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Published byEdward Hood Modified over 9 years ago
2 JHARKHAND STATE PROFILE Area in % Area in Lakhs Ha * Total Geographical Area: 79.71 * Cultivable Land :47.67%38.00 * Net Sown Area:28.08% 22.38 * Current Fallow:11.12%8.87 * Other Fallow:08.46%6.74 * Forest:29.20%23.28 * Barren Lands:7.20%5.74 * Non – Agricultural Use:8.60%6.86 * Pasture and Other Grazing Land:2.48%1.97 * Cultivable Waste Land:3.44%2.74 * Miscellaneous Trees Grooves:1.42%1.13 * Irrigated land:18% 3.007 * Cropping Intensity :116%
FINANCIAL PROGRESS UNDER BGREI YearAllocationTotal ReleaseExpenditureUC Submitted 2010-1129.6014.80 2011-1231.6815.8412.80 Total61.2830.6427.60 Rs. In Crore
Progress of BGREI during Kharif, 2011 S No.Category of paddy Land Situation Name of DistrictArea covered in ha Expected production in Qtl Expected Productivity in Kg/ha 1Shallow Water RicePalamau1000300003000 Garhwa1000300003000 Pakur1000300003000 Bokaro1000300003000 Koderma1000300003000 2Medium Water RiceGiridih1000350003500 Dumka1000350003500 Dhanbad1000350003500 Godda1000350003500 3HYVLatehar1000380003800 Deoghar1000380003800 Jamtara1000380003800 Sahebganj1000380003800 4HybridLohardaga1000500005000 Seraikella1000500005000 Chatra1000500005000 East Singhbhum1000500005000 Total17 District17000642000 No upland Rice demonstration has been conducted.
Component wise Financial Progress under BGREI Sl No.Component / ActivityFinancial Achievement in Lakhs 1Deep Ploughing and Preparation199.612 2Seed93.424 Direct Seeding (line sowing by drum seeder)/ Transplanting84.406 3Seed Treatment3.64 4Micronutrient 4aZinc10.2 4bBoron34.52 5Weed Management15.291 6Plant Protection45.03 7Staff Cost / Hand Holding0.12 7aHonorarium0.39 7bMobility0.42 8Progressive Farmers 8aHonorarium4.72 8bMobility4.62 9Provision of drum seeder1.496 10Travel cost for KVK Scientist / Staff/ Officials / GOI Officers2.111 Total500.00
VISIT OF GOI OFFICIALS TO VARIOUS DISTRICT OF JHARKHAND S No.Name & DesignationDatesDistrict Visited 1 Dr. G. K. Rahate Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI 29 th June to 2 nd July, 2011Deoghar, Giridih & Dhanbad 2Dr. V. K. Soni, Consultant RKVY11-17 July, 2011 Gumla, Ranchi & Hazaribagh 3Dr. R. S. Mallik, Consultant, BGERI25-27 July, 2011 Lohardaga, Latehar & Bokaro 4Dr. V. K. Soni, Consultant RKVY22-31 Aug, 2011 Ranchi, Deoghar, Jamtara, Dhanbad & Bokaro 5 Sri. Mahipal and Sri. M. K. Pandey, Technical Assistant, BGREI 18-22 Oct, 2011 Seraikella, East Singhbhum, Bokaro & Dhanbad 6Sri. M. Karale, TA, BGREI19-22 Oct, 2011Sahebganj, Godda and Pakur 7. Dr. (Ms.) Annie Poonam, ARS Senior Scientist (Agronomy) Crop Production Division, CRRI, Cuttack, BGREI 17-18 Oct, 2011Lohardaga and Seraikella 8. Sri. Anup Kumar Thakur Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI 30 th Oct-4 th Nov, 2011 Hazaribagh, Giridih, Ramgarh & Dhanbad 9.Dr. R. S. Mallik Consultant, BGREI 8-12 Nov, 2011Palamau, Chatra & Garhwa
Visit of State Officials/ Scientist to review BGREI Programme Name of OfficerDesignationDistrict Visited Sri. Arun Kumar Singh Secretary, Dept. of Agriculture & Cane Dev. Deoghar, Dumka, Jamtara, Hazaribagh, Ramgarh, Giridih, Dhanbad & Bokaro Sri. Rajesh Kumar Sharma Director Agriculture, Jharkhand Dhanbad, Bokaro, Dumka, Deoghar, Jamtara, Hazaribagh & Ramgarh Sri. Jata Shankar ChoudharyDirector, SAMETI, JharkhandDhanbad, Bokaro & Deoghar Dr. D. N. Singh Chief Scientist, Dryland Agril, ZRS, Chianki, Palamau Latehar & Garhwa Sri. Brajeshwar Dubey Dy. Director Agriculture (General) Latehar & Seraikella Sri. Harman MinzDy. Director Agriculture (Planning) East Singhbhum
Impact of BGREI in Jharkhand 1.Under Hybrid Rice, 4000 ha and under SRI, 2500 ha area are brought in BGREI programme. 2.140 drum seeder, 532 conoweeder has been distributed. 3.170 qtls. carbondazin 50 WP distributed under IPM 4.850 qtls Borex (Na-Boret) 15% distributed under INM 5.232 check dam has been constructed which will irrigate approx 5000 ha of land. 6.Cost of Labour Minimized.
