized for individual clusters -- Gromacs - version installed with builds of both single and double precision LAMMPS - NAMD: version 2.6 on sanddunearch (2.7 current) NWChem also has MM/MD capabilities and Gaussian09 also has limited MM capabilities

32 CHARMM Package is licensed per research group and for a specific version If interested – get license and we can do installation such that only your group has access See for details

33 Gaussian03/09 Commercial electronic structure package
for information and User’s Guide Last installed revision of G03 is E.01 /uufs/ Has been updated to include latest NBO5 Version C.01 of G09 installed /uufs/ /uufs/ For information on accessing the CHPC installation

34 NWChem Package developed at PNNL to work on massively parallel systems
Goal: Computational chemistry solutions that are scalable with respect to both chemical system size and MPP hardware size Has quantum mechanics, molecular mechanics/dynamics, and quantum molecular dynamics, plane waves for periodic systems Version 6.1 (with Python) – still available in /uufs/ /uufs/ember.arches/sys/pkg/nwchem/nwchem-6.1/bin/LINUX64 (not tested) /uufs/updraft.arches/sys/pkg/nwchem/nwchem-6.1/bin/LINUX64 (not tested) To run: source appropriate etc/nwchem.csh must have $HOME/pdir directory if running parallel More information and example batch script at

35 GAMESS General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System
Another option for most ab initio quantum calculations On 22 February 2006 version – can be updated if needed /uufs/ for information on usage and capabilities Can run both parallel or serial For information on accessing the CHPC installation see

36 Other Quantum Codes -- Mainly codes that are specialized in terms of functionality -- Dalton – only serial build Focus on property calculations at HF, DFT, MCSCF and CC levels of theory version 2.0 installed; Dalton2011 recently released Molpro – only serial build Emphasis on highly accurate calculation methods Version installed; new available Psi - Orca - CFOUR -

37 Plane Wave Codes Plane wave codes for the study of systems under periodic boundary conditions (PBC) NWChem has some functionality VASP – Ab initio QM/MD Licensed per research group (have 1 group with an old version) Quantum Espresso - Understands crystal space groups Has GIPAW module to do NMR calculations J-ICE and XCrysDen to view CPMD - BigDFT -

38 Schrodinger Suite Commercial package geared for chemical modeling and simulation in the pharmaceutical field, specifically drug discovery Interface – Maestro (free for academia) Calculation code includes Jaguar (Quantum), Macromodel (MM), Qsite (QM/MM) Interfaces with Desmond for MD (installed) Tools for structure based drug design Docking, ligand design, binding affinities, screening libraries Year to Year licensing Token based, so limited in number of concurrent uses Purchased by two groups in Medicinal Chemistry If interested in using – come talk to me

39 Finally….. Let us know if there is some other package that does something that our current packages do not; we can look into the possibility of getting it. Factors: cost, hardware/OS requirements, licensing issues, usage needs Any questions – contact me Phone: Office: 422 INSCC

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