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1 Trade Corridor Improvement Fund March 5, 2008 Southern California Consensus Group.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Trade Corridor Improvement Fund March 5, 2008 Southern California Consensus Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Trade Corridor Improvement Fund March 5, 2008 Southern California Consensus Group

2 Represent 18 million residents LA area Ports and the Inland Empire generate over 718,000 California jobs Handle 85% of Containerized Cargo processed in the State Value of Freight: $313 Billion (2006) 1,200 premature deaths per year TCIF offers an opportunity to provide seamless throughput of goods and improve air quality Southern California Consensus Group 2

3 Capital Projects Economic Benefits

4 Total Trade Value Comparison Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach/Hueneme,Oakland, & San Diego Total Imports & Exports = $396.9 $312.6 $33.5 $50.8 Source: U.S. Customs Districts & U.S. Commerce Department (2006) $ IN BILLIONS 4

5 Port of LA/LB/HuPort of OaklandSan Diego Border & Port Total Exports = $73.1 $48.1 $9.0 $16.0 $264.5 $24.5 $34.8 Total Imports = $323.8 Total Trade Value Comparison Ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach/Hueneme,Oakland, & San Diego $ IN BILLIONS Source: U.S. Customs Districts & U.S. Commerce Department (2006) 6

6 Total Exports = $10.6$6.2 $3.7 $0.7 56.7% 5.6% 37.7% Port of LA/LB/HuPort of OaklandSan Diego Border & Port $4.5 $0.7 $6.8 Total Exports = $12.0 Total Agricultural Exports Comparison of Customs District $ IN BILLIONS Source: U.S. Customs Districts & U.S. Commerce Department (2006) 8

7 Los AngelesSan FranciscoSan Diego Port Only Total Exports = $17.1 $11.4 $5.7 $0.3 $55.1 $16.2 $0.2 Total Imports = $71.5 Source: BST Associates, data from US Dept of Commerce and WiserTrade (2006) Notes: LA Customs District includes the Ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, & Hueneme. SF Customs District includes the Port of Oakland. In-State Value of Containerized Trade California Customs District $ IN BILLIONS 10

8 Economic Benefit Criteria LAEDC Results 12 For $2.2 Billion TCIF Investment Generate $13.5 Billion of Economic Output 107,400 FTE one-yr jobs $4.4 B in Wages $370 Million of State Income Taxes $60 Million of Local Income Taxes

9 Air Quality

10 Air Quality Analysis & Methodology SCAG Regional Transportation Model > System Performance > Regional Emissions Standard Idling Reduction Equations for Grade Crossings SCAQMD Screening Tool for Localized Analysis > Distance to Receptors/Increase in Truck Volume 14

11 Integral To Goals Of The Regional Transportation Plan Improves Movement of Goods and People Improves Regional Air Quality > Relieves Congestion/Improves System Efficiency Consistent with State Implementation Plan > TCIF Package Includes Transportation Control Measures Complements Comprehensive Regional Efforts > Simultaneous System Improvement & Environmental Mitigation 15

12 Los Angeles/Inland Empire Corridor Projects

13 Project Deliverability & Eligibility 53 Projects > All to begin construction before December 31, 2013 State Plans > Includes GMAP, CALMITSAC, ACE Trade Corridor Plan, Global Gateways Development Regional Plans > Includes SCAG RTP, Multi-County Goods Movement Action Plan 17

14 Project Matching Funds 18 Tier 1 TCIF Request: $1.7 B (36%) Total Project Cost: $4.8 B TCIF Leverage Over Match by $690 M Tier 2 TCIF Request: $0.5 B (34%) Total Project Cost: $1.4 B TCIF Leverage Over Match by $241 M

15 Port Related Projects Truck delay reduced by 1,420 hrs/day Trucks comprise 50% of all traffic Ports cargo fee provides match Complements Ports Clean Truck Program; i.e., continuous and simultaneous transportation and environmental improvements 20

16 Grade Separation Projects Eligible for TCIF as 1 of 6 types of goods movement projects in Proposition 1B (SB 1266) Significant safety and reliability benefits through elimination of train/auto and truck conflicts Eliminates truck delay at crossings when serving local distribution/warehouse centers Congestion Relief: reduces over 2,800 vehicle hours of delay/day Projects of National and Regional Significance (SAFETEA-LU) Infrastructure projects that are critical for community support to mitigate the impacts of increased freight 21

17 Rail Projects Proposed Sidings  Bottleneck relief for mainline freight traffic  Adds capacity and increases speed for freight traffic Ports Rail Enhancements  2,300 hours reduced in daily vehicle hours of travel for port trucks  64,500 miles reduced in daily vehicle miles of travel for port trucks 22

18 Highway Projects Truck Climbing Lanes Interchange Improvements Almost 1 of 5 trucks on the freeway experience delay due to congestion, resulting in a 50 to 250% increase in the cost of transporting goods 23

19 19 Next Steps

20 TCIF Guidelines LowHigh Los Angeles/Inland Empire Corridor$1,500$1,700 San Diego/international Border250400 San Francisco Bay/Central Valley Corridor640840 Other Corridors6080 Administration Fees40 Total$2,490$3,060 TCIF Corridor Programming Ranges (Range, in $ millions)

21 Timeline Applications Filed January 17, 2008 Staff Recommendations March 13, 2008 CTC Allocations April 10, 2008 Budget Appropriations Process Summer 2008

22 How can the Legislature help? Send letter to the CTC Communicate with the Governor’s administration and CTC members Advocate through the budget process

23 23 Questions & Answers

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