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Outreach to artists. “Our students engage a broad spectrum of creative methodologies and intellectual frameworks...

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Presentation on theme: "Outreach to artists. “Our students engage a broad spectrum of creative methodologies and intellectual frameworks..."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outreach to artists

2 “Our students engage a broad spectrum of creative methodologies and intellectual frameworks...

3 …are taught to balance ‘making’ with the production of ideas.” –Patricia Olynyk, Director of Graduate Studies

4 Orientation Research 101 Methods Bibliography

5 Field trips Workshops

6 In the studios



9 Thesis defense




13 Kasia Leousis, M.A., M.L.S. Art History & School of Art Librarian Washington University in Saint Louis

14 Bartnik, Linda. “The Embedded Academic Librarian: The Subject Specialist Moves into the Discipline College.” Kentucky Libraries 71.3 (Summer 2007): 4-9. Haines, Annette. “Out in Left Field: The Benefits of Field Librarianship for Studio Arts Programs.” Art Documentation 23:1 (2004): 18-20. Stoddart, Richard A., Thedis W. Bryant and Amia L. Baker. “Going Boldly Beyond the Reference Desk: Practical Advice and Learning Plans for New Reference Librarians Performing Liaison Work.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 32.4 (2006): 419-427. Sullivan, Graeme. Art Practice as Research: Inquiry in Visual Arts. London: Sage, 2010. Vetruba, Brian. “Eingebettet in the German Department.” WESSWeb WESS Newsletter (Fall 2008).

15 Andrea Degener. From Object Series (1) Frog, Turtle. Digital C- prints, 30x31” each. 2011 Meghan Bean. Absent Referent. Oil on canvas, 2010. Nicholas Kania. Southern Praise no. 1, trundle bed frame, duct tape, glitter, plastic flowers, Christmas lights, mud, glue, 2011. -----------. Southern Praise no. 2, wood paneling, Christmas lights, duct tape, metal folding chairs, 2011.

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