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Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users MAY 2012.

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1 Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users MAY 2012

2 The research on users habits and behavior of Brazilians in Social Media intends to show what users think about the social networks that they access and how they use them. Analysis structure and the social networks studied were chosen according to the interviewees answers, reflecting the most used and more interesting social networks for these users.

3 E.Life created a questionnaire with questions related to the use and behaviour of social networks users, which was spread in social networks specially through Twitter and Facebook. The research was conducted during the period from november 2011 to february 2012 fulfilling a total of 1.316 questionnaires. METHODOLOGY

4 Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users General Habits The users...

5 [... access Internet from home. In which places do you usually access the Internet (%)?* A broad access to internet from home is one of the most remarkable characteristics of Social Media users. * Multiple Answer. Base: 1.316 questionnaires.... use more mobile devices. What kind of devices do you usually use to access the internet (%)?*

6 * 1,7% of non-answered questionnaires. Base: 1.316 questionnaires. Social media users are in general still described by the great amount of hours spent online (heavy users).... stay online for a long time How many hours a week do you spend in the Internet (%)?*... are online and offline at the same time. Which other activities do you usually do while online?* It might indicate that social network users are changing their habits and consuming online the same contents available on TV. (Sharing films and TV series, Netflix, etc).

7 * Multiple Answer. Base: 1.316 questionaires... want to be closer.

8 ** Multiple Answer. Base: 895 questionnaires. From 2011 to 2012 app users proportion has increased to double the amount.... use different social networks to connect. In the last 3 months, have you signed up to any social network?* 58,1% YES** 40,5% NO Despite Brazil being Facebook ‘s second major user base, in the last three months Facebook achieved an amount of new users similar to Google+, which aims to be one of its main competitors. *1,4% of non-answered questionnaires. Base: 1.316 questionnaires. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 765 questionnaires.... look for practicality. Do you access social networks using applications?** **0,3% of non-answered questionnaires Base: 1.316 questionnaires. 68,0% YES** 31,7% NO

9 Over the last three months, almost 60% of interviewees sign up to an online service or social network.

10 Social Networks Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

11 *Multiple Answer. Base: 1.316 questionnaires. Considered only those that sum more than 15 % of the answers. Brazilians are on…

12 Which social networks do you use more frequently (%)?* However having an account doesn’t mean they use it. *Multiple Answer. Base: 1.316 questionnaires. Considered only those that sum more than 15 % of the answers.

13 FACEBOOKERS How social networks are used: Who is plugged into Facebook? Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

14 Base: 1.169 questionnaires. What’s particular about Facebookers?

15 * 0,4% of non-answered questionnaires. Base: 1.169 questionnaires. Habits of Internet users Two different profiles were detected: users that sign in just a few times and heavy users. In the research of 2011, only heavy users excelled. Broad access from home and from the office. In which places do you usually access the Internet (%)?** The number of mobile device users among Facebookers indicates that the internet is accessed from any place at any time, changing users behaviour by not being restricted to fixed places. 68,5% use applications to access Facebook. The most used ones are E-Buddy, Facebook for Android and for Iphone/Ipad. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 1.169 questionnaires. How many hours a week do you spend in the Internet (%)?* What kind of devices do you usually use to access the internet (%)?** ** Multiple Answer. Base: 1.169 questionnaires.

16 TWITTERS How social networks are used: Who is plugged into Twitter? Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

17 Base: 539 questionnaires. What’s particular about Twitters?

18 Most of Twitter users are heavy users, probably because of its more dynamic structure. A bigger proportion of access from work could indicate that Twitter is used as a corporate tool (recruitment, customer relation management and information related to products and services). Increase on the use of mobiles/smartphone from 44,8% in 2011 to 65,3% in 2012 among Twitter users. 71,6% use applications to access Twitter. The most used ones are the oficial app of Twitter, E-Buddy and Tweetdeck. * 0,6% of non-answered questionnaires. Base: 539 questionnaires. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 539 questionnaires. Habits of Internet users In which places do you usually access the Internet (%)?** How many hours a week do you spend in the Internet (%)?* What kind of devices do you usually use to access the internet (%)?** ** Multiple Answer. Base: 453 questionnaires.

19 WINDOWS LIVE MESSENGERS How social networks are used: Who is plugged into MSN? Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

20 Base: 453 questionnaires. What’s particular about Messengers?

21 Between the 5 most used Social Networks, Windows Live is the second Network with less growth in the past three months, only behind Orkut Comparing to other social network users, Messengers have a less expressive access to the internet from work. As it’s shown in other networks, desktop still is the most used equipment to access the internet, followed by notebook and mobile/smartphone. * Base: 453 questionnaires. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 453 questionnaires. The majority of the Messengers access the internet a few hours per week. Habits of Internet users In which places do you usually access the Internet (%)?** How many hours a week do you spend in the Internet (%)?* What kind of devices do you usually use to access the internet (%)?** ** Multiple Answer. Base: 453 questionnaires.

