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Vanpooling Vanpooling in the US 36 Corridor. Louisville-based nonprofit organization founded in 1998 Mission: Enhance the mobility of commuters along.

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Presentation on theme: "Vanpooling Vanpooling in the US 36 Corridor. Louisville-based nonprofit organization founded in 1998 Mission: Enhance the mobility of commuters along."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vanpooling Vanpooling in the US 36 Corridor

2 Louisville-based nonprofit organization founded in 1998 Mission: Enhance the mobility of commuters along the US 36 corridor for today and the future Transportation Management Organization (TMO) for the US 36 corridor

3 Our Members: Government Boulder, Boulder County, Longmont, Louisville, Superior, Broomfield, Westminster, CU Boulder, Rocky Mountain Metro. Airport Colorado Technology Center 65 Businesses from along the corridor

4 How Does Vanpooling Work? 5-15 people share a ride to and from work, splitting the cost (van fare and fuel) Group decides meeting point, route, times, schedule, and type of van Each van has a primary coordinator Minimum of two volunteer alternate drivers

5 What Does Vanpooling Include? Wide array of vehicles 30 day agreements Fuel card purchasing Comprehensive insurance Maintenance & Repairs Driver qualification & safety training 24-hour roadside assistance Guaranteed Ride Home Excellent customer service

6 What determines the cost? Pricing varies depending on the trip Costs are subsidized when commuting within the RTD District Cost of Vanpooling

7 Vanpool Cost Breakdown Example Pricing: Denver to Broomfield Daily round trip miles: 32 Estimated monthly miles: 704 (32x22) Monthly mileage allowance: 750 Van cost: $942 + Fuel card $110 = $1052 $1052/riders = 5 riders = $210.40 ea 6 riders = $175.33 ea 7 riders = $150.29 ea

8 Available Vanpool Incentives Example Pricing: Denver to Broomfield Vanpool cost: $1052 $1052 – 60% DRCOG subsidy ($615) = $437 $437/riders = 5 riders = $88 ea 6 riders = $73 ea 7 riders = $63 ea

9 Available Vanpool Incentives Example Pricing: Denver to Broomfield 36 Commuting Solutions offers 3-month subsidy for new riders 50% off first month 30% off second month 20% off third month Cost after 36 Commuting Solutions 1 st month subsidy: 5 riders = $38 ea 6 riders = $23 ea 7 riders = $13 ea

10 Vanpooling Saves Commuting expense Gasoline Traffic congestion Parking constraints Vehicle emissions Commute stress

11 Vans with Open Seats Longmont to Boulder Destination: 2525 13 th St. Number of seats: 4 Ft. Collins to Boulder Destination: 6300 Diagonal Hwy Number of seats: 1

12 Questions?

13 Contact Information Tim Kitchell 36 Commuting Solutions Marketing & Education Specialist 303-604-4385

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