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Fair Access Karen Hughman/Kimberly Martin. School Admissions Normal point of entry: First Admissions Infant-Junior Primary to Secondary.

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Presentation on theme: "Fair Access Karen Hughman/Kimberly Martin. School Admissions Normal point of entry: First Admissions Infant-Junior Primary to Secondary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fair Access Karen Hughman/Kimberly Martin

2 School Admissions Normal point of entry: First Admissions Infant-Junior Primary to Secondary

3 In Year Admissions You can apply up to 6 weeks in advance Apply directly to the admitting authority School/Academy Local Authority Check NCC website for further info Applications can be made over the telephone 01623 433499

4 Fair Access Most applications are allocated through normal processes within 20 school days Proportionally a small number are referred to Fair Access locality panels for placing This could be to a school or alt provision if appropriate Code: 3.11 There is no duty for schools and LA to comply with parental preference when allocating through the FAP

5 Fair Access Protocols Code 3.11: All admission authorities must participate in the Fair Access Protocol in order to ensure that unplaced children are allocated a school place quickly. Code 3.9: Each LA must have A Fair Access Protocol agreed with the majority of schools to ensure that unplaced children, especially the most vulnerable, are offered a place as quickly as possible. The LA must ensure that NO school, including those with available places is asked to take a disproportionate number of children with challenging behaviour.

6 Children to be included who have difficulty in securing a place 3.15 Children returning from the criminal justice system, PRU who need to be reintegrated back into education; Children out of education for 2 months or more; Children of Gypsies, Roma, Travellers, refugees and asylum seekers; Children who are homeless; Children with unsupportive family backgrounds for whom a place has not been sought; Children who are carers; Children with special educational needs, disabilities or medical conditions (but without a statement).

7 Locality Groups Bassetlaw SBAP MATE SHENK North Ashfield SBAP Gedling AAP South Broxtowe Inclusion Panel Newark Fair Access Group Rushcliffe AAP

8 Process Map IN Year application rec’d & identified as FAP by parent or team. Application sent to schools and considered within 20 school days. Offer issued for the highest possible preference. Unplaced Children The PAN for all preferences has been reached. The application was not identified as FAP but the school have good reason to believe that the request should be considered by the locality panel. Gov’s of the school refused to offer as they can demonstrate they have already admitted a higher proportion of pupils with challenging behaviour/perm ex than other schools in their locality. No school place offered after a period of more than 20 school days. Referred to Locality Panel for placing.

9 Contact ssions/changingschool / ssions/changingschool / School Admissions: 01623 433499 Appeal: 0300 500 80 80

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