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LAUNDRY PROGRAM  Click Here to Insert Client Name.

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Presentation on theme: "LAUNDRY PROGRAM  Click Here to Insert Client Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAUNDRY PROGRAM  Click Here to Insert Client Name

2 OUR LAUNDRY VISION DOING MORE Deliver hygienically clean, fresh and soft results Drive resident comfort and satisfaction Control Infection and promote health WITH LESS Reduce water consumption Lower energy consumption Minimize environmental impact DOING MORE WITH LESS

3 1,000 Customers 1,000,000,000 Lives INTRODUCING AQUANOMIC INNOVATION IN LONG TERM CARE Delivering world-class laundry performance: 50% 45% reduction in water reduction in energy up to

4 AQUANOMIC PROGRAM World-Class Results Personalized Service Low Temp Chemistry Smart Wash Process Reliable Dispensing Equipment 4 Key components

5 PERSONALIZED SERVICE Dedicated onsite support Regular and emergency service Live customer service support 24/7/365 Laundry Expertise Personalized Service Verify results, check equipment Perform titration and testing Provide insightful service reports

6 LOW TEMPERATURE CHEMISTRY Innovative Low Temp Chemistry Unique blend of surfactants Formulated for the environment 100  F 18M lbs of Linen Processed over 18 months 100 washers 200,000 loads washed Low Temp Chemistry

7 SMART WASH PROCESS 45% 50% reduction in water usage 45% reduction in energy usage Optimized wash formulation Delivering Results Hygienically clean linen Premium soft and fresh results Skin friendly pH balance Smart Wash Process Up to reduction

8 RELIABLE DISPENSING EQUIPMENT Reliable Closed loop safety Easy to use Accurate dosing Customized formulation Trusted Ecolab tech support AQUANOMIC Reliable Dispensing Equipment Proven Technology Proven Results

9 AQUANOMIC PROGRAM SELECTION Am I looking for ways to reduce my total cost of operation? Is my organization focused on saving water and energy? Are my laundry machines programmable? Am I operating today without active ozone or water recycling systems? Am I able to use a chlorine-based Destainer?  IS AQUANOMIC THE RIGHT FIT FOR ME? If the above answers are ‘YES’, then Aquanomic is right for you!

10 SOLIDS ADVANTAGE S uperior results = ensures hygienically clean, fresh and soft linens S afety = closed loop solid chemistry dispensing, small, lightweight product capsules S implicity = fewer products, easy to use dispensing, out of product alarms S ustainability = up to 74% less packaging waste

11 Ecolab Laundry Programs deliver hygienically clean results 1 Customers can choose the Aquanomic program that is right for them 2 11 Laundry must be processed in: 160F for 25 minutes, or 125ppm Chlorine Bleach, or EPA Registered Product To achieve hygienically clean linen Use modern laundry detergents per manufacturer instructions Low temperature washing allowed. Bleach and EPA registered product not required, even for low temperature washes. before now Federal Regulation Environment 1 based on an evaluation of the entire wash process including the drying step 2 in accordance with any state, local or internal requirement In consultation with the CDC, CMS recently updated the interpretative guidance for “Handling Linens to Prevent and Control Infection Transmission.” - F Tag 441-Laundry and Infection Control

12 AQUANOMIC PROGRAM OFFERINGS PROGRAMSBENEFITSREQUIREMENTS* FULL SMARTReduced Temps Reduced Water NONE HOT SMARTReduced WaterHOT WATER * Is facility required by any state, local or internal wash process requirements dictating WATER TEMPERATURES or SANITIZING CHEMISTRY to used in their wash programs?

13 DELIVERS HEALTH & COMFORT Considerations for a Skin Friendly Program Laundered items in contact with skin 24/7 Skin barrier function  Prevents the invasion of pathogens  Prevents unregulated loss of water and solutes  Aged skin has weakened skin barrier = susceptible to damage Softness Matters  Promotes healthy skin barrier Linen pH Matters  Skin pH = pH 4 – pH 7* *Source: Lambers H, Piessens S, Bloem A, Pronk H, Finkel P. Natural skin surface pH is on average below 5, which is beneficial for its resident flora. Int J Cosmet Sci.2006 Oct;28(5):359-70.

14 14 Low Temp Laundry Solid Clearly Soft = Premium Softness Low Temp Laundry Solid Sour* = Controlled Linen pH *highly recommended for facilities with an incoming water pH greater than 7 DELIVERS HEALTH & COMFORT Promote a healthy skin barrier with

15 PROVEN RESULTS CUSTOMER ACCEPTED INDEPENDENTLY CERTIFIED INDUSTRY RECOGNIZED KFI performed a third-party engineering review of Ecolab’s Aquanomic TM program in lodging and estimated up to 40% savings in water use and up to 50% savings in energy use. Long Term Care report in process Aquanomic TM received the 2011 Cleantech Tekne Award which honors organizations that develop environmentally-sound solutions that reduce costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste, or pollution. Aquanomic TM customers believe that this program provides clear and proven value to them, and supports their sustainability goals.



18 Appendix 18

19 What is Hygienically Clean? CMS has referenced the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation’s definition of hygienically clean, “free of pathogens in sufficient numbers to cause human illness.”* No government agency has defined a quantitative definition for the term hygienically clean. For the current purpose, hygienically clean is defined as a linen having no more than 10 cfu/100cm2 of residual microbes in agreement with other independent parties in the industry. For those states requiring the added protection of an EPA registered laundry product, use Ecolab’s Advacare 120 Sanitizer Sour. Refer to link below to view new CMS laundry requirements: Certification/SurveyCertificationGenInfo/Downloads/Survey-and-Cert-Letter-13-09.pdf Ecolab Laundry Programs deliver hygienically clean results 1 1 based on an evaluation of the entire wash process including the drying step

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