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Paris, 7 th June 2012 Angélico Hernández Transport Training Manager HEI Group – Spain CPC Driver in Spain Implementation Status.

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Presentation on theme: "Paris, 7 th June 2012 Angélico Hernández Transport Training Manager HEI Group – Spain CPC Driver in Spain Implementation Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paris, 7 th June 2012 Angélico Hernández Transport Training Manager HEI Group – Spain CPC Driver in Spain Implementation Status

2 2 1.Presentation 2.Spanish implementation of EU Directive 2003/59/CE 3.CPC statistics - May 2012 4.CPC Organisation 5.Spanish Acreditation Process 6.Requirements for instructors 7.Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses 8.Trainers’ competences 9.CPC in Spain: Obstacles and difficulties 10.The future CPC Driver in Spain

3 3 ASTIC ASTIC consists of over 350 companies, almost exclusively engaged to international road transport. ASTIC has also bonded with companies affiliated non-transport, but directly linked to the same as the shipping company Grimaldi, Siemens, etc. and do so with the intention to work together to develop the sector. ASTIC companies make all kinds of transport, showing positions in any specialty. With a fleet of over 12,000 trucks themselves, the most diverse specialties, from classic to the most innovative, represent the vast majority of the capacity of international road transport that has become one of the earliest and most modern fleets Europe. This favorable position has been possible thanks to the international experience gained since the first moments of opening our economy to external trade, its ability to innovate and adapt to technological developments and to be able to get a sufficient dimension to compete internationally.

4 4 Hei Group GESTION Y FORMACION BARAJAS 21, S.L. - First comprehensive center Aviation Training in Spain Creainnova Consultores, S.L. - Solutions and Consulting Services, Training and Research and Analysis in Innovation and the Environment Laybor Auditores, S.L. - Audit Solutions and Services, Consulting, Training and Research and Analysis in Labor Risks Humanitae Empleo e Innovación, S.L. Solutions and Services Consulting, Training and Research and Analysis in Human Resources, Training and Employment


6 6 CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN DE CONDUCTORES CAP 1.Information and advice 2.CPC training center reference 3.Classrooms approved regional and state 4.Grants Management 5.Experts and certified trainers 6.Own training materials 7.Comprehensive training center 8.Relationship capital our features: Hei Group

7 7 ASTIC - Hei Group Partner in consulting, training, projects, labor risks Partner in consulting, training, projects, labor risks Reference center for CPC training Reference center for CPC training

8 8 Spanish implementation of EU Directive 2003/59/CE july 2007 Transposition Directive 2003/59/CE Real Decreto 1032/2007 september 2008, 11 th Initial Training obligation for Cat. D september 2008, 11 th Initial Training obligation for Cat. C october 2010, 1 th Orden Ministerial 2607/2010 Trainers requierements September 2011, 10 th Periodic Training Obligation Cat. D. Drives Licences finished1 and 2 sepember 2012, 10 th Peridodic training obligation: Cat. D. Drive licenses finished 3 and 4 Cat. C. Drive licenses finished 1 and 2

9 9 PERIODIC TRAINING CPC Statistics - May 2012 Approved centers Started Courses Students enrolled CPC Cards issued 2.73210.315134.61890.761

10 10 INITIAL QUALIFICATION Approved centers Started Courses Exams done Students enrolled Ok Students Goods 2.4796.23257756.66333.119 Passengers 2.3664.92969742.11229.315 58,45% 69,61% CPC Statistics - May 2012

11 11 CPC Driver Organisation Ministerio Fomento Regions

12 12 Are there differences between the regions? The general aspects are the same.The general aspects are the same. The differences are in SMALL ISSUES:The differences are in SMALL ISSUES: Rest periodsRest periods “special” facilities“special” facilities Murcia region doesn’t permitMurcia region doesn’t permit “in company” courses Different amount of fees ± 20%Different amount of fees ± 20% CPC Driver Organisation

13 13 Who bears the cost of periodic training? Periodic training can be financed for a mutual fund for professional training. All Spanish employers contribute to this fund. The contribution is calculated on basis of the company’s total wage and salary cost. There are special conditions for micro- companies CPC Driver Organisation

14 14 Transport General Agreement and Urgent Labor market reform The companies must pay the CPC and ADR trainning All workers with a year in the company are entitled to 20 hours per year for programs related to their jobs. May be accumulated up to three years. CPC Driver Organisation Who bears the cost of periodic training?

