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A Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Alternative Fuels* Eric Rohlfing Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences.

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Presentation on theme: "A Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Alternative Fuels* Eric Rohlfing Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Workshop on Basic Research Needs for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Alternative Fuels* Eric Rohlfing Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences Division BESAC Meeting February 16, 2006 BASIC ENERGY SCIENCES -- Serving the Present, Shaping the Future Office of Basic Energy Sciences Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy *Tentative Title

2 Workshop motivation & background u Alternative Fuels: Fuels other than those produced by refining light, sweet crude oil. Alternative fuels include those derived from renewable resources, such as biodiesel or ethanol, and fuels obtained via Fischer-Tropsch chemistry applied to heavy crude, shale oil, tar sands, and coal. u The U.S. is likely to utilize these fuels in internal combustion (IC) engines for transportation after traditional fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel) are exhausted and before hydrogen can be utilized. u DOE and other agencies are supporting research into enhancing the production of alternative fuels from renewable resources (biomass). u But, we do not know the impact with regard to efficiency and pollutant formation of the widespread use of these fuels, particularly in the next- generation of high-efficiency, low-emission IC engines. u Conclusion: A basic research program on the clean and efficient combustion of alternative fuels that assesses their potential impact on modern IC engines is needed.

3 u Basis: The strong BES program in gas-phase chemistry, combustion diagnostics, and combustion simulation. u Organization: Co-chairs from the Sandia Combustion Research Facility (Andy McIlroy) and from academia in area of combustion/engine research. Breakout sessions TBD – associated with technology challenges with science crosscuts? Participants (~75) from national labs & academia, spanning range of fundamental chemistry and applied combustion/engine research Timing and location: Fall 2006 (October) in DC area u Coordination with EERE Office of Freedom Car and Vehicle Technologies Initial positive response from program manager (Ed Wall) and chief scientist (Jim Eberhardt) Tentative workshop details

4 n Enols are alchohols with an adjacent double bond –Postulated in 1880 by Erlenmeyer –Seen by NMR in 1973 and in gas phase in 1976 n Enols not currently in flame chemistry models n Work by team of BES-funded researchers on the Chemical Dynamics Beamline at the ALS (BL 9.0.2) using molecular beam flame sampling with tunable VUV photoionization reveals the presence of enols in many flames n New chemistry needed to explain role of enols n Shirley Award for most outstanding paper from ALS in 2005 New Experimental Tools Reveal New Class of Flame Intermediates Advanced Light Source

5 x x y z Direct Numerical Simulation of a 3D Turbulent CO/H 2 /Air Jet Flame with Detailed Chemistry World’s largest DNS with detailed chemistry – generated ~30 terabytes of data! FY05 INCITE Award of 2.5 million CPU hours at NERSC; S3D code development via SciDAC; scales well on all platforms, including leadership class machines at ORNL Investigate fine-grained coupling between turbulent mixing and finite-rate chemistry: Extinction and re-ignition dynamics Mixing time scales Preferential diffusion Physics at dissipation scales Benchmark dataset for validation of more approximate models that might be applied to engines, i.e., large-eddy simulations. New simulation tools for turbulent combustion Molecular mixing in a planar jet flame x y z fuel air

6 Laser diagnostics applied to real diesel engines Diagnostics developed under BES support enable EERE sponsored engine research Multiple laser diagnostics (PLIF and LII) reveal evolution of diesel spray combustion

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