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Midnordic Green Transport Corridor… An efficient logistics chain to new customers in the Nordic Countries and a other global markerts.

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2 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor… An efficient logistics chain to new customers in the Nordic Countries and a other global markerts.

3 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor November 2012, Seinäjoki, Finland Midnordic Green Transport Corridor is officially granted in the Nordic countries and by EU (International project) so our work is from that point of view granted and considered important. We are however NOT representing the Nordic countries officially. This gives us possibilities to act outside the box! Russia is an important market for both Import and Export of different products. Both the Nordic countries and EU express this level of importance looking at the Russian market and future possibilities.

4 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor It is of utmost importance that the Midnordic Green Transport Corridor be anchored in the right context. It is not a main thoroughfare but a complement and an alternative to the national main routes in the Nordic countries, for example the Bothnian Corridor. In many cases, the corridor allows transport-smart solutions to be adopted in a local, regional, national, international and global perspective.

5 TEN-T Priority in Finland and Sweden Midnordic Green Transport Corridor

6 Transportation can be varied depending on actual need and avoid all transportation automatically passing through central transportation nodes… …but be able to change direction, thus achieving transport-smart solutions. By supporting the national main lines the corridor contributes to all-round better capacity utilization at all levels and possibility to get redundancy in the system.

7 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor The effects will be both local, regional and national (in all countries) The major gains come from an increased international and global market (Russia and Asia).

8 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor Measures are therefore needed along the whole corridor with a focus on strengthening the corridor’s functionality all the way. However… A transport corridor can never be stronger than its weakest link… Local capacity shortages will affect the transport corridor in its entirety and for this reason measures are needed to be taken in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia in order to get a functional and efficient corridor solution in place.


10 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor Why do we all need this…?

11 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor Putting it in easy terms… It’s all about business…

12 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor Business is a major driver for development Locally Regionally Nationally …and not least important For companies!

13 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor However… In order to be able to do smart business and contribute to the national and regional development the companies need to have some basic structures in place namely… Efficient Infrastructure

14 Today only international traffic for cars/trucks (Not railway)

15 Today only international traffic for railway (Not for cars/trucks)

16 Every minute a truck is stuck in a border crossing is wasted money…

17 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor And since… Basic Infrastructure, especially between countries, is on the national shoulders to carry, we (from the project side) simply want to push for fast and positive infrastructure solutions between Finland and Russia (especially) but on general level for the whole Nordics.

18 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor From where we are standing there is a WINN-WINN situation… There is a winn-winn situation for all parties and on different levels IF we can manage to get efficient infrastructure solutions in place meeting the market needs…

19 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor Things goes hand in hand creating a positive loop… Companies Business Import/Export Infrastructure and other improvements National Development Regional and Local Development


21 Current status of trade between Russia and the Nordic Countries Large increase in trade the last 10 years – Russia is an important trade partner Increasing number of people traveling to/fromRussia to/from the Nordic Countries Bottle necks in the transport corridor limits the full potential…

22 Import/export Finland/Russia Russia is Finlands largest import and export market – Import is twice the size of export 2011 import from Russia increased by 24% Export to Russia increased by 14% Source: Swedish Embassy in Moscow, Finlands-Svenska handelskammaren

23 Import/export Sweden/Russia Sweden's export to Russia amounts to approximately 2543 m€ and is increasing. The value of Swedish imports amounted to 6474 m€ in 2010 Trade rose by 600% from 1998 to 2008 Swedish exports to Russia increased by 49% 2010 (v 2009) Crude oil represents 72% of Sweden's total import from Russia. Sweden is among top ten foreign investors in Russia Source: Swedish Embassy in Moscow, Finlands-Svenska handelskammaren

24 IKEA – example of trans border co- operation Department store in Haparanda accepts Rubel, Euro and Swedish Crowns – Important part of customers from Russia 10 department stores in Russia Saw mills and production in Russia

25 Traffic and transport Finland-Russia A record number of visas was granted to Russians in 2011: over 1.2 million – Double amount compared to 2006 In 2011, 10 million passengers and over 4 million cars crossed the border. Over 70% of these are Russians The Finns made more than 1 million trips to Russia in 2011 Growth rate of border crossings is 20-40% per year Major part of border crossings is made in South-Eastern Finland (Vaalimaa, Vainikkala, Nuijamaa, Imatra and Parikkala) Russians spend about € 1 billion per year in Finland. Approximately 50% of this money is spent in South-Eastern Finland. In Finland the net income of transit transport is approx. €300 million

26 Russians tourism in Finland and Sweden More than half the adult population in S:t Petersburg have visited Finland in the last two years. 20% have been to Finland four times or more. They come to Finland for shopping – clothes, food, beverages, consumer goods, interior design and cosmetics Almost 30 000 Russians went to Swedish ski resort Åre 2011 - Russian tourists important customers Source:

27 Border Traffic South Finland



30 Potential for increase in trade between Russia and the Nordic Countries Even though trade between the Nordic Countris and Russia has increased significantly in the last decade, bottle necks in the transport corridor takes away approx. 50% of the actual potential POTENTIAL TODAY

31 Potential development of trade Year Trade volume As today: Annual growth 20 – 40% Without border barriers: Annual growth 30 – 50%



34 Development needed to reduce bottle necks at Russian-Finnish border The actual infrastructure at border-crossing points need to meet the capacity needs as well as international security The operations of authorities need to be made fast and smooth. Development of authority cooperation on both sides of the border might be a good idea. New equipment (automatic passport control and other border inspection equipment) Data system development (electronic customs clearance, telematics, queuing systems) etc. to meet international needs. Open all possible border crossing points for INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC for both Car/Truck and Railway – E.g. The Imatra border-crossing point should receive an international status for railway traffic and Vainikkala for trucks/cars as well. – Parikkala should become an international road traffic border-crossing point.

35 Bottle necks - example Long queues (up to 72 h) for freight to enter Russia from Finland – this significantly reduces trade between countries The limit of border crossing today is about 40 000 people per day – a limit that was reached during 100 days in 2011 (and even more in 2012)

36 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor The prioritized Infrastructure in EU is TEN-T Establishing an efficient trans-European transport network (TEN-T) has constituted a key element in the relaunched Lisbon Strategy for competitiveness and employment in Europe and will play an equally central role in the attainment of the objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy. If Europe is to fulfill its economic and social potential, it is essential to build the missing links and remove the bottlenecks in our transport infrastructure, as well as to ensure the future sustainability of our transport networks by taking into account the energy efficiency needs and the climate change challenges.

37 TEN-T Priority in Finland and Sweden Midnordic Green Transport Corridor


39 Midnordic Green Transport Corridor… An efficient logistics chain to new customers in the Nordic Countries and a other global markerts. Thank You!

40 Parikkala – Syväoro border crossing 5 th of November 2012


42 Meeting in Petrozavodsk, Russia, with the president of the Republic of Karelia regarding Parikkala – Syväoro border crossing 6 th of November 2012


44 Things are changing… …and it will affect us! This will be completed in 2016 The Russians are however concerned about Finlands official “Signals”regading Pariakkala – Syväoro!


46 Parikkala – Syväoro border crossing 20 th of November 2012


48 Finnish border guard in Parikkala 20 th of November 2012

49 Parikkala – Syväoro border crossing New business area 2014 20 th of November 2012


51 16 th of November 2012.Signing contract between the Norwegian Railway authorization and Municipality regarding physical planning of the Meråker line

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