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A New Model for Brazil and (may be) for Latin America International Workshop Open Access to Scientific Literature and other Digital Scientific Information.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Model for Brazil and (may be) for Latin America International Workshop Open Access to Scientific Literature and other Digital Scientific Information."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Model for Brazil and (may be) for Latin America International Workshop Open Access to Scientific Literature and other Digital Scientific Information Resources in Central America and the Caribbean: Focus on Education and Health for Sustainable Development Havana, Cuba September, 2008 Hélio Kuramoto General Coordinator of Research and Support to Consolidated Service IBICT

2 Scholarly Communication Today Dissatisfaction with the established scholarly communication system; Drastic increases in subscription pricesDrastic increases in subscription prices; Delays between results and their actual publication; Copyright; Most Brazilian and LA journals are supported by public resource; Brazilian and Latin America Scientific production have low visibility; New information and communication technologies provide alternatives to facilitate the access to Scholarly Information; Movement of Open Access to knowledge.

3 Monograph and Serial Expenditures Money spent on journals and books by libraries in the USA (source: ARL). During the time period shown the Consumer Price Index in the USA (a measure of inflation) has risen by just 78%, one quarter of journal price rises in that period r06.pdf

4 Basis for a scholarly information in Brazil Open Access Open Archives Software open source

5 Functional Schema of OA Data Providers Harvest via OAI-PMH Service Providers

6 General Schema Open Archives Oasis. Br

7 Advantages of using OA in the context of Open Access Quick dissemination of scholarly information self- archived in the repositories Improving the visibility of papers self-archived in the repositories Improving the impact factor Open access => quick dissemination => better visibility => possibility of high impact factor Better interoperability among repositories OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting )

8 Increases citation with open access Brody & Harnad, 2004, Brody, Harnad and Carr, 2005

9 Journal permissions for self-archiving http://

10 Brazil towards Open Access: initiatives adopted Policy Political Training Technological

11 Brazil towards Open Access: strategies adopted Green road Gold road PL 1120/2007 Ibict ScieLO Ibict

12 IBICT’s initiatives towards Open Access  Research and follow up the Open Archives model since 2001;  Development of the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD) OAI- PMH compliant;  Research, identification, customization and distribution of open source software to build OAI compliant repositories and electronic publications;  Portal Oasis.Br (Open Access Scholarly Information System) (;  Distribution of technological kits to information providers (universities, research institutes etc);  Political advocacy to sensitize all segments of scientific community (universities, researchers, funding agencies, Ministry of Science and Technology, Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science, Brazilian Academy of Science and others) about the importance of Open Access.  Political advocacy to design and establish a National Policy for Open Access to Scholarly Information

13 Some Results  Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations integrates 78 Brazilian universities and has more then 70 thousand full text electronic theses and dissertations;  SEER (OJS)is used to manage more than 500 Brazilian journals;  Brazilian Manifesto Supporting Open Access could be a guideline for the national policy of open access to scholarly information;  Many Brazilian institutions (universities and research institutes) use SEER (OJS), DSPACE and Dici (Eprints);

14 Conclusion  Open access is an opportunity to improve the visibility of our research;  To achieve the goal of Open Access to information we need to strengthen the human interoperability;  It is necessary to convince all segments of the scientific community of the importance of Open Access to Information;  Expand this model to the Latin America countries.

15 Thank you!!! Hélio Kuramoto General Coordinator of Research and Support to Consolidated Products SAS Quadra 05 Lote 06 Bloco H 70070-912 – Brasília, DF Brazil +55 61 3217-6350

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