Village : Kasia Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Barakhushi Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum
Village : Rajabasa Block : Ghatshila Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Kukocha Block : Chakulia Dist- East Singhbhum
Village : Rampur Block : Lohardaga Dist- Lohardaga Village : Dangwar Block : Hussanabad Dist- Palamau
Village : Nawadih Block : Dhaldhumgarh Dist- East Singhbhum Village : Khakharpata Block : Lohardaga Dist- Lohardaga
Rainfall Status April – Sept. 2011 (In M.M.) Sl. No. MonthsNormalActualExcess/ Deficient % Excess/ Deficient 1April22.321.7(-) 0.6(-) 2.6 2May44.949.0(+) 4.1(+) 9.1 3June196.5347.20(+) 150.7(+) 76.6 4July327.6178.8(-) 148.8(-) 45.42 5August322.5416.0(+) 93.5(+) 28.99 6September234.8299.5(+) 64.7 (+) 27.55 Total 1148.61312.2(+) 163.6(+) 14.24
Estimated Kharif Production during 2011 Sl. No. Crop Area Coverage (lakh ha) Expected Production 2011 (lakh tons) Targeted Productivit y (Kg/ha) Production 2010 (lakh tonn) % increase in Production over previous year (2010) 1.Rice16.9287937.2433220011.16938233 2.Maize2.483103.8612215552.4875155 3.Pulses2.914441.926456611.6588216 4.Oilseed0.392450.259016600.255901.2 Total22.7187843.29015.57161
PROGRESS OF SRI 1.About 40000 ha area has been covered under SRI. 2.The production of SRI is expected nearly to 172 % more than the average production. 3.In comparison with same Area, the hike in production of about 15.2 lakh qtls additional rice is expected. 4. A total of 66000 farmers are involved in the villages of 8084 in the state 5.A sum of Rs. 230 lakhs has been utilized.
Panchayat – Bundu, Block- Petarbar, Dist- Bokaro
Vill- Chargi Block- Petarbar Dist. - Bokaro Block- Petarbar Dist. - Bokaro
Vill- Lukia Block- Petarbar Dist. - Bokaro Vill- Jaruatanr Block- Petarbar Dist. - Bokaro
Hazaribagh Seraikella
Progress of Hybrid Seed About 8900 qtls of subsidized and more than 10340 qtls of Non-subsidized seed of notified private varieties of rice has been distributed during Kharif, 2011-12 The area under Hybrid Rice has reached more than 2.00 lakh ha. The production expected from hybrid varieties is 127.1 % more than the average normal. The total production of rice is expected up to 56.00 lakh qtls more during Kharif 2011-12 due to more area under hybrid rice.
Progress of INSIMP during Kharif, 2011-12 Demonstration of Finger Millet in 854 ha is successfully done. 304 Nos. of minikits distributed among farmers. In 62.5 ha, finger millet seed production is going on. Expected certified seed production of finger millet-435 qtl.
