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Research Opportunities The Research Process A training to “ what is research”

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1 Research Opportunities The Research Process A training to “ what is research”

2 Summary Research Academy Opportunities ◦ SDSU ◦ UCSD Elements of Research Opportunities ◦ Finding a Mentor ◦ Research Fellowships ◦ Summer Programs


4 Research Academy Opportunities SDSU ◦ Mixing and Flow Control in High-Speed Combustors ◦ Dynamics of Flame Spread in Microgravity ◦ Racecar Aerodynamics UCSD ◦ Near Space Balloon Project ◦ Aircraft wing structural dynamics

5 SDSU: Mixing and Flow Control in High-Speed Combustors Transport and mixing mechanisms of fuel and air in sonic fuel injectors Control by enhancing mass flow, fuel-air mixing, and energy mixing

6 SDSU: Dynamics of Flame Spread in Microgravity Understand why experiments are set up Reproduce events that occur in space! Video camera Sample holder (sample size: 6cm x 1cm) Fan & Motor

7 SDSU: Dynamics of Flame Spread in Microgravity PhotoSketchPhotoSketch

8 SDSU: Biomechanics Lab Gain hands on experience with robotics Opportunity to use computers to tell robots what to do

9 UCSD: Near Space Balloon Project Gain hands on manufacturing experience Become the rocket scientist balloon boy!

10 UCSD: Near Space Balloon Project Learn how to track your balloon with parts bought from ebay

11 UCSD: Aircraft Wing Structural Dynamics Build your very own wing out of balsa wood. Understand the bare bones of aircraft structures


13 Finding a Mentor Only you can make the best decision ◦ What topics interest you? ◦ Did you enjoy a particular course? ◦ Do you get along with a professor?

14 Finding a Mentor Internet resources at your disposal


16 SDSU Research Opportunities Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM) Program Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) Minority Biomedical Research Support (MBRS) Summer Programs

17 S-STEM Program Computational modeling and simulation research in science and engineering Requirements ◦ Upper division standing ◦ Strong interest in computational science

18 S-STEM Program $5000 for juniors $6000 for returning seniors Contact: ◦ Dr. Satchi Venkataraman ◦

19 MARC Goal is to increase Ph.D.’s awarded in underrepresented ethnic groups Requirements ◦ Full time standing at SDSU ◦ Upper division standing ◦ Potential and interest in pursuing a graduate degree in the biomedical sciences

20 MARC Three-quarter tuition and a monthly stipend of $913.00 Contact ◦ Thelma Chavez (Program Coordinator)

21 UCSD Summer Research UCSD ◦ Amgen Scholars Program ◦ California Current Ecosystem Long-Term Ecological Research (CCE LTER) Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) ◦ Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship offered by the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP_SURF) ◦ Summer Training Academy for Research in the Sciences (STARS)

22 USD Summer Research USD ◦ Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) ◦ McNair Program ◦ Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU Program) ◦ Pre- Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE)

23 My Experience at SDSU S-STEM Program Engage in interdisciplinary research Bioengineering and aerospace engineering

24 My Experience at UCSD Amgen Scholars Program Requirements ◦ Ten-week, full-time research experience for undergraduates ◦ Biological sciences or bioengineering


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