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Expert Review Committee Meeting March 2012.  Recent Nigeria cold chain assessments and EPI committee recommendations ◦ Review wastage rates and further.

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Presentation on theme: "Expert Review Committee Meeting March 2012.  Recent Nigeria cold chain assessments and EPI committee recommendations ◦ Review wastage rates and further."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expert Review Committee Meeting March 2012

2  Recent Nigeria cold chain assessments and EPI committee recommendations ◦ Review wastage rates and further determine weaknesses in stock management / monitoring  Forthcoming introduction of pentavalent and pneumococcal vaccines in Nigeria  Anecdotal evidence health workers do not follow immunization policies meant to increase coverage for fear of wasting doses

3 Vaccine Number of doses per vial Type Target wastage rate BCG 20lyophilized30% OPV 20liquid15% DTP 10liquid15% Hep B 10liquid15% Measles 10lyophilized30% Yellow Fever 10liquid15% TT 10liquid15%

4  GAVI wastage rate recommendations by year of funding ◦ By third year: reduce wastage rate to 15%  WHO Multi-Dose Vial Policy (MDVP) recommendation ◦ Opened, multi-dose vials of certain liquid vaccines may be reused up to 4 weeks if properly stored (may decrease wastage by 30%)  WHO policy ◦ A vial should be opened anytime a child is present for vaccinations ◦ Always administer a measles vaccine to eligible unvaccinated child, even if >1 year old (WHO recommendation)

5 Measuring vial-specific wastage rates allows for determining appropriate strategies to reducing wastage WHO, Monitoring vaccine wastage at country level. Guidelines for programme managers.

6  For routine immunization vaccines, measure ◦ Vaccine wastage rates (overall, unopened-vial- specific, open-vial-specific) ◦ Proportion of sessions where the vaccine is given  Assess ◦ Vaccine management policies and practices ◦ Vaccine session planning and implementation

7  Sites selected ◦ 55 health facilities across 11 LGAs and all 6 Zones  Stock records reviewed ◦ Records abstracted for January 1, 2011 to June 30, 2011 ◦ Data abstracted: monthly starting balance, # of doses opened, # of persons vaccinated and ending balance  Session records reviewed ◦ Records abstracted for 12 sessions prior to June 30, 2011 ◦ Data abstracted: number of doses received, opened, returned; population vaccinated  Facility staff surveyed ◦ Stock recordkeeping practices, knowledge of national vaccine use policies, current immunization practices ◦ Mothers of infants also interviewed on experiences Field data collection period: 22-26 August, 2011 Assessment partners: NPHCDA, UNICEF, WHO, CDC

8  >50% of facilities did not have approved stock management forms ◦ Were using alternate methods for managing stock data  Overall vaccine wastage rate calculation ◦ 30-40% of facilities lacked at least 1 data element (# of doses received; # of doses opened etc.) needed for calculating wastage rate per antigen  Unable to calculate unopened-vial-specific wastage rates ◦ 0% of facilities recorded number of unopened doses discarded ◦ Yet, 38% of facilities reported they had damaged vials in last 6 months

9 Note: 55 health facilities were visited in survey. Number of health facilities used in calculation of vaccine-specific wastage rate given in parentheses. Median wastage rates were calculated using session reporting form data from a facility’s last 12 sessions conducted prior to June 30, 2011 30% 15% median wastage rate across months (from HF monthly reporting form) median wastage rate across HF sessions (from HF session summary forms)

10  Multi-dose vial policy ◦ 55% reported familiarity with the MDVP; of those:  10% knew opened vials could be reused up to 4 weeks  Eligible age for vaccination policy ◦ 12% reportedly vaccinate up to 2 years of age (current policy) ◦ 58% reportedly vaccinate up to 5 years of age  When to open a vial ◦ 24% reportedly open a vial whenever a child shows up at facility/session ◦ 10% of all reviewed sessions had all vaccines given

11  Stock records ◦ 17% of facilities monitored each ILR 2x daily, 7 days/week ◦ 44% of facilities had records on quantity of doses received  Stock supply/forecasting ◦ 63% reported stockouts in last 6 months; nearly all believed wastage caused these stockouts ◦ 53% reportedly forecast stock needs based on previous number of doses used  Wastage knowledge & practices ◦ 79% reportedly make an effort to reduce wastage ◦ 21% had calculated monthly wastage rates for last 6 months ◦ 16% knew all data elements needed to calculate wastage ◦ 12% reported receiving wastage targets

12  Planning ◦ 15% had facility microplan available ◦ 26% reported they have hard to reach populations ◦ 6% reported receiving a supervision visit in last 3 months  Implementation ◦ 30% of interviewed beneficiaries reported being turned away for at least 1 vaccine ◦ 52% of them reported not receiving all vaccines they had missed

13  Reported use of MDVP ◦ 12% incorrectly believed the MDVP applies to measles vaccine ◦ 85% reported they should discard opened measles vial within 6 hours  Reported use of open vial policy for Measles vaccine ◦ 2% open measles vial for every eligible infant ◦ 98% open measles vial only on certain days or certain number of children ◦ On average, 6 infants must be present before measles vial is opened  Session planning & implementation ◦ 62% of reviewed sessions included measles vaccine ◦ Only 1 vial opened in 76% of sessions with measles vaccine

14 Reported reasons for vaccine wastage by LGA immunization staff  100% of LGAs believed wastage was important topic ◦ 25% collected wastage rate data from facilities ◦ 39% correctly aware of the required data needed to calculate wastage rates ◦ 79% believed wastage rates needed to decrease

15  Stock management ◦ Few monitoring & managing stock well ◦ Wastage rates low, but likely driven by stockout concerns  Policies & session implementation ◦ Few knew MDVP ◦ Majority vaccinating up to 5 years  May be impacting stockouts (good policy change though?) ◦ Few opening a vial at every opportunity  Tied to high concerns with stockouts ◦ Missed opportunities reported

16 Local levelNational level  Distribute standardized forms  Review/reaffirm policies ◦ MDVP ◦ Vaccination age ranges ◦ When vial is opened  Assess vaccine supply ◦ Funding availability ◦ Sufficient doses ordered ◦ Sufficient supply available ◦ Account for policy decisions  Stock management training (using forms)  Microplan updation exercise including session-type assessment for villages  Immunization policies training (MDVP)  Wastage training: targets, calculations, types  Intradistrict knowledge sharing exercise (supervisor-led)

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