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Rock Strength Maurice Dusseault
Common Symbols in RM E, n: Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio
f, r, g : Porosity, density, unit weight c′, f′,To: Cohesion, friction , tensile strength T, p, po: Temperature, pressure, initial pres. UCS: Unconfined Compressive Str. (σ′3 = 0) sa, sr: Axial, radial stress (σ′ = eff. Stress) τ, σ1-σ3: Shear stress, deviatoric stress k: Permeability These are the most common symbols we use
Chalk Fracture Experiments…
a. Three-point loading c. Pure axial tension 2P Surface of fracture Surface of fracture Compressive stress ? ? T T Tensile stress P P Fracture location indeterminate Fracture location directly under 2P b. Four-point loading P P d. Pure torsion (moment) Compressive stress Surface of fracture Surface of fracture is a helical shape M M Tensile stress Maximum tensile stress orientation Fracture location indeterminate, but between the two vertical loads P P
What is Strength? It turns out that strength of a geomaterial is a highly complex subject… There still remain issues on which the experts are not in full agreement (e.g. the scale dependency of tensile strength) Strength can be a simple measure, such as unconfined compressive strength (UCS) It can be complex (shear stress under a full 3-dimensional stress state, under temperature and elevated pore pressure conditions, etc.)
Yield Modes around a Borehole…
HMAX High pw leads to slip of a joint or fault. Usually occurs only with high MW Brittle beam bucking under high uniaxial local loads Crushing in breakout apex Slip plane Destabilized column is “popping” out breakout HMAX Axial extension fractures: tensile failure when pw > Plus some others… Fissile shale sloughing if the borehole axis is close to parallel to fissility axis Swelling, weakening, turning to “mush” Borehole surface spalling from high , perhaps arising from heating, low ʹ High MW – Low MW Shear failure in low cohesion rock precedes sloughing of cavings
Rock Strength Strength is the ability to sustain (support):
Shear stress (shear strength) Compressive normal stress (crushing strength) Tensile stress (tensile strength) Bending (bending or beam strength) All of these depend on effective stresses (s), thus, we must know the pore pressure (p or po) Rock specimen strength is different than rock mass strength (joints, fissures, fissility…) Tests are done on cores, chips, analogues…
Rock Mass vs Sample Strength
Field scale: grains to kilometers. Lab scale: grains to 100 mm diameter specimen. a = 1 slip planes max planes Field stresses Z r = 3 r cores Triaxial Test Stresses a faults joints fractures grains bedding Scale differences and flaws mean that direct extrapolation of test results to the field is difficult in Petroleum Rock Mechanics Sample damage can change properties!
How We Measure Rock Strength…
Simple Measurements (no s3 – “index” tests) Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS), s3 = 0 Tensile strength (pure tension, hard for rocks!) Indirect tensile test (Brazilian test) Point-load, beam-bending, scratch test, needle… Direct shear tests of a planar surface A joint surface, bedding plane, fault plane, sheared plane, lithologic interface, etc. The surface is loaded, then sheared, and the resistance to shear loads is recorded n rock slip plane
Prepared specimen tests
Beam Bending Tests Prepared specimen tests P/2 P/2 Beam-bending “tensile” test P/2 P/2 Core tests The “strength” of a rock in beam bending is strongly dependent on the specimen size and the “quality” of the surface finish! X-section
Thus, To is flaw size dependent
Effect of Flaws on To P/2 P/2 Beam-bending tensile test P/2 P/2 To Thus, To is flaw size dependent Surface finish A: notched B: rough C: polished A B C
Surface Finish and Flaws
If the strength of rock in beam-bending depends on the surface finish… Beam-bending is of little value to engineering design issues The strength of rock in tension is dependent on the size of the flaw These observations, combined with the fact that rock masses have many discontinuities… Suggest that tensile strength may be inappropriate for many rock engineering problems Measurements of To are of questionable value
Nevertheless… Tensile Strength…
Tensile strength (To) is extremely difficult to measure: it is direction-dependent, flaw-dependent, sample size-dependent, ... An indirect method, the Brazilian disk test, is used For a large reservoir, To may be assumed to be zero because of joints, bedding planes, etc. To = F/A F Prepared rock specimen Pure tension test: extremely rare A F Brazilian indirect tension test, common usage F
Other Index Tests of Strength
Index tests: strength “indices” only Point load tests on core disks or chunks Brinnell Hardness test, or penetration test Scratch test on slabbed core sections Sclerometer or steel bar rebound tests All these use correla-tion charts for strength estimates L L jack round flat rock load epoxy pull scriber slab rebound measure mandril core Schmidt Hammer or Sclerometer
Recommendation Include a strength index test program in all your core analyses Service companies can provide this systematically upon request The data bank can be linked to compaction potential, drillability, other factors… It may help identify particularly troublesome zones that could cause troubles Any systematically collected data will prove useful for correlations and engineering
Cautions! However, index values are estimates only!
