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University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Landscape Architecture Franklin-Simpson County Before : Inadequate gateway point along Highway 100 No Sense.

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1 University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Landscape Architecture Franklin-Simpson County Before : Inadequate gateway point along Highway 100 No Sense of entry No vegetation or “curb appeal” No pedestrian access Lack of street lighting Creating Character… Highway 100 Corridor Enhancements After : Intersection serves as prominent entry for Downtown Franklin- Simpson County Implementation of a modern roundabout Capital improvements include Vegetated medians Pedestrian access Intersection detection Decorative gateway signage Modern Roundabout : A modern roundabout is a road junction that allows traffic to stream circularly around a central island, never stopping, after yielding to circulating traffic. Roundabouts are statistically safer than traditional intersections. Capital Improvements: Capital improvements such as vegetated medians, decorative signage, pedestrian sidewalks and crosswalks, and intersection detection devices can make the Highway 100 and US 31W intersection a prominent gateway into Franklin-Simpson County. Before: This intersection is a major entrance into Downtown Sense of arrival Lacks pedestrian access No vegetation or “curb appeal” After: The CSX Bridge acts is an entry feature Capital improvements include: Vegetated medians Greenway shared-use trails/ pedestrian access Decorative street lighting Bridge enhancements After: Aesthetic appeal improved while preserving the rural character of Franklin-Sampson County Capital improvements include Landscaped medians Decorative lighting Greenway shared-use trails Drakes Creek Bridge: First gateway point after Exit 6 Crosses a prominent natural feature that represents the rural character With aesthetic enhancements, the Drakes Creek Bridge could serve as a gateway into the rural landscape This bridge is prototypical for others within the county, such as the CSX Rail Line Bridge that serves as the beginning of the entry progression into Franklin- Simpson County. Many of the same concepts can be used in other areas around the county. Before: Corridor lacks character and sense of place Lacks vegetation and “curb appeal” Lacks roadway lighting Lacks pedestrian access Hwy 100/US 31W Intersection Bridge over CSX Rail Line Hwy 100 Bridge over Drakes Creek Hwy 100 around KY 1008 Intersection Hwy 100/KY 1008 Intersection US 31W Highway 100 Corridor CSX Rail Bridge KY 1008 Drakes Creek Highway 100 is a major roadway into and out of Downtown Franklin-Simpson County, stretching from Interstate 65 Exit 6 to US 31W. Being a major intersection for US 31W and KY 1008, as well as a crossing for Drakes Creek and the CSX Rail Line, Highway 100 offers many opportunities to establish this area as a gateway corridor. Residents and visitors relate themselves to their surroundings, making it necessary to create a sense of place. A gateway corridor is critical for establishing a lasting character and identity for Franklin-Simpson County. Many of the applications to achieve a gateway corridor can be done through capital improvements. “Capital improvements affect the roadway and are easily visible, but are not directly related to the pavement. Within the right-of-way, sidewalks, bicycle facilities, signage and transit amenities and location of various utilities can do much to improve the friendliness of a corridor” (Bluegrass Corridor Management Planning Handbook, Pg.30). Source: Austin, S.D. (Ed). (2000, November). Bluegrass Corridor Management Planning Handbook. (Available from the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, 200 Mero Street, Frankfort, KY 40622.

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