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Semester 4, Chapter 6 Allan Johnson

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1 Semester 4, Chapter 6 Allan Johnson
Frame Relay Semester 4, Chapter 6 Allan Johnson

2 Table of Contents Frame Relay Technology Local Management Interface
The Use of Subinterfaces Configuring Frame Relay Go There! Go There! Go There! Go There!

3 Frame Relay Technology
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4 Frame Relay History Frame Relay was designed as a stream-lined version of X.25. X.25, a 1970s ITU-T standard, ensured reliable transport at the data link layer with error detection and error correction. With the introduction of DoD’s TCP/IP in the early 1980s, TCP took over error correction. Although Frame Relay detects errors at the data link layer, it does not correct. That’s now TCP’s job.

5 Frame Relay History In 1990, Cisco Systems, StrataCom, Nothern Telecom and Digital Equipment (sometimes referred to as the Group of Four) worked to standardize the Frame Relay protocol and add what they dubbed LMI extensions. Today, Frame Relay is the most popular WAN protocol because it is: Faster than X.25, it uses TCP for error correction Cost-effective - you no longer have to pay for a dedicated point-to-point link Versatile - can operate over a variety of interfaces (ISDN, Serial, Dial-up, etc.)

6 Frame Relay Operation Devices in the Frame Relay network are the DTE (customer equipment) and DCE (provider’s frame relay switch) Often cheaper than other technologies because many times the service provider also owns the DTE. The Frame Relay connection between the DTE and DCE operates at the data link and physical layers of the OSI model. Data Link Physical

7 Frame Relay Operation Frame Relay operates over a permanent virtual circuit (PVC), which means that a permanent connection exists between the source DCE and destination DCE over the frame relay network. Therefore, there is no need for call setup and termination like in ISDN. Frame Relay has two states: Data transfer--between the DCE and the provider’s DTE Idle--the line is active, but no data is being transferred.

8 Frame Relay Operation The connection between the local DTE and the DCE in a Frame Relay network is logically identified with a Data-link Connection Identifier (DLCI). A word about Switched Virtual Circuits (SVC) Frame Relay over ISDN must use a SVC with ISDN’s call setup and termination procedures. However, currently few manufacturers of DCE equipment support Frame Relay SVCs, so implementation is minimal. Therefore, we will assume a PVC when discussing Frame Relay.

9 Frame Relay Lexicon DLCI - Identifies logical connections to the Frame Relay network and has local significance only FECN - Forward explicit congestion notification; tell receiving DTE to implement congestion avoidance procedures BECN - Backwards explicit congestion notification; tells the sending DTE to slow down the transfer rate by 25%. DE - Discard eligibility; bit set in the frame to say “frame is not business critical” and can be discarded CIR - Committed information rate guaranteed by the service provider. LMI - Local Management Interface; determines the operational status of PVCs

10 FECN-tells receiving DTE device to implement congestion avoidance procedures
FRAMES BECN FECN BECN-tells sending DTE device to reduce the rate of sending data. DLCI-identifies logical connections on the Frame Relay switch to which the customer is attached

11 Frame Relay Frame Format
Flag - like most frame formats, the flag indicates the beginning and end of the frame The DLCI makes up the first 10 bits of the address field, while the FECN, BECN, and DE bits are the last 3 bits.

12 Local Management Interface
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13 LMI Overview LMI, similar to LCP in PPP, is a set of extensions to the basic Frame Relay protocol. LMI’s main functions are to: determine the operational status of the PVC between source and destination. transmit keepalives to ensure PVC stays up inform router what PVCs are available LMI extensions were added by the Group of Four. A common extension that must be used by all who implement Frame Relay is virtual circuit status messages. Optional extensions include... Multicasting Global addressing Simple Flow Control

14 LMI Frame Format The LMI Frame has four mandatory bytes. They are outlined in red below. Know them!!

15 Frame Relay Map The term map means to “map” or bind a Layer 2 address to a Layer 3 address. An ARP table maps MACs to IPs in a LAN In ISDN, we use the dailer-map command to map SPIDs to IP addresses In Frame Relay, we need to map the data link layer’s DLCI to the IP address We use the frame-relay map command

16 Frame Relay Map The Frame Relay switch builds a table of incoming/outgoing ports and DLCIs. The router builds a Frame Relay Map through Inverse ARP requests of the switch during the LMI exchange process. The Frame Relay Map is used by the router for next-hop address resolution.