15 15 Penalty for driving without (valid) CPC certification Now 1.001 € 1.001 € The company pays The company pays Coming soon From 2.000 to 4.000 € From 2.000 to 4.000 € The company pays and the “transport manager” (Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 ) The company pays and the “transport manager” (Regulation (EC) No 1071/2009 ) CPC Driver Organisation

16 16 IMPARTATION COURSES Spanish Accreditation Process CENTER

17 17 Competent instructors and pedagogical Director CENTER Appropriate infrastructure Electronic signature approved by the administration to manage telematic communications Didactical resources Spanish Accreditation Process

18 18 COURSES A didactical program approved by course and timetable (Not 7 hours per year spread over 5 years) INITIAL GOODS INITIAL ACCELERATED GOODS INITIAL PASSENGERS INITIAL ACCELERATED PASSENGERS PERIODIC TRAINIG ONE PERIOD PERIODC TRAINING MANY PERIODS Spanish Accreditation Process

19 19 IMPARTATION Telematic comunication 10 days before start All courses are inspected at least once Cronogram, trainers, objectives, dates, … High penalties for the center Spanish Accreditation Process

20 20 Requirements for instructors Road training Rational driving Logistics and transport

21 21 Dangerous goods Firefighting First Aids Requirements for instructors

22 22 Road training Secondary education or intermediate technical degreeSecondary education or intermediate technical degree Driving licence C + E and D + EDriving licence C + E and D + E CPCCPC Driving school instructors for C and D licencesDriving school instructors for C and D licences Requirements for instructors

23 23 Secondary education or intermediate technical degreeSecondary education or intermediate technical degree Driving licence C + E and D + EDriving licence C + E and D + E CPCCPC Must hold a training certificate in rational driving (Course 1)Must hold a training certificate in rational driving (Course 1) Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skills (Course 2)Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skills (Course 2) Rational driving Requirements for instructors

24 24 Superior technical degree in Transport Management, orSuperior technical degree in Transport Management, or University degree in logistics and/or transport or/and University Master or official course not under 140 hours, orUniversity degree in logistics and/or transport or/and University Master or official course not under 140 hours, or Logistics and transport Requirements for instructors

25 25 Simultaneously:Simultaneously: Secondary education or intermediate technical degreeSecondary education or intermediate technical degree Transport professional competence according to Directive 96/26/CE, art. 10, point 1, April the 29 th 1996Transport professional competence according to Directive 96/26/CE, art. 10, point 1, April the 29 th 1996 Logistics and/or transport official course not under 140 hoursLogistics and/or transport official course not under 140 hours Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skils (Course 2)Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skils (Course 2) Requirements for instructors Logistics and transport

26 26 Or Simultaneously: Secondary education or intermediate technical degreeSecondary education or intermediate technical degree Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skils (Course 2)Must hold a training certificate in pedagogical skils (Course 2) Must hold an specific training certificate for logistics and transport trainers (Course 3)Must hold an specific training certificate for logistics and transport trainers (Course 3) Requirements for instructors Logistics and transport

27 27 Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses Course 1: Rational Driving 140 hours ModulsTotal hours Max. Dist. Technical characteristics of road transport vehicles3010 Rational Driving60--- Road safety and risk prevention3010 Practical driving (Lorry or Bus) 20 (Max. 8 hours in simulator)

28 28 Course 2: Teaching Skills 40 hours ModulsTotal hours Max. Dist. Teaching skills40--- The didactical interaction Teaching methods Educational resources and media Learning evaluation Programming a teaching-learning process Practices Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses

29 29 Course 3: Road Transport and Logistics 80 hours ModulsTotal hours Max. Dist. Regulatory environment, economic and social development of road transport 4020 Road transport services and customer relationships4020 Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses

30 30 Course 4: Transportation of Dangerous Goods 32 hours ModulsTotal hours Max. Dist. Training on all vehicles of dangerous goods transport20--- Specific training on vehicles carrying dangerous goods in tanks, tank containers 12--- Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses

31 31 Course 5: Roadside Emergency Actions 38 hours ModulsTotal hours Max. Dist. First Aids18--- Firefighting10--- Prevention, Intervention, sensibilitation Education Road 4--- Practices (3 h Firefighting + 3 h First Aids)6--- Specific “Train-the-Trainer” courses

32 32 Trainers’ Competences Excel File Attached

33 33 CPC in Spain Obstacles and Difficulties Crisis, crisis and crisis.Crisis, crisis and crisis. It affects: Goverment € Public Founds Companies Increasing costs Uncertainty Bubble truck Drivers

34 34 A personal point of view Attendance course and No Test in periodic training Blended Learning or similar mix are very appropiated solutions Profesional pride Price or quality? CPC in Spain Obstacles and Difficulties

35 35 The Future Improving environmental impact Increase road safety Reduce fuel comsuption

36 36 Proud professionals Concentration of effort Increase the quality The Future

37 37 Competitive drivers The Future

38 Gracias ! Merci ! Thank you!

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