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Published byCharlotte Ray Modified over 9 years ago
2 Dantewada District – A Brief Profile 1Geographical LocationLatitude 18 0 46’48’’N to 19 0 28’30’’N Longitude 80 0 15’42’’E to 81 0 58’43’’E to 2Borders of the DistrictEast Orissa West Maharashtra State South Andhra Pradhesh State North Baster District 3Total Area18,511 Sq. Km. 4Tribal Development Blocks1. Dantewada 2. Kuwakonda 3. Katekalyan 4. Geedam 5. Sukma 6. Konta 7. Chhindgarh 8. Bijapur 9. Bhopalpattnam 10. Usoor 11. Bhairamgarh 5Gram Panchayat 409 6VillageTotal Villages 1354 Revenue Village 1034 Un-inhabited Villages 148 Forest Village 135 Marh Village 37
3 7Area covers 1. Revenue 10,27147.00 2. Forest 12,34280.00 Hec. Total 2261427.00 Hec. 8Forest Divisions1. Dantewada 2. Sukma 3. Bijapur 9PopulationTotal Population 7,19,487 Male 3,56,928 Female 3,62,559 SC Population 24,153 ST Population 5,64,931 10Population Density55 per Sq.Km. 11Percentage of SC/STSC – 3.5% ST - 79.5% 12LiteracyTotal No. of Literates 1,76,944 (30% of population) Total Illiterates 5,42,543 (70% of population 13WorkforceTotal Workers 3,80,244 Main Workers 2,84,770 Marginal Workers 95,474 Non Workers 3,39,243 14RainfallAvg. Rainfall 1446.05 mm 15Irrigated Area6% 16Patwari Circle174 17Revenue Inspector Circle10 18Main OccupationAgriculture, Collection of minor forest produce 19Main Language / DialectsHindi, Telugu / Gondi, Halbi, Dorla.
4 D a n t e w a d a A SWOT Analysis Strength Potential exist for processing of forest produces in the district. Water for irrigation not exploited to the full. Livelihood promotion opportunities. Promotion of Tourism as some places of historical importance exists in the district. 1. Forest wealth in plenty. 2.Availability of mineral resources especially iron ore. 3.Good amount of rain fall. 4.Availability of surface water. 5.Presence of national highways of national importance like NH-16 and NH-221. 6.Improving rate of literacy in district. Strength
5 Weaknesses 1.NH-16 and NH-221 being the lone lifelines of the district (Road Blocks due to natural and man made disasters) 2.Poor / No connectivity in interior parts of the district 3.Poor Human Resource availability 4.Scattered settlements 5. Schools without buildings 6. Anganwadi centers without buildings 7.Poor rate of electrification 8.Dependency of the district to others for food grains and other essential supplies (PDS playing a very important role) 9.Limited food grain storage facility 10.Building less PDS centers 11.Poor health infrastructure 12.Drinking water problem in some parts. 13.Poor training facilities in district
6 Opportunities 1.Potential exist for processing of forest produces in the district. 2.Water for irrigation not exploited to the full. 3.Livelihood promotion opportunities. 4.Promotion of Tourism as some places of historical importance exists in the district.
7 Threats 1.Naxalite problem Affected the social life of tribals Destruction of government infrastructure including school, anganwadi and similar kind of buildings Large scale killings Pockets in which the administration finds it extremely difficult to penetrate Large percentage of children still left out of schools 2.Un approachable areas 3.Provisions of forest conservation act withholding the developmental activities. 4.Lowest literacy rates and extremely poor opportunities for human resource development.
8 Participative planning Planning for the village in Gram Sabhas Collection of the plan from GPs at JPs Meeting with CEOs and Other Departments Compilation and prioritization of the proposals at ZP Presented and kept for discussion at DPC Approval of the DPC
9 Identification of Critical Gaps 1.Weak connectivity 2.Lack of Educational Facilities 3.Un Electrified villages & Majara tolas 4.Poor Health Infrastructure 5. Housing for the poor 6.Building less PDS Shops 7.Building less Anganwadi centers 8.Provision of Safe Drinking Water all.
10 Rationale of the Project The BRGF is proposed for filling the gaps that come in the way of accelerated development much needed for Dantewada. Funds available with different departments and agencies are considered before making proposals.
11 Rationale of the Project (Ctd…) The project being an annual plan for the year 2007 – 08 and keeping in view the time limit of March’08 for the completion, the works are accordingly proposed. The rest of the works including the emphasis on training and strengthening of PRIs and livelihood promotion shall be taken up in the coming years (2008 – 12).
12 Implementation Agencies All the infrastructure works that are to be taken up shall be done through the concerned GP. Drinking water related works and Vocational trainings shall be taken up by the department / agency concerned.
