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The “A” List: A Student Approach to Dispelling Common Misconceptions about College and Altering Destructive Behavioral Patterns Jelena Peric Lena Van Nimwegen.

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Presentation on theme: "The “A” List: A Student Approach to Dispelling Common Misconceptions about College and Altering Destructive Behavioral Patterns Jelena Peric Lena Van Nimwegen."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “A” List: A Student Approach to Dispelling Common Misconceptions about College and Altering Destructive Behavioral Patterns Jelena Peric Lena Van Nimwegen Karen Moses

2 Presenters Lena Van Nimwegen HCSAC Nutrition and Exercise Coordinator A List Subcommittee Co-Chair Jelena Peric HCSAC Chair Emeritus A List Subcommittee Co-Chair Karen Moses WHP Director A List Subcommittee Advisor

3 Introduction Who we are –Arizona State University –Health and Counseling Student Action Committee (HCSAC) A List Subcommittee –Arizona State University (ASU) Wellness and Health Promotion (WHP)

4 Our Inspiration: ACHA 2009 “A Strategic Plan for Health Promotion: Understanding the College Culture” –Presented by Enid Jennings and Cheryl Hug-English –University of Nevada-Reno –Most Important Point taken from this presentation – Promoting Healthy Norms on a College Campus

5 Objectives Identify the aspects of a health and wellness website that communicates the most effectively with the student population Describe the greater efficacy of a student-generated medium rather than an administrative-based medium influencing the conceptions and actions of the student body Discuss the role of collaborating with administration when creating and promoting the website and planning for its sustainability

6 The Beginning We have an idea, now what? –Formed HCSAC Subcommittee –Approached HCSAC Advisor – Dr. Allan Markus, Campus Health Director –Referred to Karen Moses, WHP Director

7 Is another website necessary? Current ASU WHP website –Purpose Relevant health information Reference list Program information For students and parents Online program access Present ASU student data to correct misperceptions and promote healthy norms –Style Professional Informational, not judgmental Conforms to institutional design standards

8 New WHP FacebookFanpage –Purpose Current information Dynamic, interactive Program information Correct misinformation –Style Casual language Informational, not judgmental Conforms somewhat to design standards Is another website necessary?

9 Is another website necessary? YES Student Developed Website – THE “A” LIST –For students, by students –Further presenting accurate social norms and dispelling misperceptions –Doesn’t have to obtain ASU approval USG Website Open and frank language/topics

10 Purpose of A List Lower the influence of peer pressure that is associated with the idea that everyone is engaging in these activities Provide specific factual data that is representative of the ASU student body Provide a series of resources and/or links to organizations that offer health and wellness related services For Students, By Students… Students at Arizona State University Football Game

11 Process: Partnerships

12 Process: Collaborating with Administration Importance of working with campus administrators Role of Students Role of Administrators Campus Health Services Building which houses Wellness and Health Promotion

13 Process: Content Development Brainstorming with subcommittee –Sections –Student input –The Student Voice

14 Process: Content Development Content areas –Alcohol –Drugs –Tobacco and Hookah –Diet and Weight Memorial Union (MU) Nutrition –Fitness and Exercise –Sexual Health STIs –Stress –Body Image

15 Process: Content Development Address misperceptions about social norms Provide applicable information Local resources Present information in an unbiased and non-judgmental manner Memorial Union Nutrition – Not all Chicken Sandwiches are Created Equal…

16 Process: Content Development Content Development Phase –Time commitment –Reliable information from credible sources –Collaborations Accountability and recognition for contributions

17 Process: Student Feedback – The Student Voice Focus Groups –Institutional Review Board (IRB) process –Planning and Organizing the Focus Groups Timing Incentives Leading the focus groups Audio taping –Evaluations of content ASU Students Showing School Pride

18 Process: Student Feedback – The Student Voice Helpful feedback –Non-judgmental information –Different perspective –Format –Language choices –Applicable –Different reactions to information –REFERENCES!

19 Challenges Initial decision-making process about another website –Supplemental, congruent, and taking a collaborative approach

20 Challenges Challenges with Partnerships –USG involvement Challenges with the timeline –Time consuming process –Establishing a timeline Arizona State University’s Tempe Campus

21 Outcomes: Promotion and Official Launch WHP, HCSAC, USG collaborative promotion –Fall Welcome –Passport to ASU –Booths, tabeling, strategic marketing –Targeting incoming freshmen –Include all 4 campuses

22 Outcomes: Further Evaluation Continued promotion throughout Fall 2010 semester Evaluation Surveys near end of Fall 2010 semester Promoting healthier lifestyle and not website Palm Walk: Common Place for Promotional Activities

23 Questions?

24 Contact Us! If you would like more information or updates on our progress, please feel free to contact us! –Jelena Peric –Lena Van Nimwegen –Karen Moses

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