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Views from inside the CRPD Committee Theresia Degener Let‘s get ready (for ratification !) Dublin, Ireland 17 May 2013 (DFI / CDLP conference)

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Presentation on theme: "Views from inside the CRPD Committee Theresia Degener Let‘s get ready (for ratification !) Dublin, Ireland 17 May 2013 (DFI / CDLP conference)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Views from inside the CRPD Committee Theresia Degener Let‘s get ready (for ratification !) Dublin, Ireland 17 May 2013 (DFI / CDLP conference)

2 Agenda 1.Becoming a party to the treaty 2.The CRPD Committee & how it monitors 3.The reporting cycle and issues of dialogue 4.The role of civil society 5.Outlook & example Japan Theresia Degener 20132

3 1.Becoming a party to the CRPD & OP Two steps procedure SignaturesRatifications One step procedure Accessions Or Formal Confirmations Theresia Degener 20133

4 Difference between signature and ratification? Signature: Indication: state will take steps to be bound Obligation: refrain from counteraction Ratification: Legally binds state to implement treaties subject to valid rervations, declarations and understandings Theresia Degener 20134

5 2.The CRPD Committee & how it monitors The CRPD Committee 18 treaty members CRPD: 130 parties (155 sign) OP: 76 (91) 45 reports received, 50 overdue 7 States fully reviewed Meeting time: 5 weeks in Geneva – Backlog: 5 years! Other agents 1 of 10 treaty bodies State Party Conference in NYC National monitoring systems Theresia Degener 20135

6 Monitoring procedures & working methods State Party Reports Individual Complaints Inquiry Procedures Early Warning Measures General Comments Statements Theresia Degener 20136

7 3.The reporting cycle and issues of dialogue List of Issues Response to LOI Constructive Dialogue Concluding Observations State Report Theresia Degener 20137

8 Issues in dialogue Human rights model of disability Ending institutionali- zation Abolishing segregation Replacing substitute decision making Freedom and equality for disabled women Rights for disabled children Theresia Degener 20138

9 4.The role of civil society List of Issues Response to LOI Constructive Dialogue Concluding Observations & Follow up State Report Theresia Degener 20139 Alternative Report Recommendations for LOI Recommendations for Questions

10 5.Outlook & example Japan Ratification is only the beginning Implementation of human rights is a process Meaningful participation of civil society is crucial International Monitoring needs to be complemented by effective national monitoring Theresia Degener 201310 Ms Nagoya outside the Tokyo district court- the banner reads: I have won the case © 2013 Shima Keiko

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