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Brazilian Education for All Policy Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Education For All, Paris, 22-23 July 2003 Lucia Helena Lodi Department Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Brazilian Education for All Policy Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Education For All, Paris, 22-23 July 2003 Lucia Helena Lodi Department Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brazilian Education for All Policy Fourth Meeting of the Working Group on Education For All, Paris, 22-23 July 2003 Lucia Helena Lodi Department Director Ministry of Education

2 In this Brazilian Education for All Policy you will find substancial reference as to : the context in which Brazilian Education for All was born; the programs that have already been implemented and the programs being implemented by the present government of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his Ministry of Education, led by Professor Cristovan Buarque.

3 As for the programs and measures implemented since the nineties are: 1.The National Education Guidelines and Framework Law 2.Creation of the Fund for Primary Education Development and Maintenance and Enhancement of the Teaching Profession (FUNDEF) 3.Elaboration of the National Curriculum Parameters - PCN 4.The National Textbook Program – PNLD 5.The National School Library Program (PNBE)

4 6.The State and Municipal Primary Education Support Program for Adolescent and Adults 7.The National Education Grant Program (Bolsa Escola) 8.The expansion of primary education (from 8 to 9 years) 9.The Special Secretariat for the Eradication of Illiteracy 10.The National Policy for Training and Enhancing the Teaching Professional. 11.The support to the construction of state systems to evaluate basic education

5 Brazil and Literacy Adult literacy increased from 82% to 87% in the 90s. However, there are more than 16 million young people and adults who are illiterate and other 19 million who have up to only 3 years of schooling.

6 Thank you!

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