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Love, STARGIRL By: Gigi Novak Rating Wikiicy-Boring.

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Presentation on theme: "Love, STARGIRL By: Gigi Novak Rating Wikiicy-Boring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Love, STARGIRL By: Gigi Novak Rating Wikiicy-Boring.

2 Title, Author etc.  Author – Jerry Spinelli  Title – Love, Stargirl  Illustrations - NONE

3 Main Characters  Stargirl, the girl who writes the letters- this book is a story of her life in Pennsylvania.  Leo, the boy that Stargirl is obsessed with- now he is away at college!  Archie, the fossil man- Stargirl’s mentor.

4 Characters  Dootsie Pringle, the 5 year ‘human bean’- She always has to be the center of attention- when she is not she becomes ‘invisible’ (closing her eyes and scrunching her face).  Betty Lou, the neighbor of the Pringles- an old lady with agoraphobia who is very gentle and kind.  Cinnamon – Stargirl’s pet rat.  Arnold, the chubby boy- he wanders around asking, “ Are you looking for me?”

5 Characters Page 2.  Grace’s Charlie- sits by his wife’s tombstone all day remembering her.  Alvina,11 year old horror- She has a thing for boys – she hates them! Any day, anytime, any chance she has to beat up a boy, she takes it.  Perry, the stealer- the boy with a whole harem of girls who still falls for Stargirl.  Margie, the lady who owns Margie’s Donut Shop – the supplier of Betty Lou’s treats.

6 Story Line  When Stargirl moves away from the Arizona Dessert, she writes a year long letter to her so called ‘boyfriend,’ Leo. She begins to question if he still loves her when he stops sending letters. She tells him about every thing and every day.  The main event in the story is The Winter Solstice Celebration.

7 Calendar Hill  Stargirl’s newest creation is a sun calendar! It records the sun’s rotation every Thursday up until the Winter Solstice. To mark this she uses white spatulas. She does this all on a hill she likes to call Calendar Hill

8 Winter Solstice  When Stargirl finishes her Calendar, she has a celebration. Almost the whole town comes to watch the first winter beam of sun.  This event was the highlight of the book- there was one big thing that you will have read to find out!

9 The End  Leo sends her a letter saying he does love her!  Stargirl’s Happy Wagon is a toy wagon that she fills up with pebbles depending on how happy she is.  Stargirl’s Happy Wagon is filled with 25 pebbles as she finishes her letter to him.

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