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Bond Construction Update Citizen’s Oversight Committee Long Beach Community College District October 25, 2010 EDUCATE  ENGAGE  EMPOWER 1.

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1 Bond Construction Update Citizen’s Oversight Committee Long Beach Community College District October 25, 2010 EDUCATE  ENGAGE  EMPOWER 1

2 Agenda Current & Upcoming Construction Projects LAC Building A, Student Services Retrofit LAC Parking Structure LAC Building O Complex LAC Infrastructure Improvements Project and District Wide – Energy Efficiency Project LAC Building I (Bookstore) PCC MDAB (Multi-Disciplinary Academic Building) PCC Building CC Retrofit District Wide – Electronic Signage Plan LAC South Walkway Extension Q & A 2

3 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects LAC Building A – Student Services Retrofit Measure E 2008 3 Received final DSA approval on 10/7/2010 Adds 6,500 Sq. Ft. to existing building Will house A&R, Counseling, Health Services, Cashier, Transfer Ctr., etc. Estimated start of construction Winter 2010

4 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects LAC Parking Structure – Measure E 2008 4 Spaces for 900 Vehicles Construction started Summer of 2010 Anticipated end of Construction Fall 2011

5 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects LAC Building O Complex – Measure E 2008 5 Two structures totaling 87,000 square feet Construction of Building O1 began April 2010 Anticipated completion Fall of 2010

6 6 LAC Infrastructure Improvement Project and District Wide Energy Efficiency Project Measure E 2008 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects Project to be completed in a phased construction schedule Total annual estimated savings of 1.5 million Kwh Project started Fall 2009; currently working on phase 8A and soon will start with phase 6 and 7 Landscaping upgrades to be implemented in conjunction with infrastructure project phasing Majority of existing building HVAC systems to be upgraded and connected to the Central Plant Exterior lighting and controls upgrades in progress Anticipated end of construction Winter 2011

7 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects 7 Received Final DSA approval Adds additional 4,000 square feet to existing building Architecture to match LAC Mediterranean Theme Awaiting BOT approval (10/26) for G2K Constr. Construction scheduled for Fall 2010 Bookstore Swing Space relocation completed Summer 2010 LAC Building I - Measure E 2008

8 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects PCC MDAB (Multi-Disciplinary Academic Building) - Measure E 2002 8 NTP issued on 7/29/10 Currently in phase 1 of construction (DD and EE in construction) Portables for swing space installed Summer 2010 (MD Trailers) Project to be completed in two phases

9 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects PCC Building CC Retrofit - Measure E 2008 9 Currently in DSA for plan check (Structural) Houses the Fitness Center, Gymnasium, Weight Room, and Faculty and Staff Offices Swing space to be located on PCC Campus (Bldg. GG) To be completed concurrently with MDAB project phase 1 Anticipated end of construction 2012

10 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects District Wide – Electronic Signage Plan Measure E 2008 Measure E 2008 10 District Wide Signage Plan complete for LAC & PCC LAC Daktronics digital sign installed 10/18/2010 PCC Daktronics digital sign currently in fabrication Anticipated construction completion of Marquee Signs Fall 2010

11 Current and Upcoming Construction Projects LAC South Walkway Extension Measure E 2008 Measure E 2008 11 99% complete Currently going through final punch-list Continues Master Plan pedestrian corridor

12 l i b e r a l a r t s Liberal Arts Campus Site Plan

13 p a c i f i c c o a s t Pacific Coast Campus Site Plan


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