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The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania.

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1 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

2 Public road infrastructure Length = 78,167 km divided in : 1. National Roads 15,953 km ; 2. County Roads 34,914 km; 3. Communal Roads 27,300 km. The National Road network is administrated by the Romanian National Company for Motorways and National Roads (RNCMNR) within the Ministry of Transport. The road transportation network is structured as it follows: motorways 262 km European national roads 5.938 km Main national roads 4.383 km Secondary national roads 5.384 km

3 Traffic Dynamics in the last 18 years in Romania The volume of the traffic has changed tremendously since the early 1990s due to the social and economical circumstances. Car ownership in Romania In 1990 - 60 cars/1000 inhabitants In 2008 - about 300 cars/1000 inhabitants and in the capital city over 450 cars/1000 inhabitants. In Western Europe figures have already reached 600 - 800 cars/1000 inhabitants The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

4 Traffic Dynamics 69%31%2007 34%66%1990 Traffic on roadsTraffic on railYear The Structure of the Traffic in Romania The transport patterns have changed with transfer from rail to roads. The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

5 Traffic Dynamics 1985 - 2025 Road Category Daily traffic average, cars / 24 h in the year: 198519901995200020052010201520202025 European national roads 324746365815537265888408100831154915402 Other national roads 242130773767370941504957591773238974 The traffic evolution on the national roads - on roads categories The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

6 Traffic Dynamics The traffic evolution on the national roads - on roads categories The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania European national roadsMain national roadsSecondary national roads All national roads

7 Road Infrastructure Status – National Roads Network December 2008: 5500 km rehabilitated national roads so far but: After 16 years 5500 km rehabilitated The national road network evolution after the rehabilitation process With a rhythm of only 300 km/year, the national road network will never reach the good level condition no matters the expenses The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

8 Road Infrastructure Status – Motorways Network December 2008 – 298 km in use The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania 298 km motorways in use In execution In preparation

9 Strategic objectives  Connection to the European transport corridors  Bypasses construction for the cities with high volume of traffic  New motorways construction and bypasses in motorway profile for the most important cities  Redesign and resize the pavement structure of the existing national roads network  Rehabilitation and modernization of the national roads and bridges The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

10 Strategic objectives ( until 2013) NATIONAL ROADS 8260 km rehabilitated/modernized national roads MOTORWAYS 2000 km motorways in use BYPASSES 50 bypasses in use (715 km) TEN-T NETWORK 1900 km in new proposals until 2010 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

11 Strategic objectives ( until 2013) PERIOD20032004200520062007200820092010201120122013 IN EXECUTION9211757252030453031282516561671151815291554 TAKEN OVER41602495429601674528624504543471 CUMULATED TAKEN OVER21052165241429563916559061186742742677898260 NATIONAL ROADS REHABILITATION/MODERNIZATION (km) NATIONAL ROADS 8260 km rehabilitated/modernized national roads The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

12 Strategic objectives Rehabilitated National Roads - 2013 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

13 Strategic objectives Connection to the PAN-EUROPEAN corridors The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

14 Strategic objectives PAN-EUROPEAN corridors in Romania The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

15 Strategic objectives Pan-European corridor IV - Main axis nr 7 Arad Timisoara Lugoj Deva Orastie Sibiu Nadlac Bucuresti Constanta Cernavoda Fetesti Pitesti The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

16 Strategic objectives PAN-EUROPEAN - corridor IV L = 880,07 km MOTORWAY The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

17 Strategic objectives PAN-EUROPEAN corridor IV - Axis nr. 7 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

18 Strategic objectives PAN-EUROPEAN corridor IX L= 433 KM MOTORWAY LengthKMMEURStatusFinancing PERIOD GIURGIU - BUCURESTI6065.8 In use (4 lanes road) Ex ISPA+GOV In use BUCURESTI SUD BYPASS48275 SF elaboration (Nov 2007) GOV 2012 BUCURESTI - PLOIESTI62415.2In executionGOV 2013 PLOIESTI - FOCSANI108585 SF elaboration- 2008 Not identified 2013 FOCSANI - ALBITA155854Preparation Not identified 2015 TOTAL4332195 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

19 Strategic objectives PAN-EUROPEAN corridor IX The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

20 Strategic objectives Other Motorways (exclusive Pan-European corridors ) MotorwayL-kmTaken overFinancing PLOIESTI - BRASOV111,3 GOV + PPP TRANSILVANIA415106GOV M0LDOVA300 Not identified TOTAL 2013826,3571,3 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

21 Strategic objectives THE ENTIRE MOTORWAY NETWORK IN 2013 MotorwayL-kmIn use In preparation IV CORRIDOR855,3 IX CORRIDOR417262155 PLOIESTI - BRASOV111,3111.3 TRANSILVANIA415 M0LDOVA300 TOTAL 20132098,61943.6155 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

22 Strategic objectives BYPASSES in 2013 The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

23 About Financing One of the most important elements of the a program is the financing. There are more types of financing Governmental Funds (GOV) European Funds (Cohesion Funds-CF, POS, POR) Bank loans (EIB, EBRD) Private Funds (Private Public Partnerships) The financing scheme tailors the type of contract, and the way how the program is prepared. The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania

24 About Financing Some aspects about PPP system PPP projects - an alternative way to traditional financing but not ONLY Advantages working in PPP system Risks are distributed based on who can best manage them State can free up funds for other investments The contractor is also responsible for the O & M for the concession time The Government’s payments are made based on the concessionaire’s performance The contract has a fixed price and a firm deadline The road transportation infrastructure program for Romania


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