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 Builds on the proximity and complementary resources of Bacolod, Talisay and Silay to establish a cultural heritage corridor and serve as the province’s.

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2  Builds on the proximity and complementary resources of Bacolod, Talisay and Silay to establish a cultural heritage corridor and serve as the province’s gateway to emerging TDAs, MSMEs in the northern and southern areas.  Contributes to reduction of poverty incidence in Negros Occidental through increased investments in the Bacolod- Talisay-Silay hub and other LGUs by 30% in the areas of agri- business, tourism, power generation and BPOs.  Enhance the capacities of the province’s 32 cities and municipalities to identify and prepare investment packages and generate new investments.

3 LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS BACOLOD CITY TALISAY CITY SILAY CITY National Government Agencies Dept. of Interior & Local Government Department of Trade and Industry PRIVATE PARTNERS Bacolod Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Negros Island Sustainable Agriculture for Rural Development (NISARD) Small & Medium Enterprises Development Council (SMEDC) National Asso. Of Independent Travel Agencies Association of Colleges in Negros Occidental Western Visayas Tourism Council Organic na Negros Organic Producers’ & Retailers’ Association (ONOPRA)

4 LGUTOTALAve. Annual Growth Rate 2010-2013 Provincial1,126,5834% Bacolod City580, 815 Talisay City21,07141% Silay City4,816 LGUTOTALMALE Worker FEMALE Worker Bacolod City71633824 Talisay City9 (1)5525 Silay City63034

5 Silay City Heritage Center, Patag, Balaring, Fresh Start organic farm, El Ideal, Ancestral Homes Talisay Heritage Poblacion, Campuestohan Higlands, Balay in Tana Dicang, The Ruins Bacolod CBD; Paglaum Sports Complex; Panaad Park & Stadium; Sum-ag River ecotourism and cruise, organic farms; Cyber Center; Pope John Paul Tower; Negros Museum Peñalosa Farm, VMC Church Peñalosa Farm, VMC Church Lakawon Island Bio-ethanol Plant, La Vista Highlands Solar Power Plant Bio-ethanol Plant, La Vista Highlands Solar Power Plant Mary Magdalene Church, Paradiso Beach Resort Mila’s Delicacies, Oysters Mary Magdalene Church, Paradiso Beach Resort Mila’s Delicacies, Oysters Danjugan Island Marine Reserve, Punta Bulata Resort & Spa Danjugan Island Marine Reserve, Punta Bulata Resort & Spa Diving Sites and Beaches Diving Sites and Beaches Zaycoland Resort Balicaocao Resort Mag-aso Falls Zaycoland Resort Balicaocao Resort Mag-aso Falls NEGROS OCCIDENTAL (Bacolod-Silay-Talisay Heritage Corridor) Marine Reserve. Molocaboc Mangroves Silay City Heritage Center, Patag, Balaring, Fresh Start organic farm, El Ideal, Ancestral Homes Talisay Heritage Poblacion, Campuestuhan Highlands, Balay in Tana Dicang, The Ruins Bacolod CBD; Paglaum Sports Complex; Panaad Park & Stadium; Sum-ag River ecotourism and cruise, organic farms; Cyber Center; Pope John Paul Tower; Negros Museum Mambukal Mountain Resort Rapha Valley Malatan-og Falls Zipline Rapha Valley Malatan-og Falls Zipline Monkey Sanctuary

