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Latest movements in the East European markets What does the future hold?

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Presentation on theme: "Latest movements in the East European markets What does the future hold?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latest movements in the East European markets What does the future hold?

2 Promedia 11 years on the market, publisher of 8 trade magazines Tekstylia w domu ( Textiles for home)

3 advertising and PR agency national sponsor of the Global Innovator Award (GIA) seminars, trainings, conferences trade missions business start-up in Poland

4 Let’s go to visit Europe together

5 Why the Middle and East European markets?

6 There are about 200 mln consumers in East European (Non EU ) countries

7 There are more than 100 mln consumers in Middle and East European ( EU ) countries 38,1 21,5 10,310,1 7,65,4 3,4 2,3 2 1,4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Population (in millions) POLROMCZEHUNBGRSVKLTULVASVNEST

8 (not) long time ago… it was as a nice dream

9 Wages and social benefits were growing. The consumers had more money to buy your products Green – an average salary Blue – an avarage retirement and disability pension

10 Number of unemployed and unemployment rate was every year smaller

11 Retail market was growing

12 But, one day…

13 less motivation for shopping

14 Where is our money now?

15 Where I don’t risk to much?

16 The only one coutry with positive GDP is Poland

17 Start in Poland

18 We like home textiles from India

19 IMPORTS BY COUNTRIES IN 2008 (cont.) Carpets and textile floor coverings

20 IMPORT BY COUNTRIES IN 2008 (cont.) Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen

21 Curtains, drapes and other furnishing articles IMPORTS BY COUNTRIES IN 2008 (cont.)

22 Blankets and travelling rugs

23 TOTAL IMPORTS AND EXPORTS (in thous. USD) CommoditiesImportsExports Carpets and textile floor coverings 301976189555 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen 144506175967 Curtains, drapes and other furnishing articles 90308216355 Blankets and travelling rugs 2002210681

24 Modern retail is growing

25 Retail space in shopping malls in Poland (m²)

26 The rental prices are O.K.

27 Hotels, restaurants and hospitals

28 Euro 2012

29 Sales on-line is growing PMR Publications

30 We go back to nature, old cutoms and traditions

31 More often we buy concepts, sets instead of single products

32 Ethical and „green” products are trendy

33 We have a new baby boom

34 Number of people over 65 years old increases

35 Create new products, show how to use them

36 Remember, how important is your target

37 Our consumers love brand products

38 If two persons do the same, is the result the same?

39 You don’t have to be as the others

40 Design becomes more important

41 Not only the product …

42 We are more busy, have less time much more work…

43 Better logistic is a key to success

44 Which angel is more interesting ?

45 And now…? Which one do you see first ?

46 Be diferent, be original

47 The opinion of the customers is: it is too much advertising in… 1.TV, 2.Mailing, 3.Radio, 4.Newspapers, 5.Billboards 6.Magazines, 7.POS, 8.Transport, 9.Internet 123456789123456789

48 Public Relations is more popular

49 Outsourcing is very often the best solution

50 Personal contact is the king

51 The fairs are still important Home Decor 26- 28.05.2010

52 Be open

53 Be creative and different

54 Use emotions for the first positive impression

55 Prepare information for the press

56 And don’t forget… your staff is most important

57 Why our customers go to other suppliers ? Iothers Look for alternative offer Not special reason Unhappy because of our product Unhappy because of our service Move to another place 1% 3% 5% 9% 14% 68%

58 Be active, attack

59 Be a winner! Yes, you can

60 Yes, we can

61 This is the end of my presentation and (I hope) the start of our cooperation !

62 PROMEDIA JERZY OSIKA Thank you for your attention Your partner in Poland

63 See you in the lunch time

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