22 ORKUTERS How social networks are used: Who is plugged into Orkut? Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

23 Base: 417 questionnaires. What’s particular about Orkuters?

24 Even with a considerable high level of heavy users (17,5%), the majority of Orkuters use the internet less than 15 hours per week (35,7%), a tendency also perceived in the 2011’s report. Like in others social networks, Orkuters do usually access the internet from home. Another highliht is the access from lan house (similar to na internet café) which is the highest between the analyzed networks. Orkut users represent a lower proportion of access from smartphones and notebooks in comparison with other social networks. 62,8% use applications to access Orkut. The most used are Orkut for mobile and E-Buddy. * 1,7% of non-answered questionnaires. Base: 417 questionnaires. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 417 questionnaires. Habits of Internet users In which places do you usually access the Internet (%)?** How many hours a week do you spend in the Internet (%)?* What kind of devices do you usually use to access the internet (%)?** ** Multiple Answer. Base: 417 questionnaires.

25 YOUTUBERS How social networks are used: Who is plugged into You Tube? Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

26 Base: 286 questionnaires. What’s particular about Youtubers?

27 Internet heavy users proportion between Youtubers is as high as between Twitters, the highest among analyzed networks. Youtubers tend to access the internet from work in the same proportion Facebookers do, only behind Twitter users. However their access from school/college is low, specially if compared to the other networks. As it noticed in other social networks, Youtubers have a high percentage of internet access from mobile devices, mainly notebooks and mobile/smartphones. *0,3% non-answered questionnaires. Base: 286 questionnaires. * Multiple Answer. Base: 286 questionnaires. ** Multiple Answer. Base: 286 questionnaires. Habits of Internet users How many hours do you use Internet per week (%)?* In which places do you usually access Internet (%)?** Which of the following devices do you usually use for accesing Internet (%)?**

28 Summary User habits in the main social networks (%):

29 Summary Users habits in the main social networks (%):

30 Mobile devices Mobiles/smartphones and tablets Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

31 The diversification of devices with access to Internet makes mobiles, netbooks and other portable devices more attractive to a wide range of interviewees and provides mobility to the internet experience.

32 *Base: 740 questionnaires. Profile About users that access Internet from mobile/smartphone: *

33 Internet Content For users that access Internet from mobile/smartphone, the most wanted content is*: From 2010 to 2011 there was a rise in the access of social networks and email from mobiles. Maps and news content became less important to those users, which could indicate a change in the user’s profile caused by the popularization of smartphones. The use of apps designed for a specific operation system shows Android’s predominance among interviewess that access the internet using mobiles/smartphones. Even though Apple’s cost of acquisition is higher in Brazil than in other countries, apps designed for its system are second in preference. Which applications are the most used?** * Multiple Answer. Base: 740 questionnaires. Mobile applications **Multiple Answer. Base: 619 questionnaires.

34 *Base: 151 questionnaires. About users that access Internet from tablet: * Profile

35 Main interestes in Social Networks For users that access Internet through tablets, the main interests in social networks are: * For tablets users, their main interests in social networks are related to professional activities as well as to publish their personal content and reading news. Tablets in people’s everyday Multiple Answer. Base: 151 questionnaires. The majority of interviewee s stated that tablet’s possibilities regarding work, mobility and access to social networks would be essencial to their everyday. In relation to the word “tablet”. Base: 1.316 questionnaires.

36 Regardless its increasing popularization, tablets are still mainly found between a higher socioeconomic market segment.

37 Consumers habits in the internet and social networks Behavioral habits in the use of Social Media by Brazilian users

38 Consumers habits Do you shop online?* Online shopping is a habit of two out of three interviewees. For people with an university degree online shopping percentage increases up to 82,0%, while among users with medium education the percentage falls to 56,3%. *Multiple answer. Base: 1.316 questionnaires. Post Purchase

39 According to Google, Internet has changed the stages in the buying process. The stage of online decision has been called Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT), related to future buyers behavior, those who search for products, reviews in the Internet, compare prices and exchange information with friends and known people before formalizing the act of buying. Our research has also found that after buying products or services users tend to publish their impressions and to expect a continuous relationship with the brand.

40 Consumers and brands relations Facebook: 74,0% “like” companies/brands fanpages 3,7% “liked” for some time, but not anymore 17,0% never “liked” a fanpage Base: 1.023 questionnaires. Multiple Answer. Base: 1.023 questionaires Twitter: 54,1% follow companies/brands profiles 6,2% followed, but not anymore 13,3% never followed a company/brand profile Base: 794 questionnaires. Multiple Answer. Base: 794 questionaires

41 Three out of four Facebook users “like” fanpages and half of Twitter users follow brands/companies profiles.

42 Monitorization and analysis of the word of mouth in Social Networks Rua Pamplona, 518 – Jardim Paulistano São Paulo, SP – Brasil – 01405-000 Fone/Fax: +55 11 2339-4928

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