6 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP Team 2.Formulation of LIIC 3.Streamlining and computerization of BPLS 4.Institutionalization of Tourism Statistics 5.Formulation of Tourism Development Plan 6.Enhancement of Tourism Statistics & Info System 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP Team 2.Formulation of LIIC 3.Streamlining and computerization of BPLS 4.Institutionalization of Tourism Statistics 5.Formulation of Tourism Development Plan 6.Enhancement of Tourism Statistics & Info System BACOLOD-TALISAY-SILAY LED Enabling Targets LGU LEIPO/ LEDIP LIIC/ Updated- Local Revenue Code Stream lined BLPS Computerized BPLS Installed Tourism Stat & Information System Tourism Office Tourism Code/ Tourism Dev Plan Tracking of Economic Data Prov. Of Negros Occ. //-/n/a ///-/ To be strengthened Bacolodx/-/xx/ / /-x/ Talisay/x-////x/-x/ Silayx/////x-// 1.Updating of LIIC 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3. Institutionalization of Tourism Office as dept. 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Econ.Data 1.Updating of LIIC 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3. Institutionalization of Tourism Office as dept. 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Econ.Data 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP Team (permanent position) 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3.Updating of Local Investment and Incentives Code 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Economic Data 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP Team (permanent position) 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3.Updating of Local Investment and Incentives Code 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Economic Data 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP T 2.Formulation of LIIC 3.Streamlining and computerization of BPLS 4.Institutionalization of Tourism Statisticcs 5.Formulation of Tourism Development Plan 6.Enhancement of Tourism Statistics & Info System 1.Institutionalization of LEIPO/LEDIP Team (permanent position) 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3.Updating of Local Investment and Incentives Code 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Economic Data 1.Updating of LIIC 2.Formulation of Tourism Code and Development Plan 3.Institutionalization of Tourism Office as dept. 4.Enhancement of Tracking System for Econ. Data

7 Priority Projects: Location Restoration and Maintenance of Historical Sites ► Gen. Aniceto Lacson Landmark ► San Diego Pro Cathedral Silay Museum-Balay Negrense 29 ancestral houses along Rizal Street Improvement /Expansion of Major Roads and Terminals ► Bacolod Silay Airport (airstrip/passenger terminal) ► Sea ports and bus terminals Construction of MICE and Homestay Facilities ► Retirement Villages Construction of other Support Facilities ►Construction of a New Market ►Construction of a Triple A slaughter house ►Installation of tourism and major street signages inc. functional traffic lights Talisay Silay Silay Silay, Talisay, Bacolod Silay, Talisay, Bacolod Talisay Talisay and Bacolod Bacolod

8 Location Establishment of Destination /Attraction Sites: ► Craft villages tapping areas of Bacolod based ANP members. ► Dome Houses at Panaad Park and Stadium ► Health and Wellness Farms/Restaurants Promotion of Tour Packages beyond the BTS circuit ► Tour packages North, South and Metro Bacolod Quality Enhancement of crafts and food products ► Integrating Food/ Menus from local organic farms in major hotels and restaurants ► Product Development for, Packaging and marketing of souvenir items Bacolod, Talisay Bacolod Bacolod, Talisay, Silay Bacolod, Talisay

9 Location Capability Trainings for front line service providers ►Tour Guiding inc. farm operators ►Orientation among public transport on attraction sites ►Entrepreneurship Training for organic villages ►Knowing your tourist seminar for airport employees and concessionaires ►Basic Tourism Training for newly-appointed tourism officer Creation Strengthening of LEDIC & skills enhancement of LEIPOs ► Institutionalization of Tourism Office ►Training on Feasibility Preparation ►Investment Coaching for LEIPOs and LEDIC Team Province-wide Silay Selected LGUs Selected LGUs Province-wide

10 Location Promotion collaterals ►Maximizing online marketing platforms ►Production of tourist friendly campaign brochures Tour Packages ► “Libuta Na ang Probinsya” Campaign ►Health and Wellness in campaign activities, inc. Organic Foods ► Educational tours on Organic Agriculture and revisiting Negros Occidental culture (Folklore) Tourism Rebranding ►Workshop and Benchmarking ►Participation in key tourism and agriculture business missions and trade fairs Province-wide

11 Location Policies ►Review/updating of LIC and Tourism Codes ►Harmonization of Codes with other LGUs ►Policy and enforcement of laws ►Institutionalization of BPLS ►Development of a PEZA zone ( Heritage Homes and on privately-owned land adjacent to the airport for Agri-Business, Agri- Industrial, Eco-Tourism ) Organizational Support ►Instutionalization of LEIPO and LEDIC in the LGU’s ►Establishment of Tourism Statistics/Data base and E-economic Tracking Data ►Enhancement /Establishment of Tourism and investment website Program and Activities ►Conduct of the Economic Summit/Forums 9 LGUs Province BTS Silay & other LGUs Silay, Bacolod City Province


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