Sl No.Intervention MilletParticularTotal PhysicalTotal Financial in Lakhs 1Seed Production415 qtls3.86546 2Minikit1 minikit of 0.4 ha @ Rs. 200/- minikit 16503.30 3Kit supply (1650 ha) (a)MicronutrientZn sulphate 12.5 kg/ha and206.25 qtls16.50 Boron 5.0 Kg/ ha & Rs. 1000/ha82.50 qtls (b)PSB/ Azatobacter3 packets/has @ Rs. 25/- packet4950 Packet1.2375 (c)Seed TreatmentRs. 50/- ha1650 ha0.825 (d)DAP50 kg/ha @ Rs. 525/ha825 Qtls8.6625 (e)Urea80kg/ha Rs. 450/ha1320 Qtls7.425 (f)Potash40kg/ha Rs. 290/ha660 Qtls4.785 (g)Weedicide@ Rs. 210/ha1650 ha3.465 (h)PP Chemicals@ Rs. 400/ha1650 ha6.6 Total (a + b + c + d+ e +f + g +h) other than seed Rs. 3000/ha49.50 4Awarness (Media and Publicity)1.0 5Progressive Farmers supervisor@ Rs. 1000 allowance + 1000 honorarium/ farmers/ month for 5 months 10 Nos1.0 6Training for trainers250 farmers @ Rs. 2000/- farmer of 5 days 250 nos5.0 7Post Harvest equipments2 nos8.0 Grand Total71.669 WORK PLAN OF REMAINING AMOUNT (SAVING) DURING RABI, 2011-12 Crop: Finger Millet
TIE-UP ARRANGEMENT OF SEEDS UNDER INSIMP DURING RABI, 2011 1.Finger millet Variety A404 is being produced at R. K. Mission, Ranchi. The produced seed will be buy backed for its demonstration in 1650 ha. 2.The produced seed will be given in minikits to farmers during Rabi 2011-12
CONSTRAINT UNDER INSIMP 1.Un availability of quality seeds. 2.Lack of awareness about nutrient present in finger millet. 3.Lack of preference by farmers. 4.More preference of Rice. 5.Problem related to marketing.
POSSIBILITIES UNDER INSIMP. Seed production of millet will be done in state farm by making availability breeder and foundation seeds. Popularizing the seeds production by adopting seed village panchayat. Popularizing the seed production by emphasizing the cost benefit ratio. Encouraging the establishment of processing plant for value addition of millet product.
Crop wise targeted Area, Production & Productivity for Rabi 2011-12 Sl.No.Name of the CropArea (’000 ha)Production (’000 MT)Productivity( Kg/ha) 1.Wheat215.000430.0002200 2.Maize30.00075.0002500 3.Gram200.000300.0001500 4.Lentil75.00060.000800 5.Field Pea50.00075.0001500 6.Other Pulses19.00011.400600 7.Mustard/ Rai/Toria245.000147.000600 8.Linseed50.00030.000600 9.Sunflower10.0008.000800 10Safflower (Kusum)5.0003.000600 11.Summer Paddy50.000100.0002000 Total949.0001239.400
STRATEGY FOR WHEAT PRODUCTION & RUST MANAGEMENT 1. The Area under wheat production is increased from 1.20 lakh ha to 2.15 lakh hectares due to availability of water in water bodies (pond, well, dams etc.). 2.The quality seed of recommended variety of wheat is being distributed among the farmers. 3.Training for use the balance dose of fertilizer for ensuring more yield of wheat. 4.Better agronomical management will be provided (inter culturing etc.). 5.25000 ha area will be undertaken under SWI like SRI. 6.Till date rust problem has not been witnessed in the Jharkhand.
