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Cifre-Brasil Brazil-France partnership to train Brazilian students in France Doctoral research, Business thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Cifre-Brasil Brazil-France partnership to train Brazilian students in France Doctoral research, Business thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cifre-Brasil Brazil-France partnership to train Brazilian students in France Doctoral research, Business thinking

2 14 th February 2013

3 INTERETS For the CNPq: to train future managers of R&D, able to drive projects in academic and business contexts. For French company: to prepare  future employee by its subsidiary or corporate in Brazil or  future partner who will never forget his former French company For Brazilian student:  to get R&D's competencies in international context,  to know French company and French academic body. For French Research ministry & ANRT: to contribute to the enhancement of Brazilian-French scientific & business relationships.

4 General scheme Company based in France French academic laboratory Brazilian Doctoral student 3 years contract with minimum gross annual salary of € 23,484 Average 2013: € 28,600 Supervision by academic supervisor. Enrolled each year in doctoral school attached to the laboratory. Attends to the doctoral trainings. Assesses the doctoral research project CIFRE Assesses the involvement of company Grants to the company 14 000 € per year (+ CIR) Research partnership contract

5 First Cifre-Brazil examples PhD Student - Paulo Sergio DE OLIVEIRA JR “I feel that, if compared with a traditional PhD (with only the academic side), a CIFRE thesis can contribute more directly to the society, since in an enterprise we usually look for solutions of real and direct interest of the users. This push us in the direction of the most advanced algorithms in our area. When I finish my PhD and come back to Brazil with this very “rich” PhD experience, I am sure that I will be prepared to work with high proficiency in both: academic or corporate environments, in one of the most important areas for the Brazilian industry and agriculture.”

6 First Cifre-Brazil examples PhD Student – Guilherme yuuki KOGA “I would be pleased to share my first impressions in order to help people to discover this amazing opportunity provided by CIFRE-Brazil program.”

7 First Cifre-Brazil examples PhD Student – Raissa DE MELO BRANDÃO “I am glad to be helpful with the promotion of the Cifre-Brazil fellowship program.”

8 First Cifre-Brazil examples PhD Student – Marcos Eduardo GOMES BORGES under assessment

9 Companies already interested, some are looking for candidates ?

10 I do a lot of promotion, but French as the Brazilian I need you to … -Find Brazilian candidates - Build Company-laboratory partnerships -Build Co-tutelle (not obliged but interesting) Then give me your email or write me at

11 Join us to build one of most amazing France Brazil partnership More information, some questions ?

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