17 Use of Subinterfaces Table of Contents End Slide Show

18 All Routers in Same Network
Using a Subinterface In order to have an active Frame Relay link to all your routers in the network, you need either All routers on the same network or subnet or use subinterfaces Frame Relay Network /24 DLCI 17 DLCI 18 DLCI 16 A B C All Routers in Same Network

19 Using a Subinterface Rarely do you have all routers on the same network or subnet, so we use subinterfaces. Each serial interface can logically be divided into as many subinterfaces as you need to establish PVCs with each destination. Each destination’s DLCI needs a separate point-to-point subinterface. Each side of the PVC must belong to the same network.

20 Subinterface Example #1
Each PVC as a point-to-point link in its own network or subnet A B C D S S S

21 Subinterface Example #2
Frame Relay Network S DLCI 17 DLCI 18 DLCI 16 A B C S S S S S AB-PVC AC-PVC BC-PVC

22 Configuring Frame Relay
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23 Frame Relay Encapsulation
To enable Frame Relay, simply go to the serial interface and enter the command However, if you are connecting to a non-Cisco remote router, you must specify the option IETF Router(config)#encap frame-relay [cisco|IETF] Router(config)#int s0 Router(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay

24 One Subnet/Network Configuration
The curriculum says to use a subinterface and specify multipoint. router(config-if)#int s1.1 multipoint However, subinterfaces are not necessary when configuring PVCs on the same subnet. Also, we do not have to set the LMI type since our Cisco IOS is 11.2 or later. LMI type is autosensed. However, we enter a map command to link the remote rouer’s DLCI to its IP address.

25 One Subnet/Network Configuration
Configure frame relay encapsulation and map the destinations’ DLCIs to their IPs Repeat the commands on each router in the network Frame Relay Network /24 DLCI 17 DLCI 18 DLCI 16 A B C RouterA(config)#int s0 RouterA(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay RouterA(config-if)#frame-relay map ip broadcast RouterA(config-if)#frame-relay map ip broadcast

26 Multiple Subnet/Network Configuration
When your routers are parts of different networks or subnets, then you must either physically attach them on different interfaces or use subinterfaces on a single interface. First step is to set the encapsulation type of the serial interface and state no IP address. RouterA(config)#int s0 RouterA(config-if)#encap frame-relay RouterA(config-if)#no ip address RouterA(config-if)#no shut Then enter subinterface configuration mode to assign each point-to-point link its IP address and define the destination’s DLCI. Next slide shows the subinterface commands.

27 Multiple Subnet/Network Configuration
Frame Relay Network S DLCI 17 DLCI 18 DLCI 16 A B C S S S S S AB-PVC AC-PVC BC-PVC RouterA(config-if)#int s0.17 point-to-point RouterA(config-subif)#ip address RouterA(config-subif)#frame-relay interface-dlci 17 RouterA(config-subif)#int s0.18 (continue with configuration)

28 Additional Frame Relay Labs
Chapter 6 does not provide enough practice for configuring Frame Relay. If you have an Adtran unit, use the first two labs in Chapter 8 of the Semester 6 curriculum to gain additional Frame Relay experience. Lab 8.2.1: Configuring Frame Relay A “One Subnet/Network” Frame Relay Configuration Lab 8.3.4: Configuring Frame Relay with Subinterfaces A “Multiple Subnet/Network” Frame Relay Configuration

29 Verifying Frame Relay show interface serial 0 show frame-relay map
is Frame Relay sending and receiving data? displays both LMI and DLCI information show frame-relay map displays the frame relay table on the router show frame-relay pvc used to verify a frame relay configuration

30 Table of Contents End Slide Show

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