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IRWA 2014 Federal Agency Update Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Energy Corridors Update.

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Presentation on theme: "IRWA 2014 Federal Agency Update Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Energy Corridors Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 IRWA 2014 Federal Agency Update Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Energy Corridors Update

2 Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Manage more land than any other agency o 245 million surface acres o 700 million subsurface acres 12 State Offices with 90 field offices Washington Office (DC) National Operations Center (Denver) National Interagency Fire Center (Boise) National Training Center (Phoenix)

3 BLM’s Multiple Use Mission Manage for “multiple use and sustained yield” Administer over 107,000 rights-of-way Administer lands via land use plans (LUPs) or resource management plans (RMPs) Designate corridors in LUPs; Corridors are preferred locations for large linear infrastructure projects

4 Energy Corridors on Federal Lands Section 368 of Energy Policy Act of 2005 (PL 109-58) directs Secretaries of Interior, Agriculture, Defense, Commerce, Energy to designate corridors in 11 western states Agencies prepare Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) 2006-2008 BLM Record of Decision (ROD) January 2009 designates 5,000 miles of corridors (119 total corridors); amends 92 LUPs USFS ROD January 2009 designates 990 miles of corridors; amends 38 LUPs

5 Section 368 Energy Corridors

6 Energy Corridor Litigation BLM, Forest Service (USFS), Dept of Energy (DOE) sued in 2009 July 2013 case dismissed and Settlement approved 83 of 119 BLM corridors have no concerns identified by Plaintiffs Plaintiffs identify 45 Corridors of Concern (COC) Concerns identified primarily with portions of corridors Siting projects within COCs may involve: o additional litigation o increased mitigation o significant environmental impacts o consideration of alternative siting options

7 Plaintiffs Corridors of Concern

8 Section 368 Energy Corridors Settlement Deliverables (subject to available funds) BLM/USFS/DOE conduct Corridor Study by July 2014 BLM to issue corridor policy April 2014 Stakeholders will be engaged in: Regional reviews of corridors to develop recommended new, deleted or modified corridors Review Interagency Operating Procedures (IOPs); agencies to capture changes in updated guidance

9 Energy Corridor Litigation continued BLM/USFS/DOE to publish Request for Information (RFI) late March 2014 with 60 day comment period Solicit feedback on data sources to support corridor study Solicit feedback on public venues for coordination (e.g Resource Advisory Council meetings) Seek feedback on Interagency Operating Procedures (IOPs) Stakeholders (including the public) will be engaged in: Processing land use plan (LUP) amendments that consider workgroup recommendations o Las Vegas Draft Resource Management Plan anticipated release June/July 2014 o Other plans ongoing or upcoming

10 BLM/USFS/DOE seek your feedback and participation: Steve Fusilier; Reginal Woodruff; Lamont Jackson; Corridor Info: Lucas Lucero, Senior Advisor 202-912-7342 BLM/USFS/DOE seek your feedback and participation: Steve Fusilier; Reginal Woodruff; Lamont Jackson; Corridor Info: Lucas Lucero, Senior Advisor 202-912-7342

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