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Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP)

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1 Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP)

2 CAPP Members COUNTRIES Angola Burundi Cameroon CAR Congo Congo (R.D.)
Gabon Chad CAR Cameroon Rwanda DR Congo Eq.Guinea Sao Tomé & Principe Burundi COUNTRIES Angola Burundi Cameroon CAR Congo Congo (R.D.) Gabon Equat. Guinea Rwanda(1) Sao Tomé and Principe Chad COMPANIES Ene-ep; Edel Regideso Aes Sonel Enerca SNE Snel Seeg Segesa Electrogaz(1) Emae Stee (1) Membership not yet effective

3 CAPP Overview CAPP was set up in April 2003
Main Objective: Organize and manage an electric power market to satisfy all power demands in Central Africa through an interconnected electric network Key activities undertaken so far: Administrative and physical installation of CAPP and preparation of additional legal management texts Preparation of final report of preliminary study on master plan for establishment of an electric power market in Central Africa by 2025 Identification of priority integrating projects (PIP) and projects of the Pilot Cross-border Electrification Programme (PPET); preparation of data sheets and terms of reference for studies on the said projects Production of communication documents and the Action Plan Activities for CAPP capacity building Next key activities planned: Preparation of feasibility studies on 2 PIP projects and 4 PPET projects Adoption of technical, legal, commercial and regulatory instruments for the regional electric power market Organization of a Power Forum on projects to establish a regional electric power market

4 Upcoming Key Projects in CAPP Area (I)
Nr. Project Name Country (ies) Type(1) Est. Cost ($M) Est. Readiness 1 Development of Inga Site DR Congo REHAB + HYD GEN Studies: 20,0 Implementation: - Rehab: 600.0 - Hyd Gen: 18 000 Studies: $ 14.0 M available in ADB; Studies on Inga 3 ongoing (Westcor project); Pref. on Grnd Inga conducted 2 Inga – Calabar Interconnection DR Congo, Congo, Gabon, Equat. Guinea, Cameroon, Nigeria TRANS Studies: 3.0 Implementation: Draft TOR of studies ready; Draft Legal Memoranda of Understanding ready 3 Inga - Cabinda - Pointe Noire Interconnection DR Congo, Angola, Congo TRANS Studies: 1.0 Implementation: 97.3 TOR for studies available; Legal Memoranda of Understanding signed 4 Chad – Cameroon Interconnection Chad, Cameroon TRANS Studies: 0.3 Implementation: Prefeasibility study already conducted (1) Key: REHAB: rehabilitation and expansion project – HYD GEN: hydropower plant – GAS GEN: gas-fired generation project DIV GEN: other type of power plant – TRANS: transmission project – DIST: distribution project – OTHER: other type

5 Upcoming Key Projects in CAPP Area (II)
Nr. Project Name Country (ies) Type Est. Cost ($M) Est. Readiness 5 Cross-border electrification of Zongo (DRC) from Bangui (CAR) DR Congo, Central African Republic HYD GEN + OTHER Studies: 0.13 Implementation: 28.0 Prefeasibility conducted; TOR studies and project information sheets ready; Legal Memorandum of Understanding signed; Finan. promise BADEA 6 Cross-border electrification of 7 villages (CAR) from Mobaye (DRC) DR Congo, Central African Republic OTHER Studies: 0.39 Implementation: 13.8 TOR of studies and project information sheets ready; Promise of financing of works by BADEA 7 Electrification of Léré, Para, Ribao, Momboré, Mamboroua and Binder (Chad) from Guider (Cameroon) Chad, Cameroon OTHER Studies: 0.26 Implementation: 9.8 Prefeasibility conducted; TOR of studies and project information sheets ready; Promise of finan. of works BADEA 8 Electrification of Kye-Ossi (Cameroon), Ebebiyin (Equatorial Guinea) and Meyo-Kye (Gabon) Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon OTHER Studies: 0.26 Implementation: 7.5 Prefeasibility conducted; TOR of studies and project information sheets ready (1) Key: REHAB: rehabilitation and expansion project – HYD GEN: hydropower plant – GAS GEN: gas-fired generation project DIV GEN: other type of power plant – TRANS: transmission project – DIST: distribution project – OTHER: other type

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