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Long-Term Oceanographic Measurements in Brazil: Characteristics and Perspectives 2012 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop Rogério Candella IEAPM.

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Presentation on theme: "Long-Term Oceanographic Measurements in Brazil: Characteristics and Perspectives 2012 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop Rogério Candella IEAPM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Long-Term Oceanographic Measurements in Brazil: Characteristics and Perspectives 2012 ROMS/TOMS User Workshop Rogério Candella IEAPM

2 - PIRATA Program (Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic) - About 16 buoys in the equatorial region - In the southeastern Atlantic portion - Long time series only for sea level - One long time series for sea temperature (not collected for scientific purposes) Long-Term Oceanographic Measurements


4 Temperature of water used for cooling machinery of the Companhia Nacional de Álcalis, Arraial do Cabo, RJ



7 - Oldest station still in activity – Cananéia/SP since 1954 - Longest continuous series – Cananéia/SP from 1954 to 1995 - Improvement data quality → Progam GLOSS- Brasil Sea level measurements

8 - Currently, 17 tide stations, 11 from other institutions than the Brazilian Navy. Ilha Fiscal -From 1955 to 2007 → analogical gauge -From 2007 to now → radar based technology

9 Ilha Fiscal - 2010

10 Ponta do Céu – AP -Amazon River -Radar based gauge

11 Tide Gauge – Arraial do Cabo, RJ

12 Low Frequency Meteorological Effects – May, 2001

13 Digital Gauges - Ultrasonic - Radar


15 High Frequency Meteorological Effect – Meteotsunami September 2002

16 PNBOIA (Oceanographic Buoy National Plan) -Four (three) fixed buoys operating. -Free access to data -Two more buoys deployed (northeast coast). -Two more buoys to be launched in the next year. -Program in a very beginning stage. -Problems with depredation and logistics.

17 06 tide gauges 59 drifting buoys 08 ATLAS buoys 03 Axys 3M buoys DBCP Data Buoy Cooperation Panel ISABP International South Atlantic Buoy Program GLOSS – Global Sea Level Observing System Dirfting Buoy Moored Buoy 3M Moored Buoy ATLAS GTMBA - Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array GOSS– Sistema Global de Observação dos Oceanos







24 SIODOC Environmental Data Collection for the Defense Project -Deployment of a meteo-oceanographic buoy fully equipped. -60-m depth, in the upwelling area of Arraial do Cabo. -Free access to data


26 Conclusions -Very few long-time oceanographic series in the Western South Atlantic, turning unfeasible comparisons with climatological results from models. -Some new attempts to fill this gap, but still in early stages. -Main problems related to logistics, depredation and maintenance. -Results can be used to indicate anomalous events, which could be explained in other spatial scales, by numerical modeling.

27 Thank you for your attention

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