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Oregon Country. Lure of Oregon  American’s claim to Oregon was based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.  Oregon attracted farmers and trappers because…

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Presentation on theme: "Oregon Country. Lure of Oregon  American’s claim to Oregon was based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.  Oregon attracted farmers and trappers because…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oregon Country

2 Lure of Oregon  American’s claim to Oregon was based on the Lewis and Clark expedition.  Oregon attracted farmers and trappers because…  Fertile soil/Fur Animals  Full forests  Mild temperature/Plentiful rainfall


4 Fur Trappers in the West  The first people to travel to Oregon Country were the fur traders.  The first settlers were the Mountain Men who trapped animals and lived off the land.  Mountain Men would make small fortunes from furs they traded with Asia and Europe.  By 1830s the fur trade began to shrink because to many animals were killed.

5 Mountain Man A typical fur trader Beaver Pelts

6 Missionaries in Oregon  Settlers began to set up Missionaries in Oregon to convert Natives to Christianity.  Instead many natives died from European disease.

7 Wagon Trains West  Many farmers were attracted to the Western lands because they heard the land was fertile.  Many travelers form wagon trains and followed a route called the Oregon Trail.  The wagon trains traveled 2,000 miles on foot, which took over 5 months.

8 Conestoga Wagon Donner Pass & Cannibalism

9 Wagon Trains West  Wagoner's faced many dangers such as: Heavy Rains –Heat-Snow storms  The largest threat to Wagoner's was disease do to close living quarters. Malaria-Cholera-Lice-Scurvy-Scabies

10 Cholera Malaria

11 Competing Claims  Four Countries claimed Oregon.  U.S, Great Britain, Russia, and Spain  Natives occupied the land for years, but had no say.  Since Great Britain and U.S. had the most settlers living in the territory Spain and Russia gave up claims.

12  James K. Polk became President in 1844 and promised the U.S. would annex all of Oregon Country.  Polk wanted to avoid war with Britain and compromised on a treaty.  Both countries would cut Oregon in ½ and used the 49 th Parallel (Latitude) to divide the land.



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