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Statistical Mechanics (S.M.) on Turbulence* Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung Harry L. Swinney Physics Dept. University of Texas at Austin *Supported by ONR.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistical Mechanics (S.M.) on Turbulence* Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung Harry L. Swinney Physics Dept. University of Texas at Austin *Supported by ONR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistical Mechanics (S.M.) on Turbulence* Sunghwan (Sunny) Jung Harry L. Swinney Physics Dept. University of Texas at Austin *Supported by ONR.

2 Contents Revise Castaing’s method Introduce another method under transformation Stochastic Model from statistical mechanics Revise Kolmogorov 1962 (K62) in terms of statistical mechanics

3 Couette-Taylor Exp. At moderate rotation rate In turbulence regime Data Out

4 Observed quantities Extensive variable Intensive variable Velocity Difference Energy dissipation rate

5 Statistical Universality Coarse-Grained Quantity Physical Quantity Temporal information

6 Separation(r) Dependence r ~ LGaussian Dist.Delta function r << LGaussian Dist.Log-normal Dist. Castaing’s model We can rewrite its as

7 Cascade to the smaller scale(r) r ~ L r << L

8 Transform Castaing Model Gaussian Dist.Log-normal Dist. Transform

9 Statistical Universality Coarse-Grained Quantity Physical Quantity Temporal information

10 Probability of beta where

11 Conditioned Probability

12 Separation(r) Dependence d ~ NNon-GaussianDelta function d << NGaussian Dist.Log-normal Dist. Where N is the total number of data sets. We can rewrite it as

13 Cascade to large coarse-grain cell d << N d = L

14 Compared the predicted PDF

15 Lebesgue Measure x x Changes from Delta function to Log-normal Dist. Gaussian Dist. K62 :

16 S.M. Interpretation on K62 Taylor Expansion Probability of velocity differences Thermodynamic variable If we assume that

17 Conclusion Castaing’s method and Beck-Cohen’s method are the same under the transformation. Beck-Cohen’s method represents a cascade from a small coarse-grain to a large one. We revised Kolmogorov’s 1962 theory in terms of the thermodynamic fluctuation of physical variables.

18 Conditional PDF (Stolovitzky et. al, PRL, 69)

19 Thanks all

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