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Responding to our Community's Needs: Cuyahoga Community College and Rotterdam Academy...A Comparison Karen Miller, Vice President for Enrollment & Student.

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Presentation on theme: "Responding to our Community's Needs: Cuyahoga Community College and Rotterdam Academy...A Comparison Karen Miller, Vice President for Enrollment & Student."— Presentation transcript:

1 Responding to our Community's Needs: Cuyahoga Community College and Rotterdam Academy...A Comparison Karen Miller, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Affairs, Cuyahoga Community College Roland van der Poel, Dean SCHE programs, Rotterdam University

2 Cuyahoga Community College Cleveland, Ohio USA Responding to our Community's Needs

3 Tri-C is Ohio's oldest and second largest community college, opening in 1963 as a single metropolitan campus; now a four-campus college The College serves more than 55,000 credit and non-credit students annually through traditional classroom and online courses 65% place in to pre-college English; 93% place in to pre-college math More than 800,000 area residents have attended Tri-C County levy-funding, state-funding, tuition - $97.88 per credit hour More than 140 career/technical programs and liberal arts programs; 600 non-credit workforce and professional development courses

4 Responding to our Community's Needs Rotterdam Academy Rotterdam, The Netherlands

5 Responding to our Community's Needs Who? What? Associate degree programs (SCHE) Why? Raise, Need, and Reduce Rotterdam Academy

6 Responding to our Community's Needs Rotterdam Academy Student & Academic Profile Intermediate Vocational Education (MBO) Higher Education (HBO) Program, students, teachers, field of activity competencies

7 Cuyahoga Community College & Rotterdam Academy Challenges/Obstacles to Success: 1. Funding 2. Business & Industry 3. Students 4. Completion Responding to our Community's Needs

8 Lessons Learned Responding to our Community's Needs


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