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Published byEdgar Davidson Modified over 10 years ago
1 Graph Theory © Dave Bockus
2 Adjacency Matrix 1 2 3 67 5 4
3 Adjacency List 1 2 3 67 5 4 12345671234567 2 4 3 4 5 7 6 7 43 6 6
4 Example DAG IE A C B H F D J G I B D G C E F J A H or C E G A I B F J D H Possible Topological Order
5 TopSort void topsort( ) throws CycleFound { Queue q; int counter = 0; Vertex v,w; q = new Queue(); for each vertex v if (indegree == 0) q.enqueue(v); while (!q.empty()) { v = q.dequeue(); v.topNum = ++counter; for each w adjacent to v if (--w.indegree==0) q.enqueue(w); } if (counter != NUM_VERTICES) throw new CycleFound(); } Vertices will remain un- enumerated if a cycle exists Initialize Q with vertices of indegree 0 Decrement indegrees of vertices w, if 0 then enqueue
6 TopSort Example Queue IE A C B H F D J G Output Load Q with initial v with indegree == 0 B G C I I E C G B D E AF D A F J J H H
7 Shortest Path Unweighted edges Q.Enqueue(v0); while (!Q.IsEmpty) { V = Q.Dequeue(); for (Each W adjacent to V) if(T[W].Dist == Maxint) { T[W].Dist = T[V].Dist + 1; T[W].Path = V; Q.Enqueue(W); } Breadth First Search Algorithm
8 Shortest Path - Unweighted edges 1 2 3 67 5 4 Queue Enqueue Vo 36 1 v3 1 1 4 2 v1 2 2 No vertices adjacent to 6 5 v2 3 Ignore V4 V4 != MaxInt 7 3 v4 Ignore V6 V6 != MaxInt Ignore V4 V4 != MaxInt Ignore V7 V7 != MaxInt Ignore V6 V6 != MaxInt Queue is now empty so stop
9 Dijkstra’s Algorithm Q.Enqueue(v0); while (!Q.IsEmpty) { do { V = Q.Dequeue(); while (T[V].Known); T[V].Known = true; for (Each W adjacent to V) if(T[W].Dist > T[V].Dist + C(V,W) { T[W].Dist = T[V].Dist + C(V,W); T[W].Path = V; Q.Enqueue(W); } Only accept unknown edges Modify the path if an improvement to dv exists
10 Dijkstra’s Algorithm cont... 1 2 3 67 5 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 6 5 10 8 PQueue Enqueue Vo 1 0 4 1 1v1 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 v4 7 5 5 6 9 9 1 No improvement to v4 so skip 5 12 v2 12 1 No improvement to v1 so skip 8 v3 6 8 Update dv and pv to reflect improvement 1 6 6 v76 1 V6 is already known so ignore 1 No improvement to v4 so skip No improvement to v7 so skip Queue is now empty so stop
11 Kruskal's Algorithm Build priority Queue of all edges Edges_Accepted = 0; while (Edges_Accepted < NumVertex - 1) { E = Dequeue(); // E=(u,v) if (!Connected(E.u,E.v)) { Edges_Accepted ++; T[Action] = true; }
12 Kruskal's Algorithm cont... 1 2 3 67 5 4 4 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 6 5 10 8 1 1 1 1 1 Edge causes a cycle, so ignore 1 V-1 Edges accepted so stop Total path lengths: = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 12
13 Kruskal's Algorithm cont... void kruskal() { int edgesAccepted =0; DisjSet ds = new DisjSets(NUM-Vertices); PQ pq = new PriorityQueue (getEdges()); Edge e; Vertix u,v; while (edgesAccepted < NUM_VERTICES -1) { e = pq.deleteMin(); //remove the smallest edge from pq E=(u,v); SetType uset = ds.find(u); SetType vset = ds.find(v); if (uset != vset){ edgesAccepted++; ds.union(uset,vset); }
14 Kruskal's Algorithm cont... Typically the algorithm will maintain a forest of sets –The concept would be to reduce the forest to just 1 set. –A free tree This implies set operations such as: –Union(Uset,Vset) Join 2 sets Uset & Vset –Find(u) Return the set with vertex u in it. –Compare(Uset,Vset) Is Uset equal Vset Set operations can become costly.
15 Kruskal's Algorithm cont... Determining cycles without using sets –Support an Adjacency list of accepted edges –Want to add edge (u,v) –Build a tree from u of currently accepted edges. If v in the tree, then (u,v) will cause a cycle. Else we add (u,v) as an accepted edge. Additional Data Structures are required –Adjacency list of accepted edges –Integer array size n used for book keeping Only enumerate a vertex once. If graph has directed edges then we need to determine: –u contains v –v contains u
16 Kruskal's Algorithm cont... for (i==1; i <= n; i++) //Initialize Known to 0 Known[i]=0; boolean Find(u,v){ boolean cycle = false; Known[u]=1; //Mark u as processed if (u == v) return true; //We found a cycle for (each w adjacent to u) if (Known[w]==0) //Only search vertices w cycle = cycle || Find(w,v); //which are unprocessed return cycle; } If we ever find a cycle (u==v) then we return true. This value is passed back true the recursion.
17 Prim’s Algorithm Basic Idea 1.Build a tree starting at Vo=u. 2. Select vertex v which is closest to u and add (u,v) to tree. 3. Find next closes vertex v to tree and add. 4.Repeat 3 Until all v have been consumed.
18 Prim’s Algorithm Q.Enqueue(V 0,V 0 ); Vertices=1 while (Vertices++ < |V|) { do { E = Q.Dequeue(); while (T[v].Known); T[v].Known = true; for (Each w adjacent to v) if(T[w].Dist > C(v,w) && !T[w].known){ T[w].Dist = C(v,w); T[w].Path = v; Q.Enqueue(v,w); } Very Similar to Dijkstra’s Algorithm. dv now only holds the edge weight. PQ of edges c(u,v), where u is in the tree and v is not. Where E = (u,v)
19 Prim’s Algorithm Cont... PQ 1 2 3 67 5 4 4 4 1 2 7 2 3 6 5 10 8 1 C(1,1) 1 1 C(1,4)C(1,2)C(1,3) 1 4 1 V1 C(4,1)C(1,2)C(4,3)C(4,2)C(4,6)C(1,3)C(4,7)C(4,5) 2 1 2 V1 C(2,4)C(2,1)C(4,3)C(4,2)C(4,6)C(1,3)C(4,7)C(4,5)C(2,5) 3 1 2 V4 C(2,4)C(3,4)C(2,1)C(4,2)C(4,6)C(1,3)C(4,7)C(4,5)C(2,5)C(3,1)C(3,6) 4V4 7 1 C(4,6)C(4,5)C(2,5)C(3,1)C(3,6)C(7,5)C(7,4)C(7,6) 6 1 1 V7 C(4,6)C(4,5)C(2,5)C(3,1)C(3,6)C(7,5)C(7,4)C(6,7)C(6,3)C(6,4) 5 1 6 V7
20 Prim’s Algorithm Cont.. The Algorithm stops when we have accepted |V| vertices. We can read the accepted edges from the table directly.
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