13 B. R. G. F. DANTEWADA FUND FLOW & IMPLEMENTATION The action plan and the distribution of the allocation have been prepared according to the proportion of the urban and rural population as follows:- Fund flow and Implementation The action plan and the distribution of the allocation have been prepared according to the proportion of the urban and rural population as follows:- AreaPopulationPercentage Rural65574491.14 (91%) Urban 637438.85 (9%) Total: -719487100 (100%)
14 ULBPopulation Fund Allocation Percentage Bacheli2040773.4032.00 Kirandul1905367.6329.47 Dantewada851530.7913.42 Geedam589921.609.41 Sukma986936. 5315.92 Total: -63743229.41100 Within the urban area the distribution system of fund has been prepared according to the population of the Urban Local Body :-
16 Janpad PanchayatFund allocation Percentage Dantewada199.048.60 Katekalyan220.929.55 Chhindgarh210.559.10 Sukma172.737.46 Konta261.5411.30 Usoor113.884.92 Bijapur174.767.55 Geedam305.1213.19 Bhairamgarh248.9110.76 Bhopalpattnam197.598.54 Kuwakonda207.998.99 Total :-2313.03100 Within the Rural area because of sensitivity and Naxal Problem in some areas it is very difficult to continue the development works so the distribution system of fund has been prepared according to the proposals received from different parts of the district for the year 2007-08
18 Weak connectivity Importance of roads in a district of 18511Sq. Kms. Roads with PWD and BRO PMGSY and NREGA WBM roads in to Bituminous roads by BRGF during 2008 - 2012 Culverts by NREGA and >4 mt. span in BRGF during 2007 – 08 340 lakhs
19 Education and Literacy Average literacy rate of 24% (2001) SSA Adult Literacy Campaign Primary and Middle schools by SSA Tribal Welfare Department Proposal from BRGF for Schools Repair and maintenance 650 lakhs
20 Electrification 1354 sparsely populated villages, 909 electrified 3826 majra tolas, 1187 electrified 1183 taken up for electrification Rajiv Gandhi Rural Electrification Program CSEB has proposal for 146 Crores CREDA and Solar energy 95 lakhs for the year 2007 - 08
21 Health Infrastructure Availability of doctors – biggest problem 11 CHCs, 346 PHCs + Sub Centers Buildingless and those need repair 208 lakhs for 2007 – 08 Residential quarters shall be proposed in the plan 2008 - 2012
22 Housing for the poor 91998 BPL families IAY provides 2894 for 2007 – 08 and 2200 for 2008 – 09 After that, the BPL waiting list ends It is proposed to take up housing for the rural poor during 2007 – 08 4600 houses for 1150.00 lakhs In 2007 – 08, housing for urban poor is proposed for 13 lakhs
23 Community halls cum Training centers Urban areas For both training and also as a community hall 7 for 17.5 lakhs at the cost of 2.5 lakhs each
24 Shopping complexes in rural areas Comprising of 4 – 5 shops in selected villages 150 lakhs Dantewada Janpad is not taken up since the same can be taken through Nava Anjor It is also proposed to dovetail this fund with SGSY infrastructure fund to increase the number and quality of shops
25 Cluster Resource Centers One cluster for every 8 GPs 51 clusters in the district The provision is kept for human resource development and training Including incentives for the data entry operators / computer assistants 128.40 lakhs provided in the plan that amounts to 5 % of the fund availability
26 Anganwadis Pre school training and Monitoring over malnutrition 1771 Anganwadis in the district 662 newly sanctioned 328 taken up for this year while the remaining is proposed for the next year 710.75 lakhs
27 Safe Drinking water to all Hand pumps and extension of pipe line in bigger villages 166 works for 108 lakhs
28 SUMMARY Sl. No. Department / Agency Type of Works No. of worksEstimated Cost Urban Area Rural Area Urban Area Rural Area 1 I.C.D.S.Anganwadi Building2715560.75350.00 2 Tribal welfare dept. School/ Hostel Building 21610.00240.00 3 P.H.E Bore well/Overhead tank 3213640.0068.00 4 C.R.E.D.A.Solar Electrification112211.0024.00 5 Gram Panchayats (through Janpad Panchayat) Culverts/Bridges/0480.00240.00 Shoping complex0100.00150.00 Capacity Building of Clusters51111.40117.00 6 Khadi GramodyogVocational Training7357.0035.00 7 HandloomsVocational Training-6-42.00 8 HandicraftsVocational Training123.557.00
29 9 Health Dept. Sub-Primary Health Center 31518.0090.00 10PDS Center (GP)PDS Building 13-22.00- 11Urban Local Body/ Gram Panchayat Community Building/Houses for the poor 59460030.50 1150.00 12Urban Local Body / C.S.E.B. Street lighting 77-10.36 - 13Urban Local Body / P.H.E. Public Urinal & Toilets 16-4.85 - Total :- 253710.00229.04 2313.84
31 BRGF - Backward Region Grand Fund Work Proposal of Rural Area District - South Bastar Dantewada
33 ULBs
35 For the financial year 2007-08, the district is proposing to take up works estimated for rupees 2566.79 lakhs of which 91.14 % of the funds are earmarked for the rural areas considering the Gram Panchayats as the planning and implementation units (except certain works). The rest of the amount is proposed to be spent in the urban areas of the district. The critical gaps identified through a series of rigorous processes are again listed on the basis of priority to fulfil the gaps that are required very urgently to make the annual plan for the present financial year. It is proposed that the rest of the gaps shall be eventually taken care of in the perspective plan that is being made for the years 2008-12. Conclusion
36 Expected outcomes The project is prepared keeping the time limit in mind (March ’08) Urgently required infrastructure shall be made during the current year while the rest of the proposals shall be taken up in the consequent years of the plan Skill up gradation shall be the important aspect in the livelihood sector
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