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Programmes are funded by EU Programmes are implemented by UNDP Programmes are funded by the European Union BORDER MANAGEMENT in CENTRAL ASIA: The Trade.

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Presentation on theme: "Programmes are funded by EU Programmes are implemented by UNDP Programmes are funded by the European Union BORDER MANAGEMENT in CENTRAL ASIA: The Trade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programmes are funded by EU Programmes are implemented by UNDP Programmes are funded by the European Union BORDER MANAGEMENT in CENTRAL ASIA: The Trade Component WTO Accession Regional Workshop Yverdon, April 2007 Pierre-Paul Antheunissens BOMCA/CADAP Chief Technical Adviser for Uzbekistan EU/UNDP BOMCA/CADAP Programmes

2 2 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Content What is BOMCA/CADAP? Trade Component Integrated Border Management Corridor Approach Institutional Reforms

3 3 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia What is BOMCA/CADAP? The largest interventions of a family of European Commission border management & drug action Programmes in the CIS Multi-annual assistance under TACIS funded by the Regional Action Programmes & the Central Asian Action Programmes

4 4 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia What is BOMCA/CADAP? The overall objective of BOMCA (Border Management in Central Asia) is to secure the gradual adoption of modern border management methods in Central Asia. Modern Border Management aims at two equally important purposes:  Enhanced border security;  Facilitation of legal trade & transit. The overall objective of CADAP (Central Asia Drug Action Programme) is to foster a development-oriented drug control strategy in Central Asia that ensures a sustained reduction of drug consumption and trafficking in line with European Commission drug strategies:  A public health approach to drug demand;  An interdiction-based approach to drug trafficking

5 5 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia What is BOMCA/CADAP? UNDP to implement future phases of BOMCA/CADAP: CADAP 4 (Dec 2006)€ 5m + UNDP 10% BOMCA 6 (Spring 2007)€ 6m + UNDP 10% BOMCA 7 (Autumn 2008)€ 6m + UNDP 10% BOMCA 8/9 (Unscheduled)€ 14m + UNDP 10% Total future contracts = € 31m (excluding UNDP 10%) Current contracts = € 24.5m (including UK contributions, exc. UNDP 10%)

6 6 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Trade Component What Border Management Programme has to do with trade ?

7 7 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Trade Component Source: UNDP CA Human Development Report

8 8 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Trade Component BOMCA has the potential for negative impact if the EC/EU security agenda is not balanced by EC/EU trade and transit agenda. Danger that BOMCA assistance in some countries of the region can be used to close borders more effectively.

9 9 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Trade Component What can BOMCA do in order to facilitate legal trade and transit? BOMCA can provide countries of the region with assistance in: 1.adaptation of the EU Integrated Border Management (IBM) concept 2.introduction of Corridors Approach 3.implementation of Institutional Reform

10 10 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Integrated Border Management The EC promotes a common model of Integrated Border Management, first developed under the CARDS Programme in the Western Balkans. The three pillars of IBM are: Improved intra-service cooperation; Improved inter-agency cooperation; Improved cross-border and international cooperation. BOMCA has produced Guidelines for IBM in Central Asia, under the guidance of AIDCO E5. These are being circulated in the Commission for endorsement. Feedback from CA Governments has already been included via Programme Steering Committees & technical-level Inter Agency Working Groups.

11 11 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Integrated Border Management Training Centres for Border Agencies are under construction/ renovation in all five CA countries. IBM Training Work Plans have been agreed with national Governments and have been formally presented at a major regional conference on IBM (February 2007). ICMPD have been contracted to provide European expertise to develop training curricula to address the training work plans now agreed. Curricula will be based on the Core Curriculum for Border Guarding Training produced by FRONTEX.

12 12 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Integrated Border Management (Pilot Regions) BCP Saryosyo BP Mamyk BCP Saryosiyo BP Mamyk

13 13 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Corridor Approach The corridor approach is being embraced by many inter- governmental and multilateral agencies (EURASEC, SCO, CAREC). BOMCA will focus on two corridors: 1.Fergana valley corridor: Tashkent / Khujand – Kokand/Andijan – Osh – China. 2.North-South corridor in Western Central Asia: Ashgabat – Kunya Urgench - Karakalpakstan-Astrakhan.

14 14 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Corridor Approach Map of corridors Fergana valley corridor North- South corridor

15 15 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Institutional Reforms Work at border should be leveraged to obtain commitment on, for example, cross border cooperation and harmonization of practices. BOMCA can use the EU political weight to support policy changes at central level which will facilitate trade. BOMCA specific at-the-border expertise should make cooperation with other donors straightforward

16 16 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia Institutional Reforms Does BOMCA have to work with regional organisations ? EURASEC SCO UNDP requests policy guidance from the EC on the nature and modalities of Programme engagement with EURASEC.

17 17 EU-UNDP Border Management and Drug Acton Programmes in Central Asia EU/UNDP BOMCA/CADAP Programmes Thank you ! Any questions ? e-mail:

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