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Centennial Public School March 12, 2012 Toby Boss Today’s Objectives – Discuss successes and challenges – Provide strategies for routines and engagement.

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Presentation on theme: "Centennial Public School March 12, 2012 Toby Boss Today’s Objectives – Discuss successes and challenges – Provide strategies for routines and engagement."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centennial Public School March 12, 2012 Toby Boss Today’s Objectives – Discuss successes and challenges – Provide strategies for routines and engagement – Provide iPad resources

2 Team Discussions Utilize the MRL- Strategy/Technique Implementation form for your team discussions.

3 Resources Craft Knowledge Form – fill this out as we go. The Art and Science of Teaching Graphic Centennial Wiki: Craft Knowledge Wiki: ESU 6 PD YouTube Channel:


5 Video Rounds Consider: – Affirmations: What did I see that validates what I do? – Questions: What questions did this generate about what I’m doing in my classroom? – Applications: What’s one thing I might try in my classroom?

6 Presumptions Teaching is complex The model should be “robust” enough to capture this complexity – 41 strategies Teachers need not do them all Gains are incremental - get better at a few each year Feedback using a common language of instruction is critical

7 Lesson Segments “Thin slices” of instruction – Those involving routines – Those involving content – Those enacted on the spot

8 Learning Goals and Feedback Rules and Procedures INVOLVES ROUTINES ENACTED ON THE SPOT Student Engagement High Expectations Teacher/Student Relationships Teacher/Student Relationships Adherence to Rules and Procedures Generating/ Testing Hypotheses Practicing and Deepening Interacting With New Knowledge The Art and Science of Teaching ADDRESSES CONTENT IN SPECIFIC WAYS

9 Lesson Segments Involving Routine Events Design Question #6 What will I do to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures? What do I typically do to establish and maintain classroom rules and procedures? What do I typically do to organize the physical layout of the classroom?

10 Establish Rules & Procedures Rules – Identify general expectations or standards for student behavior – “Treat others the way you would want them to treat you.” Procedures & Routines – Expectations and process for specific behaviors to realize the rules – how to assemble in three-ish groups (Marzano, 2007, p. 119) Focus Number of Effect Sizes Average Effect Size Percentile Decrease in Disruptions Design and implementation of rules and procedures in general 10-0.7628

11 If you want routines they must be explicitly taught.

12 “Most behavior problems in the classroom are caused by the teacher’s failure to teach students how to follow procedures.” (Wong & Wong, 1998) (Wong & Wong, 1998)

13 Front Load Expected Behaviors “If you want it, teach it.” Teach vs. Tell proactive vs. reactive approach student self-control vs. constant teacher control Prioritize, teach 2-3 most important per week until all have been taught (Sharer, Anastasio, & Perry, 2007, p. 47)

14 Teach Expected Behaviors: Five Steps for Getting Kids Ready 1.Brainstorm the expectations; determine and teach the content. 2.Model the behavior. 3.Practice the behavior. 4.Reinforce the behavior. 5.Re-teach the behavior. “If you want it, teach it.” (Sharer, Anastasio, & Perry, 2007, p. 47)

15 Flexible Grouping Clock Partners Base Group – Lineup Pair – Random Split Wagon Wheel

16 Things to keep in mind… If you want routines – they must be explicitly taught. Be random – avoid student choice Room arrangement – use the entire room Student arrangement – knee to knee and on same level Use a time stamp – keep it short and to the point – then move on.

17 Base Group Group that can be used to start any activity. Students should understand their base group as a routine. How to set them up: –Birthday Lineup Let’s try it

18 Clock Partners ________________ _______________ ________________ _

19 Clock Partners Cooperative learning activity/Base Group The teacher designates a time, the students meet, and share ideas on designated topic. A specific time, for example 12:00 is designated as homework partner. That clock partner is responsible for getting assignments and handouts when either is absent. For today fill in a different partner on your clock for 12:00, 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00 One appointment can be the base group

20 Pair – Random Split With students in their base group – choose one person to leave. Half the room will be moving. Make them go halfway across the room. Let’s try it – pair with your 12:00 partner

21 Pair- Random - Split Have one person leave or stay: –The (oldest, youngest) –The one closest to… –The one who traveled the (least, greatest) distance to get here –The one who got up earliest this morning –The one with the most feet in their household

22 Wagon Wheel Variation of inside/outside circle 8 chairs – 4 clustered back to back; 4 facing There will be a number of “wagon wheels” as opposed to one big circle. Rotate inside and outside circles

23 Lesson Segments Enacted on the Spot Design Question #5 What will I do to engage students? What do I typically do to notice when students are not engaged? What do I typically do to use academic games? What do I typically do to manage response rates? What do I typically do to use physical movement? What do I typically do to maintain a lively pace? What do I typically do to demonstrate intensity and enthusiasm? What do I typically do to use friendly controversy? What do I typically do to provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves? What do I typically do to present unusual or intriguing information?

24 Line Up Students line up along a continuum based on their opinion. Based on a prompt. Ours will be Reality TV – Fold the line – Split the line

25 TABOO This favorite game is a great tool for students to practice vocabulary and summarize. The object is to get someone to say the word using clues that don’t use the “taboo” words. 25 president Obama White House Republican Washington Lincoln

26 Let’s play Get with your 6:00 partner

27 TABOO Star Wars Luke Skywalker Darth Vader Yoda Movie Princess Leia

28 TABOO Abraham Lincoln Civil War President Assassination John Wilkes Boothe Ford’s Theater

29 Get One, Give One List items individually Walk around room –Find someone –Give them something off of your list –Get something from their list –If nothing new create a new item Go until you get 6 ideas Time limit 90 seconds

30 Musical Cards

31 On an index card write one of the “Craft Knowledge” strategies you like the best and a short description of that strategy.

32 Musical Cards This activity is designed to help you become familiar with several topics, not necessarily to determine a winner. Walk around the room shake hands and introduce yourself to people in the room and trade index cards. (model) When the music stops, remain with that person. Read each card and together distribute 7 points between the two cards to represent the degree to which the strategy enhances student learning. Points may awarded 7-0, 6-1, 5,2 or 4-3 Write the points awarded on the back of the card.

33 Continue Trade cards and walk around the room until the music stops again. Share the information on the cards, assign points and trade cards. After several rounds stop and add up the total number of points for each card. Cards with the highest point total do the best at meeting the desired criteria.

34 Group Password One person faces the screen or knows the word. 3-4 people face away and are trying to guess. Let’s try – I will give the category, the “clue giver” will try to get their group through the list as fast as possible. Ready?

35 Presidents Lincoln Washington Jackson Wilson Ford Carter Clinton

36 iPad Resources Features Apps

37 2-1 Activity 2 things that you learned, pondered, or thought differently about: 1 thing you will do based on this information:

38 Team Discussions What will you try in your classroom? What will we be expected to report next time? Next Session: April 20

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