Scale is a problem! What is the scale of interest to the problem? Is testing a drill chip a test of sufficient scale? Is it possible to index test fractured reservoirs? Geometry is an issue! How is strength affected by a 2 mm thick shale lamination in an otherwise intact sandstone? Is strength anisotropic? What is orientation w.r.t. the anisotropy?
Core #2 ~27500′ below sea level
8000 Scratch test results 7000 6000 5000 Correlation to UCS (psi) 4000 This core section is quite homogeneous throughout 3000 2000 ~ 1 foot (300 mm) length 1000 Red line is output from the load cell Blue line is an averaged value of the force
Core #1 ~28000′ below sea level
Scratch test results Heterogeneous and damaged core Correlation to UCS (psi) ~ 1′ (300 mm) Red line is output from the load cell. Blue line is an averaged value of the force
Core #2 ~27500′ below sea level
Scratch test results Heterogeneous, damaged core Correlation to UCS (psi) ~ 1 foot (300 mm) length
How We Measure Rock Strength…
Direct Measurements with confinement (s3) Compressive Strength: Triaxial Testing Machine Encase the core in an impermeable sleeve Confining stress is applied s3 first σa is then increased while… Pore pressure constant Record Δσa, εa, εr, ΔV More exotic tests… ΔT, Δp, even Δchemistry Creep tests (constant σ, measure ) Hollow cylinders… a = 1 slip planes max planes r = 3 r Triaxial Test Stresses a Strain rate
Rock Strength- Shear Strength
Shear strength: a vital geomechanics measure, used for design Shearing is associated with: n Borehole instabilities, breakouts, failure Reservoir shear and induced seismicity Casing shear and well collapse Reactivation of old faults, creation of new ones Hydraulic fracture in soft, weak reservoirs Loss of cohesion and sand production Bit penetration, particularly PCD bits σ′3 σ′1 rock n slip plane sn is normal effective stress t is the shear stress,║to slip plane
High Confining Pressure Frame
Core Lab Inc. Frame σ′a σ′r Cell Press
The Triaxial Cell εa, εr σa σr applied through oil pressure
load platen p control, ΔVp εa, εr impermeable membrane σr applied through oil pressure strain gauges σa seals thin porous stainless steel cap for drainage CSIRO-Australia
Triaxial Test Apparatus
A confining stress s3 is applied (membrane) The pore pressure is zero, or constant The axial stress is increased slowly until well past peak strength Deformation behavior is measured during test T, po… can be varied in sophisticated systems Triaxial test cell. ( a ) Cell components including spherical seats A , end caps B , specimen C , fluid port D , Strain Gauges E (optional), and polyurethane rubber sleeve F . ( b ) Insertion of sleeve. ( c ) End cap removed to clean accumulated rock fragments. ( d ) Triaxial test with cell in position, showing four-column load frame, 200-t hydraulic jack load cell and pressure transducer connected to cell for automatic plotting of stress path. (Franklin and Hoek, 1970.) Sing06.049
Some Issues in Testing Sample disturbance Sample homogeneity
Representativeness Specimen preparation Lateral e data? DV? Δp response (shales)? Testing must be done by a commercial lab with good QC Even then, results are critically examined f = 30% in situ, 35% in the core lab damage Shaley zone, sheared Oil sand, intact σ′a σ′r
A σ′ ε Curve for a Rock Specimen
σ1 - σ3 ´1 = ´a massive damage, shear plane develops Y - peak strength ´3 = ´r damage starts sudden stress drop (brittle) cohesion breaking stress difference continued damage ultimate or residual strength “elastic” part of σ′ε curve εa seating, microcrack closure axial strain
Shear Failure of Sandstone
High quality cylinder L = 2D Flat ends High angle shear plane Zone of dilation and crushing r = 3 a
Yield and Strain-Weakening…
