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E-FREIGHT conference Delft / May 9th 2012 Peter Verbaas.

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Presentation on theme: "E-FREIGHT conference Delft / May 9th 2012 Peter Verbaas."— Presentation transcript:

1 e-FREIGHT conference Delft / May 9th 2012 Peter Verbaas

2 BackgroundResultsContent Multimodal transport of reefercontainers Fruit & vegetables to the hinterland

3 Background Results Content Main routes G&F import & export

4  Mainports  Greenports Logistic hotspots and connections for F&V Background Results Content

5  Fast implementation of reefers  40ft reefercontainers as deepsea standard  Expectations for 2012 >90% current F&V in containers (Drewry 2009: 2010 allready 60%)  Bananas and S-Europe will folow (= x2,5)  “Democratisation” of trade and introduction of Shortsea Backgrounds Background Results Content

6  Fresh Corridor 3-year programm  Strengthened competitiveness and international position as turning point for the Netherlands  Increase sustainability greenports  Effective and cost conscious solution  Start Synchro Modal F&V transport; required speed varies Fresh Corridor programm Background Results Content

7 Potential modal shift for import consignments % logistic delay caused by legal inspections % no delay % urgent consignments roadroad or rail % non-urgent consignments road, rail, barge rail or barge Background Results Content

8 1.Move current fruitport to a modern multifunctional Coolport (FC2) 2.Experience the use of Barge transport in several sub-programms (FC 3, 4, 4b, 6, 6a, 7) 3.Develop and share knowledge and information (FC 1, 9, 10) Programm Fresh Corridor does: Background Results Content

9 Some Fresh Corridor sub-programms FC3: Bargetraject Rotterdam - Venlo FC4: Bargetraject Rotterdam – Rivierenland (Medel) FC6: Bargetraject in port area R’dam (Ridderhaven) FC6a: Bargetraject in port area R’dam (Coolport shuttle) FC7: Bargetrjct Maasvlakte – Westland/HvH (pot 15.000 ctr) FC10: Neutral ICT Multi Modaal Support Systeem FC2: Coolport Rotterdam & area FC6b: Bargetraject R’dam-Spain (Shortsea en Lorry Rail) FC8: Bargetraject Rotterdam – Waddinxveen (pot 10.000 ctr) FC5: Bargetraject Rotterdam – Antwerpen vv Background Results Content

10 Wanssum Venlo Maasvlakte (APM/ECT) Westland W’veen B’drecht Merwehaven Waalhaven Ridderhaven Involved locations Rivieren land Background Results Content

11 Rail Service Center (RSC) Rotterdam Shortsea Terminal (RST) Deapsea (ECT) Barge connection to Delta (ECT a.o.) Empty Depots (UCT a.o.) Etc.. Cool Port old and new Results Content Background  Reefer ships & Short sea  Barge connections Maas Vlakte & network hinterland  Rail connections hinterland  Cross dock & Empty depot facilities  Centralisation covernment inspections  Added or lost Value1 Billon €, 1.500FTE

12 Stena Line terminal Westland  25% Import to Westland area  10.000 containers commitment for business case  Reduction road-transport from 120km to 20km + 2*5km barge (up & down) Results Content Background

13 Coolbarge traject to Barendrecht  6.000 containers from Maasvlakte (1) to Barendrecht by barge  Combination Barge Center Waalhaven, Barge Line Today, Post Kogeko/Visbeen  Also 6.500 containers to FTR & TotalProduce with Mercurius kraanschip (90%) Results Content Background

14 FC 10 Multi modal Support System Results Content Background

15 FC 10 Multi modal Support System  Cargo planning (importer/retail)  Plan and reserve multi modal transport  Real time transparency in processes  Alerts and (semi) automatic interventions Results Content Background

16 Lessons of Fresh Corridor  Total speed satisfies most times  Awareness criteria (what cargo needs which speed?)  Tuning barge & terminals  Transparency of costs and process times  Pre an post transport as well transport of empties crucial  Quality infrastructure between trade areas and terminals (Fresh!) remains important  Trimodal is ultimate Results Content Background

17 Lessons of Fresh Corridor  Risk transport by barge (f.e. insurance)  Still limited operational sense of availability in modality's  Combination of cargo and modality’s helps (barge & rail) modality shift  Reliable arrival planning influences efficiency of inspection (costs) and inventory planning Results Content Background

18 Environmental effect of Fresh Corridor MVO Overzichtje Wilma Sub-project Potentiele reductie vrachtwagen kilometers & CO2 status Cool Port680.000 truckkilometers & 900 tons CO2 (incl. volume Cool port shuttle & Ridderhaven) Convenant 2012 Operational 2014 Rivierenland:1,2 milion km & 1.600 tons CO2 (at 70% modal shift) Operational end 2012 Cool Port Shuttle2,8 milion km & 3.733 tons CO2 (at 70% modal shift) First fase end 2011 operational Ridderhaven440.000 km & 600 tons CO2 (at 75 % modal shift) Ready Westland600.000 km & 800 tons CO2Convenant 2012 Stena Line & importers Total-5.000 Ton CO2 Results Content Background

19  Public: Pieken in de Delta € 2,5 mio – Municipality & port of Rotterdam (25%) – State South-Holland (25%) – Ministry of EA (50%)  Private € 0,8 mio –Frugi Venta, Horticultural board, HBAG –Companies (about 100) Finance Results Content Background

20 Stimulates European Multi modal network for fresh logistics Results Content Background

21 Thanks for your attention! Results Content Background

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