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Eliza Mancini Mrs. Pietrangelo.  Problem: Can a thought affect the properties of an object?  Hypothesis: If the thoughts on a candle flame are positive.

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Presentation on theme: "Eliza Mancini Mrs. Pietrangelo.  Problem: Can a thought affect the properties of an object?  Hypothesis: If the thoughts on a candle flame are positive."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eliza Mancini Mrs. Pietrangelo

2  Problem: Can a thought affect the properties of an object?  Hypothesis: If the thoughts on a candle flame are positive then the flame will burn more vigorously.  Null: The thoughts on a candle flame will not effect way the candle burns.

3  Read Dan Brown’s book the Lost Symbol  Introduced me to noetics  I’m fascinated by things that seem improvable

4  Noetic Science: a single thought contains mass  Telekinesis: ability to move objects with the mind  Mental Acuity: how quick or sharp the mind is  Thought: product or reaction of mental activity

5 LEVELS Positive Thoughts Negative ThoughtsNo thoughts (control) TRIALS30 IV: The thoughts on the candle DV: The vigor of the candle flame, measured by wax melted in centimeters.

6  Constants:  Type of Candle  Types of thought per trial  Stop watch used  Ruler used  Amount of time  Type of lighter  Type of lighter fluid

7 ***THIS EXPERIMENT MUST BE SUPERVISED BY AN ADULT AT ALL TIMES*** Gather 30 willing subjects and complete consent form Have subject look at 2 candles separately and assign thoughts Light the candle for 1:30 then snuff Measure the burnt wick and record data

8  Fire hazard  May cause slight stress to the subject  Requires focus and attention which may strain some

9  Average Control: 0.93cm  Average Positive: 1.01cm  Average Negative: 0.81cm

10 Sum of Squares DF Mean Square Fisher-F Value Significa nce (p) Between Groups 0.60820.30416.2670.000 Within Groups 1.626870.019 Total2.23489

11 My p value was less than.001, meaning there was a less than.001% chance that my results were due to chance. p<.001


13  My null hypothesis was rejected and my hypothesis was supported  ~0% chance that my results were due to chance  Thoughts can affect the characteristics/properties of a candle flame.

14  Measuring method  Range of age of people  The thoughts could have varied  Use a triple beam balance rather than a ruler  Use a single age group  Try not to rely on thoughts because of how uncontainable they are

15  Mind Control  Aiding the disabled  Solely focusing on whether the thought is negative or positive  Testing how age affects the strength of one’s thoughts

16  Mrs. Pietrangelo  My Mom  My subjects  The Internet

17 "Acuity, thought, telekinesis, noetic." 2010. 17 Oct. 2010. "Calculate The Estimated Burn Time for a Candle." Candle & Soap Making Techniques. 2002-2005. Intermountain Connect. 11 Oct. 2010. "Fire - Oxygen to CO2." Ask the Van- Illinois Department of Physics. 24 July 2006.UIUC Department of Physics. 17 Oct. 2010 Glass, Don. "What is Fire." A Moment of Science. 31 Dec. 2008. Indiana Public Media.16 Oct. 2010. Nagourney, Eric. "VITAL SIGNS: AGING; A Pick-Me-Up for Sagging Mental Acuity." New York Times01 Jan. 2002.

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