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Theater History. Alright now would be a good time to take notes.

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1 Theater History

2 Alright now would be a good time to take notes

3 No really, this will for sure be on a test…soon.

4 Please?

5 Medieval and Renaissance Theater “Oh, how fine it is to know a thing or two.” -Moliere

6 Classical Theater (Greek & Roman theater) in its form and function pretty much died out in the Dark Ages - Theater needed to be reinvented…

7 Medieval Theater

8 MYSTERY CIRCLES AND PAGEANTS You might want to take note of this picture as I’m pretty sure you will be doing something very similar, very soon.

9 Music: Most original Medieval dramas had a lot of music in it (Gregorian chant) some were all music Religion & Ritual: Just as in Classical Theater, Medieval Theater began in the church as ceremony - usually in the form of chanting Medieval Theater Pageant: a raised wagon platform that carried actors who were acting out a section of a story. Mystery Cycle: a group of pageant wagons put together to form a long story, usually from the Bible

10 Style: Despite their religious content these plays were performed in a lively, energetic and entertaining fashion. Often times sections of the story would be left out to make sure that the energy and life in the story would be felt throughout the performance Pageant Plays Interlude: This was a small break in the story to perform a sketch and to give the actors in the pageant a break. These interludes were wildly funny and filled with physical comedy. “Sketch vs. Skit” What’s the difference?

11 The Chester Mystery Circle (1375) Fall of Lucifer Creation and Fall Noah’s Flood Lot, Abraham, & Isaac Nativity Shepherds Three Kings Lazarus Entry into Jerusalem Betrayal of Christ Passion Crucifixion Harrowing of Hell Ressurection Ascention Heaven

12 What began as simply reciting the story turned into an exciting dramatic presentation Storytelling It was of the utmost importance not simply that the words were said - but HOW they were said Focus became on speaking skills and presentation STORYTELLING IS THE ART - VOICE IS THE TOOL Intonation - High or low sounds in the voice Articulation - How clearly you speak “DAY OF THE READER” Example Resonation - Is your voice able to be heard?

13 Renaissance Theater


15 Buildings: Ornate architecture with great columns and intricate arches and sculptures. THE RENAISSANCE THEATRE Sets & Backdrops: It was common for famous painters to come and paint sets. Raphael was said to have painted several backdrops for a production. Perspective: This was a tool used, for the first time during this time period, to indicate things that were closer and things that were further away in distance

16 A show combining music, amazing spectacle, and great elaborate sets Intermizzi Types of Renaissance Theater Mythological events portrayed in tableau Beginnings of today’s opera FIRST APPEARANCE OF TODAY’S ORCHESTRA PIT “tableau” - French for posed position “picture” Opera Seria Some spoken word - mostly music

17 Translated means “theatre of the professional artist” Commedia dell’ Arte Types of Renaissance Theater Encourages inventiveness, lightness, and is fun Dates back to 1570 Plays stock characters were well identified by their costumes, colors, and the masks they wore. Improvisation around the same general plot with stock characters but no fixed script or dialogue The word “zany” comes from this art form and is used to describe the servant characters from this genre of theater

18 Pantalone: Old man, Columbine’s father or husband Types of Commedia dell’ Arte Characters Il Dottore: Pedant, know-it-all Arlecchino: Comic servant, Columbine’s lover Il Capitano: Swash-buckling soldier, braggart Pulcinella: Comic servant, humped-back, crooked nose Columbine: Female maid servant, Arlecchino’s lover Pedrolino: Comic servant, clown Mezitino: Comic male servant Scapino: Comic male servant, crafty, quick footed Scaramuccia: Comic servant


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