PRE – POSITIONING OF INPUTS (SEED DISTRIBUTION) IN THE STATE Sl.No.ItemsQuantity in Qtls 1.Wheat seeds69370 2.Lentil seed3140 3.Gram seed1350 4.Field pea4365 5.Mustard6600 |Total84825
REQUIREMENT OF FERTILIZER FOR RABI 2011-12 AND CONSUMPTION DURING 2010-11 S No.Name of Fertilizer Consumption in 2010-11Requirement in 2011-12 1Urea50284.1580000 2DAP20242.7045000 3MOP1597.5514000 4SSP10000 5NPK Complex13674.450000 6N2852452066.37 7P1259833979.00 8K349915673.67 9Total44621101719.04 10.Ratio4:1:8:0.54:2.6:1.2 Qty in MT
SCENARIO OF RABI SEED DISTRIBUTION IN JHARKHAND Year S.N.Crop2009-102010-112011-12 1.Wheat312241490069370 2.Gram7844-1350 3.Lentil16404643140 4.Field pea38925754365 5.Mustard774606600 Total 488431793984825 Quantity in Qtls
ADDITIONAL AREA TO BE BROUGHT UNDER PULSES DURING RABI/SUMMER 2011-12 1.An area of 10,000 ha will be brought under minikit block demonstration of chickpea. 2.During kharif an additional area of 1000 ha was covered during Kharif in pigeon pea. 3.Nearly 5000 ha area will be put under minikit block demonstration for green gram during summer. 4.The black gram will also be included in about 5000 ha during summer. 5.The potential crop i.e. Maize will also be covered in about 1000 ha both in Rabi & Summer. S.N.CropTarget (‘ 000 ha) Additional Area to be covered (2011-12) % of increase in area over 2010 20102011 1.Gram95.000200.000105.000110 2.Lentil30.00075.00045.0000150 3.Field pea30.00050.00020.00066 4.Other Pulses19.000 -- Total174.000344.000170.00098
FINANCIAL PROGRESS UNDER NFSM S No.ItemCrop Financial Outlay (Rs. In lakhs) 1NFSMRice829.00 2NFSMPulses1145.37 3NFSMA3P776.47 PUC of NFSM Pulses has been submitted to the GOI for the year 2010-11 Remarks – The sanctioned and the allotted fund has been disbursed timely to Project Director, ATMA of each district and has also been properly utilized as per report.
STATUS OF A3P Rs. In Lakhs S No. Fund AvailabilityAmountS No. Fund RequirementAmount 1Fund Available under A3P during 2010-11 491.941Fund Requirement under Pigeon pea 9 units @ Rs. 38 lakh/unit 342.00 2.Expenditure as on 31.3.2011 195.372Fund Req. under additional 10 units of Gram @ Rs. 38 lakh/unit 380.00 3.Unspent balance as on 1.4.2011 296.473Fund required under 7 units of Lentil @ Rs. 38 lakh/ unit 266.00 4.Fund to be released during 2011-12 660.604Fund Required under e-Pest Surveillance for 9 untis of 2010-11@ Rs. 2 lakh/unit 18.00 5.Fund Released so far during 2011-12 480.005Total fund required during 2011-12 1006.00 6.Total Fund Available so far during 2011-12 (3+5) 776.47Note : The residual amount of the pigeon pea demonstration will be made available for Gram and Lentil
FINANCIAL PROGRESS UNDER NFSM-A3P (PULSES) UP TO OCT, 2011 Rs. In Lakhs S No.CropNo. of UnitsFinancial Target Financial Achievement 1Pigeon Pea9342.00189.04 2Chick Pea10380.0061.98 3Lentil7266.0021.90 Total26988272.92 4e-Pest Surveillance918.00--
District wise distribution of A3P Minikit Block Demonstration in Jharkhand during 2011-12 No. of units of 1000ha area allocated S.N.DistrictPigeonpeaChickpeaLentil Cost/unit (Rs. in lakh) 1.Garhwa1-138.00 2.Palamu2-138.00 3.Latehar1-138.00 4.Chatra11-38.00 5.Lohardaga--138.00 6.Gumla11-38.00 7.Simdega--138.00 8.Saraikela11-38.00 9.W.Singhbhum--138.00 10.Ranchi-1-38.00 11.Khunti-1-38.00 12.Hazaribagh11-38.00 13.Ramgarh--138.00 14.Giridih-1-38.00 15.Dumka11-38.00 16.Pakur-1-38.00 17.Sahebganj-1-38.00 Total9107
Achievement under NFSM-A3P (Pulses) during 2011-12 9 units of minikits block demo. on pigeon pea was conducted in 9000 ha area during Kharif, 2011 10 units of minikit block demon. on chickpea is being conducted on 10000 ha area during Rabi. 7 units of minikit block demon. on lentil is being conducted on 7000 ha area during Rabi. 360 qtls of pigeon pea seeds was distributed on 100% subsidy. 20740 qtls lime was distributed during Kharif, 2011 on 100% subsidy. 900 qtls borax -10% was distributed during Kharif, 2011 on 100% subsidy. 32000 pkts of Rhizobium culture were distributed during Kharif, 2011 on 100% subsidy.
