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Millennium Statistical Reports Carolina Innovative Users Group Pre- Conference October 18, 2006 Columbia, South Carolina Arlene Hanerfeld Associate University.

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Presentation on theme: "Millennium Statistical Reports Carolina Innovative Users Group Pre- Conference October 18, 2006 Columbia, South Carolina Arlene Hanerfeld Associate University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Millennium Statistical Reports Carolina Innovative Users Group Pre- Conference October 18, 2006 Columbia, South Carolina Arlene Hanerfeld Associate University Librarian for Technical & Collection Services Randall Library, UNC Wilmington

2 Millennium Statistical Reports Emphasis today Bibliographic, item, checkin & order record reports Not included today Web Management Reports, most circulation statistics, vendor statistics

3 What are Statistical Reports? Customized reports, based on real time data, unlike Web Management Reports, which don’t allow extensive customization or manipulation of data Used with Create Lists to create a subset of your database, used as the basis of a statistical report

4 Starting points Millennium User Manual Page #105586 CSDirect – look at Innovative staff presentations, especially those from IUG conferences IUG web site – look for conference presentations and clearinghouse resources

5 Why use statistical reports? Monthly & annual reports Accreditation reports & other requests for reports about your collection Budget planning Quality control/database maintenance

6 Materials Ordered 2005/06 (Order record based on odate & fund)

7 Materials Received 2005/06 (Order record based on rdate & code1)

8 Discard Statistics 2005/06 (Item record based on icode2=w & location)

9 Pcount 2005/06 (Checkin record based on updcnt & pcount)

10 Materials Cataloged 2005/06 (Order record based on cdate & code1)

11 Education Accreditation Report DescriptionVolumes LA History of education1916 LB1-1139,1705-3640 Theo&pr9397 LB1140-1547 Preschool, K-3527 LB1555-1602 Elementary Ed.1558 LB1603-1695 Secondary Ed.487 LC8-1099 Spec.aspects/edu.1565 LC1390-6691 Spe.Class.Pers2291 Total17741

12 L call #’s by location LocationVolumes UNCW A/V 16mm/8mm Films20 UNCW A/V Audiocassettes8 UNCW A/V Compact Discs10 UNCW A/V CD Oversize3 UNCW DVD-Documentary19 UNCW A/V Oversize182 UNCW A/V Videocassettes311 UNCW REF Atlas1 UNCW Microfilm Guides3 UNCW Reference635 UNCW Ready Reference18 UNCW General Collection16087 UNCW Oversize Coll6 UNCW Index Collection116

13 Education Checkin Records Subscription typeNumber Active journal subscriptions176 Active non-journal subscriptions8 Inactive subscriptions67 Gift subscriptions7 Online full text subscriptions549 Total807

14 Tips for effective reports Reports are based on fixed fields, call # fields, and payment fields Code fixed fields according to reports you want to generate Customize SCAT tables to meet your needs Variable length field reports can be generated by using Create Lists strategies based on variable length fields, then creating a report of fixed fields from that list Create a calendar of types of reports and how often they should be run Print System Status reports at regular intervals

15 Year-end System Status

16 Create Lists & Statistical Reports These functions are very interrelated Can do statistical reports without Create Lists, but more effective reports are created if you begin with a customized list Statistical Reports run on any list can be a good quality control check as “bad codes” will be revealed

17 Bibliographic Record Report Not too useful for a consortium unless you start with a list limited by location Bib list provides title, not volume, counts Use for Call # reports if not in a consortium Bib record fixed fields contain little information unless you want language, country, bib level or material type Good way to find bad codes that affect retrieval Locations, Material types, Languages

18 Item Record Reports Call # reports in a consortium Counts volumes, the usual requirement for IPEDS or accreditation reports Can be used for circulation reports Reveals bad codes that can affect retrieval or checkout periods by revealing errors in Locations, Call #, Itype errors

19 Checkin record reports Use for pcount/updcnt reports - # of issues checked in by format Use scodes to generate reports based on specific needs UNCW uses SCODE 3 to designate bind/don’t bind UNCW uses SCODE 4 to assign an academic department to each subscription

20 Order record reports Acquisition statistics Can provide piece count (vols. x copies) Cataloging statistics “Generic” order records for materials without order records Detailed reports by fund Code3 used for format, i.e. journal, newspaper, index, etc. Code4 used for academic department Use to project costs, especially for serials

21 “Generic” order record 1 for each month, bib records for each format

22 Cataloger increments volume field

23 Types of reports Field statistics - Gathers statistics on all fixed- length fields in a record Periodic reports - Based on date fixed fields Cross tabulation reports – Examines 2 fields together Budget planning – Projects future cost or average cost as a separate column in a report Collection development – Compares expenditures in a time period & projects future costs as an entirely separate report, not just a column

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