At one σ′3 value… YP: peak shear strength YR: residual strength Red curve is at a high confining stress – s3 Blue curve, low s3 E.g.: high pore pressure = low s3, low strength, brittle behavior! Low po… higher strength, ductile ’ – e behavior YP ductile yield YR strain-weakening Stress – sa - sr YP brittle rupture YR Axial strain - ea
Dilatancy During Rock Shearing
When rocks shear under low s3, they dilate (+V) Dilation = +DV increase in pore V, microcracks Rock is weakened, but with higher f, k values For reservoirs and high p, s3 is low; dilation enhances permeability, an important factor in heavy oils… s’ – e behavior Y Stress – sa - sr Axial strain - ea +DV dilation = +ΔV Axial strain - ea -DV compression
Full Triaxial Data Set Example
10 20 30 40 ´3 = 14.0 MPa s-e curves a- r ( MPa) ´3 = 7.0 MPa ´3 = 2.0 MPa UCS, ´3 = 0 Strain- % +V Strain- % -V 1% Volume change measurement (dilation)
Rock Strength: the M-C Plot
To plot a yield criterion from triaxial tests, on equally scaled t, s axes, plot s1 and s3 at fail-ure, join with a semicircle, then the tangent = Y t Y 4 triaxial tests are plotted here, plus the tensile strength from other tests cohesion c To sn s3 s1 Different s3 values
Triaxial s′-e Curves This is extremely complex, and partly “machine dependent”… s1 - s3 smax- peak strength Y massive damage, shear plane develops damage starts, ~0.60smax sudden stress drop (brittle or strain-weakening) cohesion breaking continued damage E stress difference Yr ultimate or residual strength “elastic” part of s-e curve specimen seating, microcrack closure axial strain -ea
Behavioral Model Representation
Constitutive models: A: Linear elastic, no deviatoric dilation B: Perfect plasticity, no deviatoric dilation C: Instantaneously strain-weakening, post failure dilation angle D: Gradual weakening, post failure dilation E: General response, simulated with more complex models… A s-e curves B Deviatoric stress D E C +ve E DV (Deviatoric component) C, D A B -ve Strain (%)
Geomaterial Failure Modes
-ve confinement (i.e. tension) Low confinement High confinement Tensile rupture Single plane Minimal general damage Fracture mechanics Shear rupture Bifurcation plane Some general damage Localization effects Plasticity theory with shearing General damage No bifurcation Distributed general damage Continuum damage mechanics best
Standard Approximation for Y
Known as the Mohr-Coulomb (M-C) failure criterion t - shear stress Rocks are weak in tension!! real Y ′ cohesion Y = M-C Yield Criterion: f = c + n·tan for n ≥ To f = 0 for n < To c′ Y - linear approximation To sn - normal stress
Use a Reasonable Y Approximation
Mohr-Coulomb failure (or yield) criterion t - shear stress real Y standard approximation cohesion Rocks are weak in tension: assume To = 0? ′ c′ This is a better approximation for cases of low confining stress To sn - normal stress
Different Methods to Present Y
In the literature, there are > five different methods to plot rock yield (failure) criteria The next slides show other examples of M-C yield criterion plots I prefer the Standard Mohr plot… Simple, clear, easy circle construction for s There are also many yield criteria: Lade, Druker-Prager, Modified Von Mises… I suggest: stick with the M-C criterion, it is robust, well understood, direct…
s1 s3 Plotting Method Plot s1, s3 values at peak strength on axes Fit a curve or a straight line to the data points y-intercept is Co or UCS (Note that circles to solve for stresses can only be used on a conventional M-C plot, not on this one!) s1 Curved or linear fit tan2a s1 - s3 ·tan2a - Co = 0 Uniaxial compressive strength, Co (not same as To) s3
straight line assumption
p q Plotting Method p = (s1 + s2)/2 q = (s1 - s2)/2 p is mean sn q is shear stress This method is most common in soil mechanics Sometimes used in petroleum rock mechanics q actual curve a straight line assumption p q = Co/2 + p·tan a
Why Approximations for Y?
