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Disability Services May 2011 Lana Caldwell and Amber Skoog.

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Presentation on theme: "Disability Services May 2011 Lana Caldwell and Amber Skoog."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability Services May 2011 Lana Caldwell and Amber Skoog

2  Perceptions Activity  Attitude/Perceptions  Facilitate Partnership  Encouragement  Video – Professional Ethics in the Classroom  Can not's and Can do’s  Video Segment – Faculty/Student Meeting  Hints and Tips  Discussion and Feedback


4  Recognition/awareness of potential biases  Biases are normal –don’t let them dictate perceptions  Same disability don’t face the same issues  Seek information about types of disabilities  Disabilities can ‘invisible’  Be open to possibilities and creative solutions  Good faculty relationships - key to student success

5  Treat students with disabilities the same as any student  Recognize diverse backgrounds, abilities and academic skills  Revise perceptions/attitudes – most important accommodation  Present and maintain opportunities for open and confidential communication ◦ Willingness to meet may encourage early disclosure thus increasing potential academic success

6  Students own suggestions are invaluable  Accommodation and advocacy is a student’s responsibility, but they may be inexperienced and require support  Students fear discrimination

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8  Address the student first (not parents, interpreters or others)  Ask before you help even if you mean well  Be sensitive about appropriate time and place  Think before you speak  Respond professionally to requests  Do not make assumptions  Use common courtesy

9  Cannot ask for student’s documentation and/or related information about specific disability  Cannot ask if a person has a disability, even if it is suspected  Cannot discourage students from specific fields of study if student meets admission requirements and maintains appropriate grades  Cannot refuse accommodations  Cannot discuss students disability, diagnosis or accommodations with other faculty/staff

10  Can approach a student who is struggling about ways to assist them by referring to support services: ◦ Counselling Services, Learning Café, Testing Services and Disability Services  Can invite students requesting accommodations to discuss them once the request has been made  Can ask what you can do to facilitate their learning  Can ask about academic impact areas  Can discuss alternative accommodations with student and Disability Services

11  VHS video Transitions to Postsecondary Learning

12  Handout Handout  Use Disability Services as a resource


14  Lana Caldwell, Disability Services Coordinator 320-3202 ext 5483  Amber Skoog, Learning Strategist/Alternate Format Editor 320-3202 ext 5450

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