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The New Brazilian Paradigms The new Brazilian paradigms.

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Presentation on theme: "The New Brazilian Paradigms The new Brazilian paradigms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The New Brazilian Paradigms The new Brazilian paradigms

2 “Because all of Latin America is watching us, and because we bear hopes of all Latin Americans, we do not have the right to fail” President Lula

3 Social inclusion as the development axis –Hunger Zero –Land Reform –Education Institutional ethics and transparency Participatory democracy A new education Latin America leadership in process (hand in hand) Increasing participation in the global scenario In search of autonomy in the world economy Praise to cultural identity Sustainable development Long range planning The new Brazilian paradigms

4 Social inclusion as the development axis 1% of the population has 53% of the wealth. Employment increase and renda per capita internal market growth more investments in social and economic infrastructure

5 The right for all citizen to eat three times a day –Universal Declaration of Human Rights –Brazilian Constitution Hunger Zero

6 New thinking Progressists with power

7 A new education Bolsa Escola (School Incentive) Double vacancies in universities War against illiteracy Schools modernization Focus on women Retired people Studymania “We have to take education beyond the classrooms” Cristovam Buarque, a futurist as the leader of the new Brazilian education program

8 Sustainable development Marina Silva - an activist of the environmental movement as the Environment Minister Development and implementation of long range policies to allow a better income sharing together with biodiversity conservation

9 Praise of Identity Cultural DNA Unity in diversity Culture in primary education Self-esteem

10 Latin America Active Voice “We want a free trade but it must be based on reciprocity” President Lula

11 Long range planning Establish long range planning in the energy and economic sectors.

12 World Social Forum another world is possible Porto Alegre January 23 – 28, 2003

13 World Social Forum 1.Democratic and sustainable development 2.Principles and values, human rights, diversity, equality 3.Media and culture against hegemony 4.Political power, civil society and democracy 5.Democratic world order, actions against militarization and peace promotion

14 The Millenium Project Brazilian Node


16 NEF Scope GLOBAL - Millenium Project Futures Studies - Social Development - Social Responsibility LOCAL - Organizations of the Future Knowledge Management - Learning Organizations - Knowledge Technologies INDIVIDUAL - The Human Potential Leadership - Creativity - Ethic and Spirit in Organizations

17 Update Middle Peace Study –Shalom Salam Peace S & T - 2025 Scenarios Hazel Henderson weeks (November and January) –New paradigms in progress –Sustainable development –Quality of life indicators –World Social Forum Website Folder New members –Fabio Feldmann –Jorge Carcavallo –Oriana White

18 Projects in Progress Futures Studies Program – PUC-SP New indicators conference (October 23 – 25) Imagine Brasil ISI - Inter-institutional solidarity initiative

19 Futures Studies Academic Program 15 challenges Futures research Organizational learning Guest speakers

20 New indicators conference Implement new indicators for sustainable development All the best expert statisticians from around the world Announce the "state-of-the-art" national accounting protocols Add asset accounts to complement GDP's current "cash flow" approach: ecological, social and human assets Implement the new System of National Accounts Redefining progress and prosperity

21 Futures Studies Program PUC-SP Imagine Campinas Girasonhos Imagine Brasil Understand what is Imagine what can be Create what will be Intergenerational dialogues

22 ISI – Inter-institutional solidarity initiative  Information exchange  Communication issues  Funding strategies  Government, NGO´s, business, schools  Event to be held in June – Campinas  Support of Embrapa

23 The Millenium Project In Brazil Develop Futures Studies in the Brazilian Academy Stimulate futures thinking in public and private organizations Gather and develop regional data to support global research Support public organizations with prospective methodologies Disseminate the 15 challenges as a framework for strategic planning and policy making Publish “The State of the Future” Help civil society to have a vision of the future Empower young generations to foster long range planning with decision makers and leaders Produce futures studies literature Cumulative evaluation of knowledge sharing Organize catalyst events about the future Create a virtual forum in the Internet

24 The Millenium Project In Brazil Coordinators Arnoldo de Hoyos - PhD - PUC-SP (Business School) and Unicamp - University of Campinas (Education for Peace) Rosa Alegria - UHCL, University of Houston, Clear Lake - and Women Council of Sao Paulo Brazilian Council 1. Ubiratan D´Ambrosio - PhD - ex-dean PUC-SP and coordinator of the Future Studies Institute 2 Ladislau Dowbor - PhD - PUC-SP NEF - Futures Studies Center - PUC-SP International Council Peter Bishop - University of Houston, Clear Lake Francisco Mojica - University Externato Bogota Hazel Henderson – Foundation of Social Innovation Executive Committee – new members 1. Vitoria Dib - PhD - PUC-SP - Social Sciences 2. Claudia Pellegrini - PhD - PUC-SP - Education 3. Lala DeHeinzelin - Culture and Communications 4. Beatrice Gropp - PhD - University of Paris - Anthropologist - PUC-SP - Business Administration 5. Oriana White – Researcher and psychologist 6. Fabio Feldmann – environmentalist, ex-Sao Paulo secreatary 7. Jorge Carcavallo – communicator

25 Obrigada! Thank you! Rosa Alegria NEF – Núcleo de Estudos do Futuro Brazil

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