Linear approximations of Y are easy to understand: cohesion plus friction effects When yield (failure) criteria are plotted from real lab data, there is a lot of scatter Numerical modeling is the only way to use the full curvilinear Y envelopes… Thus, a linear approximation allows: Quick calculations and estimates A clearer picture of the physics But! Use the right stress range to improve results of simple calculations
Still the Best (in my view)!
t - shear stress- σ1 – σ2 Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 2 Y ’ tf ′a = ′1 σ′n cohesion ′r = ′3 tf shear planes c’ sn - normal stress σ’3 σ’1 UCS To ~ 0.12·UCS σ′n
What is “Failure”? sMAX smin
Be very careful!! Failure is a loss of function. Rock yield is a loss of strength. Don’t confuse them!! For example: Most boreholes have “yielded” zones But, the hole has not collapsed! …or “failed”! It still fulfills its function (allowing drill advance) sMAX smin Breakouts
Rock Strength – Sophisticated Tests
Radial section More sophisticated rock tests are also possible and useful in some circumstances: Hollow cylinders, cavity tests Creep tests for salt and soft shales Thermal effects tests Shale properties with different geochemistry Drillability tests… etc. Axial section
Geomaterial Characteristics
Strain-weakening (peak strength & residual strength, YP, YR, are different) failure strain, f = ƒ(3 ): f as 3 YP, YR = ƒ(3 ): YP, YR as 3 YP/YR = ƒ(3 ): YP/YR as 3 Dilatancy +V with increasing 1 - 3 dilatancy suppressed as 3 Thus we must link stresses, strains and failure behavior in our rock testing
List of Tests* from Core Lab Ltd.- A
Triaxial and uniaxial testing for E, ν, UCS Sonic velocity testing for dynamic Young's Modulus and Poisson's Ratio (ED, νD) Mohr-Coulomb envelope analysis and construction Sonic velocity & acoustic impedance under σ′ Sonic velocity in crude oils and brines Seismic velocity testing at 10Hz Hydrostatic and uniaxial pore volume compressibility Calibration of sonic and dipole log *Downloaded list from their website
List of Tests from Core Lab Ltd. - B
Fracture azimuth and max stress azimuth (sonic velocity anisotropy) Evaluation of natural fracture conductivity Thick wall cylinder test (sand production onset) Fracture toughness analysis Brinell hardness test for closure stress analysis Proppant embedment testing vs. closure stress Brazilian indirect tensile strength Point load tensile test for wellbore stability analysis
Strain and Shear Slip (Displacement)
As σa increased, εa took place as well However, when yield took place, deformation only along slip plane! We cannot speak about strain any more, only slip or deformation Also, there is elastic strain and plastic strain…
Diagenesis and Strength
slip planes max planes diagenesis effects on the Mohr-Coulomb strength envelope shear stress r = 3 r chemical cementation Triaxial Test Stresses a densification (more interlock) original sediment cohesion diagenetic strength increase c normal stress s3 s1
Extreme Diagenesis Case…
Xal overgrowths, interpenetrative structure!
