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Exp. 8.6 Flame Test of Some Elements

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1 Exp. 8.6 Flame Test of Some Elements

2 Critical question: How can a flame test be used to identify the elements in a compound?. Procedure: Add small quantities of different compounds on the loop of a nichrome wire and hold it over a flame. Be careful to rinse wire and change beaker water between samples.

3 Data Compound Formula Description of flame Potassium Chloride
Copper(II) Chloride Lithium Nitrate Barium Nitrate Calcium Chloride

4 Copper(II) Sulfate Copper (II) Nitrate Calcium Nitrate Strontium Nitrate Potassium Nitrate Sodium Nitrate

5 Compound Formula Description of Flame Potassium Sulfate ____________ Lithium Chloride

6 Conclusion:

7 Questions How could you recognize sodium in a compound by doing such a flame test? How could you recognize copper? When you hold a small amount of sodium chloride in a flame, you observe that the flame is right yellow. What could you do to be sure that the color is due to sodium and not chlorine? When you spill a few drops of soup or milk on a pale- blue gas flame when cooking, the flame changes to a mixture of colors. Yellow is the most intense color. What do you conclude about this observation?

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