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PennPlan Moves! Pennsylvania Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan 2000-2025.

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Presentation on theme: "PennPlan Moves! Pennsylvania Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan 2000-2025."— Presentation transcript:

1 PennPlan Moves! Pennsylvania Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan 2000-2025

2 PennPlan is Pennsylvania’s Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan. It is a decision support tool for PennDOT and its planning partners. vA 25-year blueprint vCorridor-based vThe result of an innovative public outreach program vBased on the priorities of Pennsylvania’s county and regional planning partners vMulti-modal/Inter-modal P enn P lan is: What is PennPlan?

3 v T o identify and clarify specific transportation policies. v T o coordinate regional priorities from statewide and interstate perspectives. v T o provide the framework for measuring the implementation of long term policies. v T o provide a direct relationship between long term policies and the short term programs and services that PennDOT and its partners deliver. Why is the Plan Needed?

4 4 Federal Policy for Environment and Transport Governor’s Policy PennDOT Policy Plan Other rules & Regulations PennPlan 2000 & Annual PennPlan Score Card & Simulation - Assessments Corridor Assessments and Project Needs Studies - Federal and State Environmental Reviews and Approvals - Engineering Design - Construction Proj. Develop.ProgrammingPolicyPlanning Twelve Year Program (1) Capital and State Budgets (3) Transportation Improvement Programs (2) Statewide Transportation Improvement Programs (4)

5 5 Yearly Feedback & Exogenous to PennPlan Global, Federal, Statewide, and Regional Events/Changes and Other Factors Public Involvement Phase 3 Data Collection - Yearly Evaluation & Score card - Needs Assessment and Project Impact Evaluation - Other Evidence of Performance and PennPlan Research in Special Studies Existing Conditions (Data Collection & Analysis)  Social  Economic  Demographic  Transportation System  Land Use Perspectives (Research)  Travel Demand  Environment  Land Use  Economic Development  Partnerships  Institutional Framework  Technology  Finance Historical Trends & Events (Data Collection & Analysis)  System Supply  Travel Demand  Institution  Federal & State Funding  Land Use PennDOT Rules, Regulations, Issue Specific Plans, Standards Public Involvement Phase 1 (Data Collection & Analysis) Federal Rules & Regulations – Mandates and Funding Allocations Goals Objectives Performance Measures Corridors & Their Objectives Targets Revisions & Updates for Statewide and Corridor Components  New goals  New objectives  Existing conditions at subsequent times  Major new events  New data for public involvement  Needs assessments by corridor and population segments  New research evidence PennPlan Deliberation & Consensus  Partners  Public Input Phase 2  PennDOT Bureaus  Federal agencies  Other constituencies

6 v S tate Transportation Decision Makers v S tate Transportation Commission v R egional Planning Partners v T ransportation Customers v P ennDOT Who Uses the Long Range Plan?

7 vAttempts to find common ground throughout the State and translates emerging themes into statewide policy. vCoordinates multi-regional improvements to ensure corridor consistency. vElevates local public involvement activities to a statewide basis. vServes as input for future local and regional planning activities. PennPlan is built on the foundation of the long range plans of Pennsylvania’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local Development Districts, and the county comprehensive plans through a synthesis of these many plans. PennPlan’s Relationship to Regional and Local Planning PennPlan:

8 vConcise. vWritten in understandable language. vUseable. vCorridor-based. vThe success in implementing the Plan must be easily measured. A Starting Point Five basic, overriding principles were established, and were adhered to in the development of the Plan. Plan must be:

9 v I ntroduction v P ublic Input v V isions of the Future v E xisting Conditions v P erspectives v S tatewide Goals & Objectives v S tatewide Corridors v C onclusion PennPlan — Table of Contents

10 v T o provide an opportunity to all residents to voice their opinions and concern; v T o identify the best combinations of values representing their needs and desires; v T o geographically represent the state; and v T o create a plan that is understandable to all Public Input Key Objective of Public Involvement Process

11 Public Involvement Research Design “Product Development”“Bringing to Market”“Test Marketing” Phase I : public input and suggestions were collected before the plan was written Phase II: “did we get it right?” Phase III: extensive outreach program to inform and educate the public about the plan.

12 Appointed Elected Officials Professional Urban Rural Suburban Business Tourism Truck Auto Ag/Dairy Visionary Millennials TOTAL 00 0%52 %0% Populations Surveyed 0

13 13 Visionaries Input tm ndArticle.htm ndArticle.htm

14 Spatial Distribution of Public Involvement Resident Respondents Legend  Rural  Suburban  Urban

15 Importance / Grade Matrix

16 M = MOBILITY A high degree of mobility is enjoyed Pennsylvania; this should not be diminished. O = OPTIONS Transportation is too “unimodal” with a focus on the car. Options should be provided, promoted and linked seamlessly. V = VOICES Public involvement, the voices of constituencies, must be a major focus of transportation planning. E = EFFICIENCY Transportation systems must generate the most benefits per resources expended. E = ENVIRONMENT Transportation should have minimal negative effect on the environment - it should be sustainable. E = EQUITY Transportation should not give disproportionate advantages or disadvantages to any group. E = ECONOMY Transportation must maintain and promote economic development. S = SAFETY Transportation systems should be designed to maximize safety.

17 Statewide Goals  Promote safety of the transportation system.  Improve the environment.  Retain jobs and expand economic opportunities.  Make transportation decisions that support land use planning objectives.  Maintain, upgrade, and improve the transportation system.  Inform and involve the public and improve customer service.  Advance regional and corridor-based planning.  Develop transportation alternatives and manage demand.  Promote smooth, easy connections between transportation alternatives.  Ensure accessibility of the system and mobility for everyone.


19 Promote safety of the transportation system. Improve the environment.Retain jobs and expand economic opportunities. Make transportation decisions that support land use planning objectives. Maintain, upgrade, and improve the transportation system. Inform and involve the public and improve customer service. Advance regional and corridor-based planning. Develop transportation alternatives and manage demand. Promote smooth and easy connections between transportation alternatives. Ensure accessibility and mobility for everyone.

20 Promote safety of the transportation system. Improve the environment.Retain jobs and expand economic opportunities. Make transportation decisions that support land use planning objectives. Maintain, upgrade, and improve the transportation system. Inform and involve the public and improve customer service. Advance regional and corridor-based planning. Develop transportation alternatives and manage demand. Promote smooth and easy connections between transportation alternatives. Ensure accessibility and mobility for everyone.

21 Promote safety of the transportation system. Improve the environment.Retain jobs and expand economic opportunities. Make transportation decisions that support land use planning objectives. Maintain, upgrade, and improve the transportation system. Inform and involve the public and improve customer service. Advance regional and corridor-based planning. Develop transportation alternatives and manage demand. Promote smooth and easy connections between transportation alternatives. Ensure accessibility and mobility for everyone.






27 Statewide Corridors

28 Objectives: v Provide intermodal opportunities along the corridor. v Implement intelligent transportation systems along the corridor. The Mountaintop Corridor This corridor connects Reading and Pottsville to Sunbury. Like corridor 27, this corridor traverses the heart of Pennsylvania’s anthracite coal region and provides access to the tourism industry of northeastern Pennsylvania.

29 Future PennPlan activities include: v E stablishing a baseline to measure future performance v I mplementation v P erformance reports v C ontinued public involvement v F uture plan updates as needed What’s Next?

30 30 Post-PennPlan Work Annual Performance Report Implementation: ide.htm ide.htm Regional Planning input = ry.pdf

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