Rock Strength – Shear Box Tests
Strength of joints or faults require shear box tests Specimen must be available and aligned properly in a shear box Different stress values (N) are used Area - A N - normal force S Shear box S - shear force N S A Linear “fit” Curvilinear “fit” data point N c cohesion A
Shearbox Apparatus Normal load (stress)
Reaction frame with high stiffness Split box for rock specimens to be tested Different sizes can be mounted in the device Shear displacement on lower half of “box” Rails allow continuous “self-centering”
Yield Criterion in Shearbox Tests
Also a Mohr-Coulomb plot rock N S slip plane The points representing normal load and shear load are plotted on axes of equal As with triaxial test data, a straight line fit is often used This Y is for the surface only, not the rock mass… S A = t Linear “fit” Y Curvilinear “fit” data point c cohesion N A = sn
Cohesion and Friction…
Bonded grains Crystal strength Interlocking grains Cohesive strength builds up rapidly with strain But! Permanently lost with fabric damage and debonding of grains 1 - 3 complete s-e curve cohesion mobilization stress difference friction mobilization a
This is merely the M-C curve
Friction Frictional resistance to slip between surfaces Must have movement () to mobilize it Slip of microfissures can contribute Slip of grains at their contacts develops Friction is not destroyed by strain and damage Friction is affected by normal effective stress Friction builds up more slowly with strain mob = cohesion + friction f = c′ + n This is merely the M-C curve
Estimating Rock Strength
Laboratory tests OK in some cases (salt, clay), and are useful as indicators in all cases Problems of fissures and discontinuities Problems of anisotropy (eg: fissility planes) Often, a reasonable guess, tempered with data, is adequate, but not always Size of the structure (eg: well or reservoir) is a factor, particularly in jointed strata Strength is a vital factor, but often it is difficult to choose the “right” strength value
Strength Anisotropy UCS UCS Vertical core 0° 30° 60° 90°
Bedding inclination
Crushing Strength Some materials (North Sea Chalk, coal, diatomite, high porosity UCSS*) can crush Crushing is collapse of pores, crushing of grains, under isotropic stress (minimal ) Tests involve increasing all-around effective stress (′) equally, measuring V/′ Tests can involve reducing p in a highly stresses specimen (ie: ’ increases as p drops) *UCSS = unconsolidated sandstone
High-Porosity Chalk Hollow, weak grains (coccoliths)
Weak cementation (dog-tooth calcite) Weak, cleavable grain mineral (CaCO3)
Cracks and Grain Contacts
Point-to-point contacts are much more compliant than long (diagenetic) contacts Large open microfissures are compliant Oriented contacts or microfissures give rise to anisotropy of mechanical properties Rocks with depositional structure or exposed to differential stress fields over geological time develop anisotropy through diagenesis
Particle Contacts In granular media, macroscopic stresses are transmitted through grain contact forces (fn, fs) These particles may be crushable (coal, feldspars, coccoliths…) fs = shear force fn = normal force
A non-Crushing Rock 25% porosity SiO2 sandstone (99.5% Q)
Contacts are diagenetic in nature… This gives a very high stiffness, even though… The rock is totally devoid of cohesion! Athabasca oil sands, Faja del Orinoco sands, are “similar” to this
Crushing Strength Apply p, ( > p), allow to equilibrate ( = - p) Increase by increasing or dropping p = - p Record ΔV/V, plot versus effective stress The curve is the crushing behavior with + ΔV p LE crushing material ΔV
Cracks and Grain Contacts
E1 E2 Microflaws can close, open, or slip as σ′ changes E1 E3 Flaws govern rock stiffness The nature of the grain-to-grain contacts and the overall porosity govern the stiffness of porous SS
Griffith Flaw Theory Rock is a “flawed” material
Flaws are stressed (t) by deviatoric loads Tensile s develops at tips Rock is weak in tension Tensile cracks form easily They propagate to 3 As L, acceleration Sudden rupture ensues induced tensile fracture initial flaw deviatoric loading
Low Confining Stress (Low σ′3)
Low s′3: brittle rupture Fractures develop parallel to s′1 Specimen may separate into several “columns” When column L/w ratio becomes large, buckling or crushing Rupture is sudden e energy is released s′1 Edge chipping Axial fractures L s′3 Surface spalls w
Yield at Higher s′3 Crystal debonding Stress-induced anisotropy q At high stress, general damage occurs; much microfissuring, then coalescence takes place (“bifurcation”) Microfissure fabric at yield q High s3 Intercrystalline forces at yield
Low s3, Jointing Dominates
blocks loosened initial jointing fractures s3 s1
How Do We “Test” This Rock Mass?
Joints and fractures can be at scales of mm to several meters Large core: 115 mm Core plugs: mm If joints dominate, small-scale core tests are “indicators” only This issue of “scale” enters into all Petroleum Geomechanics analyses A large core specimen A core “plug” 1 m Machu Picchu, Peru, Inca Stonecraft
Lessons Learned Strength is a complex issue
We have to use “models” to understand strength and to apply it in practice Rock mass vs. rock specimen strength problem Problems of scale, heterogeneity… Nevertheless, rock strength can be measured and used to predict slip, crushing, triggering of fault movement, and so on. Combination of the field and the lab is best…
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