Achievement under NFSM-A3P (Pulses) during 2011-12 27000 pkts of PSB was distributed during Kharif 2011 on 100% subsidy. 1600 qtls of urea was distributed during Kharif, 2011 on 100 % subsidy. Insecticides, pesticides, Pheromon traps, lures, NPV were procured for Rs. 53.26 lakhs for distribution on 100% subsidy. 140 farmers scout were engaged in 14 units of pigeon pea under e-Pest Surveillance programme during Kharif, 2011. 1500 qtls chick pea seeds were distributed in 10 units of minikits block demonstration during Rabi, 2011-12. 420 qtls. Lentil seeds was distributed on in 7 units of lentil minikits block demonstration on 100 % subsidy. INM/IPM are being distributed for 10 units chick pea and 7 units of lentil minikits block demonstration as per norms.
PHYSICAL AND FINANCIAL PROGRESS OF E-PEST SURVEILLANCE UNDER A3P DURING 2011-12 1.The Training has been imparted to the farmers scouts and Extension Officers/ ADOs/ Supervisor in charge of A3P units at Block level. 2.Out of that 25% of money was made available for controlling insect/disease infestation. 3.District level Disaster Management Group was constituted in the concerned district. 4.Fund was made available to the Project Director, ATMA of the respective district underA3P for respective crops. 5.The farmers scout has been made responsible for e-pest surveillance works. 6.They have also been trained for reporting through online.
Achievement under NFSM-Rice during Kharif, 2011 1200 demonstration on Improved Package of Practices was conducted in an area of 480 ha. 500 demonstration on SRI was conducted in an area of 200 ha. 400 demonstration on hybrid rice was conducted in an area of 160 ha. 403 qtls hybrid rice seed was distributed on 50% subsidy. 14064 qtls of high yielding varieties was distributed on 50% subsidy. Micronutrient (Borax-10%) was distributed for 496 ha of area on 50 % Subsidy.
Achievement under NFSM-Rice during Kharif, 2011 Lime was distributed for 250 ha area on 50% subsidy. Plant Protection chemicals was distributed for 1150 ha area on 50% subsidy. 511 conoweeders were distributed on 50% subsidy. 1013 Knapsack sprayers were distributed on 50% subsidy. 2 Zero till seed drills were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 15000 per machine. 422 diesel pumpsets were distributed on susbidy of Rs. 10000 per machine. 134 FFS were organized during Kharif, 2011
Achievement under NFSM-Pulses during Kharif, 2011 2862 qtls seeds of pulses (pigeon pea, black gram, green gram) were distributed on 50% subsidy. 6014 qtls lime was distributed during Kharif season on subsidy of Rs. 750 per ha. 1708 qtls micro nutrient (Borax-10%) was distributed on subsidy of Rs. 500 per ha. Rhizobium culture was distributed for 6901 ha area for different pulses crop. Under IPM on Kharif Pulses, 1439 ha area was covered @ Rs. 750/ha subsidy. Plant Protection Chemicals for 1350 ha was distributed on the subsidy of Rs. 500/ ha
Achievement under NFSM-Pulses during Kharif, 2011 Weedicides was distributed for 99 ha area on the subsidy of Rs. 500/ha. 692 Knapsack sprayers were distributed on 50% subsidy. 4 nos. of Zero till seed drills were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 15000 per machine. 6 nos. of Seed drills were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 15000 per machine. 2 nos. of Rotavators were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 30000 per machine. 485 nos. of pumpsets were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 10000 per machine. 50 units of irrigation pipes were distributed on subsidy of Rs. 15000/unit. 46 nos. of Farmers Field Schools (FFS) were organized during Kharif 2011 on different pulses crops.
Other Initiatives, if any, taken by States for enhancing Rabi crop Production 1.Seeds of Wheat, Gram, Lentil, Field pea,Mustard, Toria etc are being made available to the farmers on subsidy basis. 2.Fertilizers are being made available for the farmers up to Block and Panchayat level. 3.Tie up list of inputs supplier for INM &IPM are being made available to concerned district. 4.Mini Dal Mill, Rice hauller, Vermi compost units are being made available to the interested farmers of the State. 5.Power Tiller, Sprayer, Diesel Pumpset, irrigation pipes, Seed drill, Zero till seed drill, Rotavator etc are being made available to the farmers on subsidy. 6.Awareness programme for 100% seed treatment has been extended up to panchayat level through departmental Extension officer. 7.System of wheat intensification (SWI) method is being popularized. 8. To control insect and disease infestation in rabi crops special IPM programme is being extended up to Block/ panchayat level through departmental officer.
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